Is REMICADE Right for You? Crohn's disease is an autoimmune condition that affects the digestive tract. Research has shown that in Crohn's disease, the body is overproducing a substance known as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha). REMICADE® (infliximab) works by neutralizing the biologic activity of this substance, which is an important cause of the inflammation processes of Crohn's disease. Because REMICADE neutralizes the TNF-alpha, patients may experience a reduction in their signs and symptoms of Crohn's disease. Your doctor may decide that REMICADE is an appropriate treatment option for you. Although results may vary, a single REMICADE infusion has been shown to reduce the signs and symptoms of Crohn's disease in patients with moderately to severely active Crohn's disease who have not responded well to conventional therapy. When given as a three-infusion course of therapy, REMICADE is also indicated for treatment of patients with fistulizing Crohn's disease for the reduction in the number of draining fistula(s). The efficacy and safety for the use of REMICADE beyond the recommended duration has not been established. REMICADE is NOT a cure for Crohn's disease. But for many patients, it can lessen the impact of Crohn's disease and help them return to a more normal, active life. There are reports of serious infections, including sepsis and tuberculosis, that may be life- threatening. So, if you are prone to or have a history of infections, currently have one, or develop one while taking REMICADE, tell your doctor right away. Also tell your doctor before beginning treatment if you have had recent close contact with, or if you have had past exposure to people with tuberculosis, or if you have any other reason to believe you may be at risk. There are also reports of serious infusion reactions with hives, difficulty breathing, and low blood pressure. If you have a de-myelinating disease such as multiple sclerosis, tell your doctor before you are treated. In rare cases, people with de-myelinating disease who were treated with REMICADE have seen their symptoms intensify. Up to one in four people experienced the following side effects in clinical studies: upper respiratory infections, headache, cough, sinusitis, nausea or mild reactions to the infusion such as rash or itchy skin.