
My stuff: what to do with it; what do I need; store


Dear Marta; I want and need to tell you why I need to move out; but, first something that is “romantic” but true: You know that I love you and will always love you; I love you so much; if I have failed in love with you it is not because of lack of desire; and, if I have not done what you wanted, it is usually that I did not know how; I am so sorry that I said things that hurt you; I did not say those things to hurt; whatever I said was thought through although the pressure of the situation led to them being not said in the best way; I hesitated; I said them to see what the problems might be – and then work on them; if we have hurt each other it is because we loved and wanted love; I will always love you, find you beautiful and sexy but way more than just that; now something that is painful but true: I love you, need you and care for you – and that combination makes it impossible to bear; when I think of my pain I say “I can bear this” but when I think of your pain my mind does not rest, cannot find a stable place, would rather not think or feel or be at all; and to find that acceptable my mind has to accept “bi-stability” so that although one state is a state of unremitting pain the other can be one of rest and perception; I must work on the ego strength to integrate the states and part of that is just going through the process and not aborting it; so the decision to move – it is not entirely a “decision” if that is something calculated by, e.g., listing positives and negatives; but here are some ingredients; first, for some time I have not been able to do what I need to do – work on my project, work on what I need to do next – there are a number of reasons for this but one of them is that as long as I am here a large portion of my energy wants to make things between us better – and to survive emotionally, another reason is the focus required by my journey; and, Joan and Gil have both offered me a place when I said we had broken up but they may need to rent soon, and once the students start to come back finding a place will be very hard; second, abortion of my self-integration is not healthy for me; third, I feel for all the reasons stated below, including healing, that moving will give us the best chance at real love; we will be friends; we will be excellent friends – not just friends; we will care for each other; I want you to be 92 and I want to know you then; there is a special place for you in my heart; always; fourth, this house is a lovely house in a lovely location [could do better] but it is not the right house for us; fifth, I am lonely here and I can tolerate that loneliness for your sake, for ours too but not at what have become costs to my ambition, my project, and my self – I will be lonely living elsewhere but I think I will then begin to heal; here I am not healing; for that, I need my own place; I will miss you I already miss you, you are so beautiful in so many ways and one thing about which I could feel “justified” anger is that you think I do not think you are sexy even though I understand your feeling; what went wrong in our relationship? – in one way, that is going to be difficult to know because its complex and our pain is going to be looking for explanations to make the pain go away; the pain includes fear of loss not only of the other person but of oneself; but in another way it is not hard to understand – two people came together with love in their hearts and hope in their eyes, and they were people whose love wanted to grow and fly but whose insecurities and past pain bounced back and forth between them… and we are trained to find reasons “you did or did not…”; what of the future?; writing this I feel the pain acutely, I am reminded of all the places that I could have done or behaved differently but do not know that I truly could have at the time; it sometimes seems futile to want to think of “again”; but then I am reminded of something, the stress of the relationship is part of what made us, finally, seek help; that help gave you energy and confidence and the strength to “break up”, to face the pain – I think you always had the strength; there is a comparison to when people on antidepressants sometimes get the courage to commit suicide; so, in one way its, maybe, like “relationship suicide”: what could be the first step is the last step; sex, what went wrong here? – I said above and before that I never stopped thinking of you as sexy, but here are some thoughts – I’ve said that sex has gone downhill only in those relationships in which sex itself was a focus of conflict, probably I felt criticized, and here’s more: You said something about Viagra lasting 8 hours, Here’s the problem; it is not just getting erections and maintaining them; it is how much do I feel – fire in the loins; that has, also, to do with neurotransmitters [in the following, “neurotransmitters”, “negative self-image”,… may be thought of as being used metaphorically] etc. and testosterone; and if testosterone, dopamine and other neurotransmitters are low the passion, the physical feeling – fire in the loins – are less; sometimes when I come [orgasm] it feels weak and weird; those are plain facts; here’s speculation: if there were more feeling I might be able to overcome the “negative self-image etc.”, the “pressure of my project, time in nature” aspects; or if the negative image were solved; possibly then I would overcome both the negative self-image issue and the need for focus and commitment to my project, my ambition… How and why could it have been different?; here is my outlook from thinking and from what Dody said; I’m talking about myself but what I say might also apply to you and to our relationship; I have mentioned that I have been thinking that I have been depressed, somewhat, all my life – many clues but it is hard to realize because I have never known anything different and I have known much enjoyment and happiness; but then I question the style of the happiness and what it took to be happy – a lot of energy just coping with the need to cope; and so on; the outlook is this:; based on the interview, it is likely that I was born serotonin deficient, that people like that can be “ok” if growing up in a nurturing environment but I had a rather harsh environment; this seems to confirm, concretely, what I have been thinking; so, the solution – build up serotonin with Prozac [and, she suggested also exercise, diet, sunlight] and another main ingredient – counseling; the purpose of the counseling is to make me “whole” – that’s my word, not hers; something interesting that helps confirm “depression”: Dody asked whether there was a history of depression in my family; I mentioned my uncle who committed suicide, my grandfather who did not seem like a happy man, my mother – almost always happy and why? Anyway she had some somatic thing going on – would become ill whenever my dad would go on a trip but the somatic thing was hidden from me, somehow as the “chosen” son, she always wanted me to think she was happy and bright; but the main focus was my dad – except for occasional moping, he did not have classic depression but I mentioned that he was almost always angry [I mentioned how, as an example, running water over the toothpaste on my toothbrush evoked rage – so much anger over such a trivial thing just shows how ever-present it was; never knowing when anger would descend; how anger was part of how he faced the world] or “bragging” [extreme, chronic, and often exaggerated or even lying] and Dody explained that the anger was likely depression or a way of dealing with depression; the serotonin will give me strength to have a positive self-image and energy and not have to compensate but the counseling will help to actually develop the positive; that whole explanation has to be simpler than reality but it’s a working position from which to start – and can be improved in follow up; perhaps that would give me the strength, centeredness or whatever to face life and relationships without my energy being drained into some kind of compensation for my negative self-image; Dody seemed to see a relation between serotonin and self-image; I am not completely sure that “negative self-image” – Dody did not say negative but I’m comfortable with the idea – is correct but it is becoming clear to me that I am doing an awful lot of compensating in many situations – work, relationship and family, attitude to life; maybe that explanation is wrong and I am severely screwed up and nothing will help much, maybe I do not have a problem at all or maybe I am exaggerating my problem due to the shock and disappointment at our relationship; but, it seems reasonable at a gut level and the words are ways of expressing; and I want to explore; so far, its “all in my head” the Prozac has not begun to work and Dody’s idea is “begin low, go slow”; how much counseling? I am not sure but currently the focus is definite objectives and a time frame; so, back to the future: I am your best friend; I love you; can we be together again?; I would truly like that but is it a good idea?; well I think if I heal and am stronger; when I say heal I do not mean from “us” but from what I was before; and, is there anything you can do?; you’ve often said there might be but you have a “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” attitude; I hesitate, out of respect, to “suggest” anything; but love [for you and me] makes me say this – it seems as though Effexor is a first step and there could be further steps, perhaps counseling; its possible that this could help you; I do not know for sure, as far as I know Dody suggested counseling for me and not you; but, it might be worth while most importantly just for your self, and then for the parts of your life including relationships…; you are my most beautiful, lovely, sexy girl