Tuesday, July 31, 2001

Anil Mitra

2534 Old Arcata Road

Bayside, CA 95524

825 0658


Dear Jessie,

I want you to know that I miss you and love you… I wanted to say “farewell” earlier but it was a stressful time.

It was stressful for your mom, too. It was hard on both of us especially because we had a lot of hope for each other. We were both each other’s best love in a long time. We tried. Maybe I did not try hard enough. It’s sad. Your mom and I still have love for each other. I haven’t lost hope altogether – even though your mom is seeing someone else. Probably, we’ll end up being good friends. But, for a relationship, a number of things would need to be different and I need and want to get on with my life – and enjoy what I do have. I’m not against having a girl-friend but I’m not looking for one either. I want to heal first. I’m not sure I’m that strong or that it has anything to do with strength.

Right now I want to work on my projects – to refine my ideas and their presentation on the Internet. Next, I want to look for something else to do with my life – that would probably be a job in another place because Humboldt county does not have the kinds of jobs I want. Maybe it does and I do not know it or maybe I could create the job I want here. I do not want to leave but I do think I could love and enjoy other places.

I hope everything turns out well for you… you are talented, motivated and will be successful at what you want. Of course you are beautiful and get along well with people. I hope you have lots of love and friendship in your life. I know friendship comes easily to you and I hope love does too.

I wish we had gotten to know each other better. I’m usually shy around people who are important to me. I did enjoy our times together.

That does not mean we’ll never see each other; farewell does not have to be farewell forever. If you need anything [help in physics next school year…] I’d like to help if I can. And you are welcome to visit.

I’ll end with love,