(Essential resources for the ultra short pragmatic and analytic versions)

Anil Mitra © May 18, 2019—July 19, 2019



Website resources

Readings on meditation



Website resources

1.     The Way of Being website (opens in a new tab or window);
( 2019-site/).

2.     A source for doubt—the way of being.html;
( 2019-site/the way of being.html).

3.     A source for concepts—concepts-details.html;
( 2019-site/concepts-details.html).

4.     A source for a system of human knowledge, reason, practice, and action.html (opens in a new window);
( World and Being/realization/being-elements/2010/2011-2012 jib in-process/second production/1/detail/pocket manual print/paradigms/collapse/topic and concept files/system of human knowledge, reason, practice, and action.html).

5.     The pragmatic version of the essay;
( 2019-site/very short essay-pragmatic version.html).

6.     The analytic version of the essay;
( 2019-site/very short essay-analytic version.html).

7.     An essential version of the essay; 2019-site/the essential way.html.
Abridged print version with focus on Being; 2019-site/the essential way.pdf.

8.     Template—outline—for a comprehensive essay that includes foundation and application for Being and knowledge, especially philosophy and science: template outline ( 2019-site/the way - template outline.html).

Readings on meditation

Yoga—by yoga I understand a system that integrates cognition, insight, emotion, body, and experience that is always experimental with regard to means and ends.. That is, there is no final expertise in yoga but ongoing experiment and reflection in relation to fundamental purpose.

Meditation—a part of yoga, is also experimental. It is not only an exercise or a practice (e.g. of contact with the real) but, in action, brings one back in the moment to the small and large essentials requiring attention—it is a practice in avoiding ruts.

Some readings on yoga and meditation

Pema Chödrön: How to Meditate

Chagdud Tulku: Gates to Buddhist Practice

The Bhagavad-Gita

Traveler Ian Baker: The Heart of the World on the idea of Beyul or nature journey for insight into self or Atman and world or Brahman

Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and Charles A. Moore: A Sourcebook in Indian Philosophy.