
This e-mail may be unusual but it is [I hope] well intentioned. I did a search of the AOL member directory for females who are interested in hiking and philosophy. These are two of my interests/passions. A problem I have had with girl friends in the past is that we may get along wonderfully in many ways and they may be great people but my commitment to my ideals and interests got in the way.

So, anyway, I am looking for friends with similar interests.

I am interested in correspondence. If you would like to learn something about me visit http://www.horizons-2000.org - a website that I author and maintain. The site is rather complex in some ways, but I am quite simple and human. I have training as an engineer and I am very good at that but enjoy my current work as a care-giver in an inpatient psychiatric unit in Northern California.

Well... may be you will respond to this message. If you do, or if you do not... I wish you well and thank you for reading this.

Take care,