

Trip: weekend



Work on positives not just problems.

My issues are simple. Have my issues respected. Problems that are due to the interaction should be so recognized – that is a base for good problem solving. Focus on positive and negative; don’t rush into judgment. I accept my responsibility. I want us to be “happy”. It is easy for me to be happy in very simple ways in a relationship.

Eggshells – some.

“This is hard on me.” I.e. back and forth. Wondering where its going. Wonderful one day and then…

Sleeping together is very important to us.

I may be mistaken but I think you sometimes misinterpret and over-react. I think this may be due to some kind of phobia – perhaps abandonment phobia. Medication could help with that, with panic, with depression, with sleep, and with social phobia. Long term, examination of suppressed issues might help – possibly with counseling. Yes, there is a reason for suppression – it helps survival but not necessarily happiness. What is suppressed comes out in other ways – flashbacks in ptsd…

I am not thinking or suggesting that I have no responsibility in the problems Slow to respond, way of expressing anger, taking what you do personally… I want to be open to your input and needs/wants. And I am not thinking that you getting un-depressed or whatever will make everything all better. I want you to be happy in yourself. The strength to make it better or let go. But I do think that there is something better than just letting go – an open ended friendship, relationship – don’t jump to conclusions about what that means… it means whatever you and I want it to mean and that has not even yet come into being. I love you.

Perhaps we both have issues with intimacy. What is it – partly it is what we want it to be. Comfort with shared boundaries. That could help with sex. And with exposing fears, so helping solve problems and being better to ourselves together and in our own lives.


I think you are sometimes blind to what you do including how you express defenses. And so, sometimes, when I accept the boundary you think I am withdrawing. Sometimes it is plain and simple accepting the boundary but sometimes it may be “over-sensitivity”.

There are behaviors that hurt – are difficult to bear. Public flirting and negative comments. The ambivalence. All this has been there from the beginning.

The day I moved into 1617 something changed. Why? Need for space, need for a goal, that its “your” house and not ours? Perhaps not being in each others space all the time would improve when we are in each other’s space. There are all kinds of different living situations. With intelligence we could find something that would not compromise your good current situation.

Old – but relevant

Some scheduling so together and apart requirements are met.

Love, mutual respect - overcome “-” … face W together

My ambitions remain. I still want to share my "project" – how can this be done? What things of yours can we share? Experiments. What makes love good is “not only gazing into each others eyes, but also gazing out onto the world together.”

We should plan some adventures together. I wonder if the way we live can be an adventure. How?

I do want you to know I love you, find you lovely and sexy… and any problem may be more about me -can't be more specific unless we are talking about a specific problem- than about you. I just do want to say that I always find you beautiful

Our goals = yours and mine?

Dryer - washer


Love: get high together

Live together: I want to love you forever. I know you are the most wonderful person that could be in my life and I will love you forever. What I mean is that I want to be with you forever.

At the end of every reflection… I want to say: bullshit to all this, I love you anyway.