K Topham: Hi Anil! Are you in a hurry to get to work?
Anilmitra: No, not yet.
K Topham: I have meant to update you. The old psychological report on Carissa, which I will locate and send you, is not too urgent at this point. Carissa ran away 2 1/2 weeks ago and we have had little contact with her since then.
Anilmitra: Does little mean "none" or "not much"... and if not much, then what? What is Beverly's response?
K Topham: Carissa is with her boyfriend, age 19. He is an ex-con whose parole was revoked. He was to report back to jail, but was a no show. There are several felony arrest warrants out on him. She is in hiding with him.
Anilmitra: What is she trying to do? Will there be charges against her?
Anilmitra: How worried are you and Beverly?
K Topham: In the past 2 1/2 weeks, I saw less than 3 minutes late July 16, when she picked up a few things from the house. I locked Carissa out of the house during the day because she and her boyfriend, Lindsey, would hide there during the day. She and Lindsey, broke into my house on July 10, 11, and 14, and tried to break in in July 12, but were noticed by neighbors.
K Topham: Lindsey and cohorts raised over $5000 in June for a cocaine deal. Carissa helped pass some of the bad checks to raise the money. Since then, he has stolen credit cards and more checks. Carissa is no longer showing up at her part-time job.
K Topham: Lindsey and Carissa were spotted in a pickup truck (not his car) by police around 3:30 a.m. on July 20. However, they escaped. Lindsey brandished what was assumed to be a weapon, so is considered armed.
Anilmitra: "This does not sound good" is an understatement, but there is not much else that can think of saying. Except, of course, that I feel for all involved [except the boyfriend]. I would like to continue to receive updates even if brief. Have the authorities been in touch with you?
K Topham: Louis is pretty concerned about Carissa. Beverly wants periodic updates, but sometimes she is "too busy" for me to talk very much about it.
Anilmitra: I am getting the feeling that there may not be much that anyone can do [you, Beverly, Louis or I] unless Carissa should, having worked through whatever the issues are, become open to change.
K Topham: I have had contact with a detective, a patrol officer, and a district rep for the county, as well as several detectives with the city. There a check theft/forgery/passing cases, burglary, and drug possession cases in progress, along with the runaway case.
Anilmitra: I was not suggesting that there would be an intention to work through issues. And, I'm assuming that part of the working through would be jail.
K Topham: The boyfriend needs to be caught w/o respect to Carissa's involvement. It is of course up to Carissa how she chooses to live her life. I hope that she will come to understand that her current lifestyle is not want she wants her future to be.
Anilmitra: Does not sound that Beverly is too concerned. Still, I hope you all are coping with the situation.
K Topham: I do not know what criminal charges Carissa will face. As of now, she is merely a runaway and would be returned to my home if caught. She needs additional consequences, the sooner the better, so that she can set [better] goals for her future.
K Topham: It is hard to sleep at night not knowing where Carissa is or what she is doing. I am concerned about the cocaine use and about the results of a high-speed chase or even a shoot-out. Lindsey will not surrender.
Anilmitra: I should go soon. Is there anything else that I should know, now. I have a picture of Carissa and b/f showing up on my doorstep - just a thought not an expectation. Thank you for keeping me posted. All of your concerns are concerns. Please contact me any time. My phone if you don't have it is 707 822 8305.
K Topham: Louis and I plan to go in person the the County Sheriff's office Wed. to see if more progress can be made that way and over the phone. More later.