borderline personality disorder

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Borderline Personality Disorder

The borderline personality disorder affects 2% of the population and one in five are admitted to psychiatric units in the U.S. One in every 10 people with this disorder will die by suicide.

Many mental health professionals still believe the myth that the BPD is not only untreatable but that borderlines are manipulative. Neither are true. Borderlines are many times hard to treat in therapy due to the fact that the BPD is a medical disorder, not a psychological disorder. It is common for many mental health professionals to blame the victim for the failure of therapy.

Professionals who are educated about the borderline personality disorder all agree that the name should be changed as it does in no way describe this neurological disorder. It was once thought that the disorder bordered between neurosis and psychosis. Thus came the inappropriate name. 

Some believe the BPD to be a true personality disorder acquired from childhood trauma. Research is not supporting this theory. It can be better described as a "disorder of emotion regulation" as coined by Dr. Marsha Linehan.

The BPD is a medical disorder which can be treated with medications to reduce the symptoms. In fact, research is showing that unless we treat the brain first with medication, therapy is useless. As with a diabetic, you cannot talk to diabetes.

The etiology (cause) of the borderline disorder is still unknown. However more and more research has discovered it to be highly genetic. Mothers who have the BPD are five times more likely to give birth to a child with this disorder, compared to a mother without the BPD.

Research has also shown that if you take that child away from the mother with this neurological disorder at birth and is raised in a healthy home, that child will still suffer from the borderline disorder.

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Featured Book  Just out! (3/31)

Second Edition of "Lost in the Mirror: An Inside Look at Borderline Personality Disorder" by Richard Moskovitz M.D.

Dr. Moskovitz says "Lost in the Mirror explores the origins of Borderline Personality Disorder and offers its sufferers a framework for beginning to heal. While the first edition focused on the dynamics of the psychotherapeutic relationship that underlies all good treatment, this edition elaborates on the kinds of psychotherapy that are practiced today. It describes mainstream approaches, such as psychoanalytic psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, and behavior therapy, as well as innovative treatments, such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)...

Since Lost in the Mirror was first written, there have been significant changes in the biological approaches to relieving emotional pain. New generations of drugs have been developed, many of which work better, faster, and with fewer side effects than their predecessors. Psychiatrists have become more adept at combining medications and blending their effects in order to bring more complete relief of symptoms. A revised Chapter 15 includes up-to-date information about the drug treatment of BPD-related symptoms.

For those of you who are new to Lost in the Mirror, I welcome you to learn about what it feels like to live with this painful condition. For those who have returned to learn more, I invite you to explore the most recent innovations in pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments and to explore the abundant resources now available for continuing your education about Borderline Personality Disorder."

New Book Out!

Understanding the Borderline Mother: Helping Her Children Transcend the Intense, Unpredictable, and Volatile Relationship: Not recommended for consumers who are not far into recovery. Helpful for the children. "I bought the book for my daughter but decided to read it myself and I am finding that I can only read small sections at a time and only when I am feeling good. I do go over parts of it with my daughter to get her insight on things and it is truly amazing how much of this book does sound like me. 

I guess I am still looking for validation in some way about being BPD. It is a very helpful book and does point out things that we can do differently with our children but I really don't recommended it to someone just starting out in therapy or to someone who is going through a setback. When the setbacks happen I put the book down and it does take a while for me to pick it back up again. I am not sure if some of the reading has triggered me. I do highly recommend the book to those who are well into recovery." Maureen

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All material not explicitly credited otherwise is Copyright © 1996 - 2001, Patty Pheil M.S.W. All Rights Reserved. It may not be duplicated without the permission from the authors.

Ask the Experts

Ask the Dr., Paul Markovitz M.D., Ph.D.
Therapist Archives:  Author, Paul Mason M.S., C.P.C.


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Last Updated:  06/03/01


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"Life at the Border," a Weekly Chat Support Group for those with the BPD, will be meeting here at the Sanctuary on Saturdays. You will need to sign up. More info...


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  mental health,Paul Markovitz,Patty Pheil

BPD News

"NIMH-funded neuroscience research is revealing brain mechanisms underlying the impulsively, mood instability, aggression, anger, and negative emotion seen in BPD. Studies suggest that people ..." More info.

BPD Research Foundation "By 2003 a breakthrough in diagnostic and therapeutic approaches is expected from this joint effort of leading research centers in the world."

Ongoing research: Can Naltrexone Reduce Repetitive Self-Injurious Behavior? More Info...

Online Dialectical Behavior Therapy Training Now Available

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