Subj: Update on Carissa
Date: 00-09-25 00:13:10 EDT
From: KTopham
To: Anilmitra

-- [ From: Keith L. Topham, Jr. * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

Carissa called me last Sunday night (9/17/00) to ask me to wire her $150 to get home. I wired the money the next morning to an individual, Christina, whose name was given to me by Carissa. The go-between was needed because Carissa had no identification to use to pick up the money. Also, she would not tell me where she was--not even which state.

Carissa arrived home Wednesday morning (9/20). She told me Christina had loaned her an extra $30. Carissa and her boyfriend, Lindsay, had gone to Plano, TX, in August. Later in August, they took a bus from Plano to Orlando, FL, from where Carissa returned this week. Somewhere (in Austin or Plano), they sold the car Lindsay had bought with Carissa's money.

Carissa expressed some interest in getting a job. However, when I offered to help her replace her Social Security card by driving her to that office on Thursday (9/21) and by helping to ID her, she refused.

Carissa worked in both Plano and Orlando, but not for long at any one job because she lacked identification (all forms lost, one by one). I found a pawn slip in her luggage showing Lindsay had hocked her stereo in Orlando. Another troubling item I noticed in her luggage is a printout of the U.S. criminal code regarding interstate extradition.

I was able to locate Christina and called her today (9/24). She confirmed that Carissa owes her $30; this I will send to her. Christina said it was Carissa who wanted to go back to Austin. What I did not know that Christina told me is that Lindsay also rode the bus back to Austin with Carissa. This is not good. Carissa told me she left Lindsay in Orlando.

I have seen very little of Carissa since she returned to Austin. She stayed home only her first night back. I have no idea where she is staying.

I checked on a couple of her legal cases this week. Travis County Court is going to fine her $1000 for truancy (I suppose this is $500 for her and $500 for me). She was supposed to report to County Court 8/29/00. I had written a letter to the Court explaining that she had run away and I did not know where she was. I guess they want me to pay $1000 regardless of the circumstances.

Carissa was supposed to report to Austin Municipal Court this Thursday (9/21) for her curfew violation and lying to a police officer three months ago. She refused even to call the Court. They informed me Friday (9/22) that they would issue an arrest warrant for her.

Carissa does not know that I have been in touch with Christina, nor does she know about the disposition of the two legal cases (that I know of) against her. There is still an ongoing investigation (theft by check, forgery, organized crime & racketeering) regarding Lindsay and Carissa; two people have been arrested so far. Also, I think there will be more hot check and possibly credit card fraud charges brought against her.

So it goes.