Main Issue

Assumptions made uncritically

Because its safe; because I do not have to experience the entire range of emotions

Main Example

My present life situation. This is hardly an “example” – it’s the whole enchilada

Other examples – selected to show the pervasion of the process

Note: I am not dedicated to showing the pervasion and so if the examples below are just stories or argue against the pervasion etc. that is just fine. It is the perceptive approach.

This whole thing about it being politically correct for “minorities” to be bigoted.

How I decide what to pay attention to in the cultural world. Say, for example, Derrida. I read something, something is interesting, something a distortion, something a manipulation, something merely ego, something intelligent, something stupid. An impression is formed. An exclamation mark, a question mark, a + sign and a “–” sign  are attached to Derrida. I read a criticism that effects the weights attached to the !?+ – signs. Someone says the French have abandoned Derrida to the attic; he is admired in America. Why? Some kind of fascination with a pseudo-analysis and pseudo-playfulness with words – the appearance of intellect and penetration? The “–” grows. Some writers remain in limbo, some become a !+, others a !–. Once relegated to !– it is going to take a lot for that writer to climb out of the hole. Why? Its partly a disgust thing. Partly, its practical. With so much information, choice is necessary. There’s a million things out there, I want to be open to the unknown, to learning. I have a matrix of information sources all interlinked and evaluated, tentatively, and the matrix affects what I see, experience, read, think and live which in turn affect the matrix.

November 16, 2001 – in counseling. The way in which I react to the criticism, the “challenge.”

Response 1. Emotion

No question that there is an issue of how I deal with, experience or do not experience, accept “the entire range of emotions.” An ongoing issue in my life.

Bringing up this vital question, dealing is important and that is why I come to counseling. So, precisely, what the hell to do?


In the moment with people.

“Life choices”

Response 2. My present life

This is big.

The idea that my assumptions are held “uncritically” is absolutely wrong. Before explaining let me agree, though, that that does not mean the “assumptions” are valid. I can criticize and question all I want but I could be still avoiding, being safe. And, my assumptions could be valid and I could still have this emotional issue. This could be and is all true. But how to view my present life is not only in these generalities but also in the details.

First. I have criticized my assumptions many times. More, than most I do expose my assumptions to scrutiny of others and receive advice and criticism from them. I do not dwell in my criticism every day and there is no need to.