August 30, 2019




Site 2020

Later, “in the world”





1.     Principles—(i) aims: realize the ultimate, share-publish-make imperative without persuasion, (ii) reason as self contained, and (iii) t > d & b > u, (iv) design > plan

2.     Effective planning—(i) continue to review, (ii) minimize planning


1.     Aim of site > how to make site appeal > main pages needed > secondary pages

2.     Site and page templates-use, adapt existing site, pages

3.     Essays and writing-three main pieces to be established and refined in the world: a long essay, a short essay, and resources. In detail:

(i)                a long essay based in the long outline (to be refined for ‘logic’, ‘flow’, and content and supplemented by main content templates—e.g., free will—and snippets—e.g., realization template outline)

(ii)           short essay (and the essential way.htmlcombine with and/or eliminate: the essential way-supplement.html and the essential way-outline.html and philosophical dictionary.html, and

(iii)      essential resources (and related documents—sources-detail.html, web resources: resources.html, main influences.html)

The approach to this will be

(i)                Make a single long outline in which will be nested the short outline with essential concepts.

(ii)           The single outline will be formatted to be collapsible to (a) emerging levels and (b) alternate emphases—e.g., foundation vs action vs general.

(iii)      There will be an introduction that will also serve the purpose of preface. It will explain the non-usual nature of the work.

(iv)           Write the short version.

(v)                Write the long version, discarding the documents under the three main pieces above.

Site 2020

Minimal—just a main page that is (a) descriptive of the essential idea and (b) a detailed outline of ‘A Journey in Being’.

This will be the basis of the future main work and brief-essential version.

Later, “in the world”

1.     For the website (The Way of Being) main page, find a simple way to make the link to the current active page link bold without going to a new page.

2.     Review, minimize, edit the documents on essays.html

3.     Add search.

4.     Add links to web resources.html

5.     Skill development—improve my web development abilities (html5, CSS, collapsible text-outline, latex, web programming JavaScript, c++, online-cloud editing).


Previous2017 version: essays.html and 2013 version: index.html, especially: canonical dilemmas.html, fresh.html, my journey.html, system of human knowledge, reason, practice, and action.html, the way - world problems and opportunities.html (with main source in Journey in Being-detail.html), the way of being - essential version.html; and—secondarily: document and database design.html, world and experience.html, conceptual outline-essential.html (exhaustive version of 2018), main influences.html, concepts.html (detailed), History of western philosophy.html