


1. Accessible, 2. Suggestive, 3. Appeal, 4. Covering


Evolution, Design and the Absolute

it includes four main overriding themes of the fundamental work and process

Other implied ideas are:

Some Further Name Concepts for Evolution, Design and the Absolute

Name and Concept Possibilities

From Web site names


Concept [plural and variants not shown]




Documents Used

Old Version of B.E.; J 97 1, 2, 3; J 93, J 94 1, 2; J 96; [web] site names; Evolution and Design Title Possibilities



1. Accessible, 2. Suggestive, 3. Appeal, 4. Covering


Evolution, Design and the Absolute a good name for the main work that continues Evolution and Design and expresses my thought and being, my attempt to encompass all being…

[--------It is my attempt… And if I do claim, some success, that would be after labor, adventure and reflection. The wrong with the claim would be [wonderful] error, not arrogance - I have and will have lived and loved the process… "many tributaries make the river" - my journey is one of many and the differences -mine/others'- are contingent. error would be a flood reduced to a trickle, a tragedy not a mistake or wrong… Wonderful Error - for which I have and will have experienced labor and inertia, action and thought, courage and fear, joy and loneliness, doubt and despair and also wonder, thrill and dawn, dusk and deep night experience… and unfolding of being, of design, and of being in the absolute. --------]

it includes four main overriding themes of the fundamental work and process

1.    The Temporal

the here - now, finite, many. These are included in the idea of Evolution which, projected to the cosmos, may the most universal concept of the temporal - inclusive of indeterminism (and dynamics) for

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are part of evolution. The finite as indeterminate. Process determinism is a sub-case of indeterminism; and cyclicity (and hyper-cyclicity) is included - cosmos includes universes of universes, eternities of eternities.

2.    The Absolute

the atemporal, all, one, infinite and zero, eternal, being B that is and knows All … All, infinite as determinate.

3.    Their Relation

the give and take, the unity and the unities of and among the temporal and the absolute and their idea. Chimera and chameleon. Apparent and real. Illusion and reality.

4.    Design

the idea of intelligence in evolution… And Design as evolution, Design as pervasive, Design as being of and as the [a] sign of the absolute. And:

Other implied ideas are:

Design as the particular human process, theoretical, practical and applied. Grounding in the symbolic, social, biological, and physical and so in the primal, universal and absolute.

Geneticism - evolution and design projected to the universe of universes of kinds and existents: the unity  beings with common origins. Explanatory power of genetic principles: common origins with continuity and internal causation

Eternalism. Though some things have common but local - and, perhaps, temporal origins - and some things are temporal… The All, the absolute, is eternal without alpha or omega. This includes geneticism as a local sub-principle. And, it implies an alternate direct mode of understanding, science but not dogma.

Some Further Name Concepts for Evolution, Design and the Absolute

Evolution, Being and the Absolute; Or, Being, Evolution and the Absolute; or, Being, Design, Evolution and the Absolute… and many permutations.

Choice, play, rhythm, dance, unity, whole, knowledge (organic), form, synthesis

Application in knowledge: philosophy, nature of language and knowledge, synthesis of worldviews

Applications to world: social design, civilization

The Temporal and the Absolute; Evolution and Design; being and Being

The Moment and the Eternal; One and Many; The Finite and the Infinite

Determinism and Indeterminism - Determinism - the realm of the Absolute; Indeterminism - the process of Evolution and Becoming

Design and Determinism. Determinism designates the absolute.  The absolute who knows and is all is “deterministic”.  But the process by which finite beings approach that absolute state (and the $ of those processes and that state are considered and may be asserted) is inexorably and irrevocably indeterministic (and anti-Fundamentalist – Fundamentalist = The Kingdom shall come…)

Evolution and Idealism. This idea certainly to be incorporated.

The Concept of Universal Studies… Needs an alternative name; has origins in the idea of philosophy, but an objective is to avoid the original and the modern limitations of philosophy; Includes the foregoing generalizing ideas in Evolution and Design…

The Concept…All modes of Being-Relationship-Process… or Being-Meaning-Action; all modes of subject and object…

…Includes philosophy but goes beyond philosophy; and beyond ideas to exploration that includes ideas

…Against insidious socio-cultural doctrines (whether explicit or implicit): materialism, behaviorism, absolute idealism, and so on

…Chides “philosophers” (professional or otherwise – but especially academics and other salary-dependent persons)… for giving into power… for not upholding the balanced view… for sensationalism… for obsequious fawning at the feet of the scientific “model” (and lesser evils… “cultural” and “modern” and "post mythic”) … for pining after the womb when in fear of cold reality… for abandoning both speculation and criticism… for neglecting to do or be acquainted with true science, true humanities, true being while fawning and aping… for abandoning: grounding… ontological neutrality… metaphysical wholeness… and the true dimensions of their own culture and its shadow.

Name and Concept Possibilities

Approaches: reference and scope; purposes; [my] motivation; origin in my exploration, my life and studies of world and learning

Ideas: 1. Autobiographical, Historical, and World Elements; 2. Nature of Authors, Texts in the context of world, history, the absolute; 3. Being; its modes; space, time; knowing; being-power-will; 4. Process; determinism, stability and the absolute; indeterminism and originality; determinism and indeterminism results in creation of stable, existent, new forms; 5. Being, Process and Relationship; 6. Design and Knowledge; Philosophy and the Origin of Philosophy; and 8. The Absolute

From Web site names


0, 1, A, Basic, First, I, Infinite, Infinity, Limitless, One, The, Unlimited

Concept [plural and variants not shown]

0, 1, A, Absolute, Action, Anil, Basic, Being, Blue, Brain, Computer, Consciousness, Consultant, Corporation, Dark, Design, Discover, Elements, Enterprise, Evolution, First, Group, Horizon, I, Incorporated, Infinite, Infinity, Intentionality, Knowledge, Learn, Life, Light, Limitless, Machine, Meaning, Mind, Mitra, One, Personal, Philosophy, Possibility, Presence, Relationship, Research, Shadow, Sky, Social, Story, The, Thinking, Time, Universal, Universe, Unknown, Unlimited, World


Action, Enterprise, Group, Research


Corp, Group, Inc