A.       Document Status ¨ this document is no longer needed for the Journey in Being, but review may be useful for other relationships and how I deal with them

B.       Some general points added later, Aug 2001. ¨ The unfairness is pervasive – one set of criteria for you another for me: pushing away, then angry; letting anger get in the way of explanations, refusing to listen, charging off, withdrawing and then saying “you’re wrong because you didn’t say that the first time;” undermining me at work and then criticizing me for the views you encourage; expecting the mhw to immediately obey but retaining the freedom of your judgment in relation to your supervisors, doctors etc., pushing me away and then saying “why don’t you touch me;” pushing me away when I eat you and then saying “why don’t you do that anymore;” getting angry at suggestions for sex because you think it does not value you without asking why the suggestion and whether its foreplay or what; risky driving is ok for you and then getting angry at the reverse; and lying about the fact that you are a safe driver when there are other people in the car – you believe you should do that but don’t; you want to be honest in what you say about others but then get upset when they are honest or don’t want to be cajoled into saying what you want them to say; not coming downstairs at your house [1617 L Street] even when I ask you to then complaining that we don’t sleep together; not following through on ordering a sex product that you said you would and then getting upset, withdrawing when I didn’t use one one time; giving me a letter of complaint and saying its too late, too late to do anything, don’t do anything, then getting upset when I didn’t; ¨ extreme anger, energy trying to prove you are right, I’m wrong ¨ you have proven you can’t be trusted – every major promise broken, many statements about the way you are not true “oh I just need praise once in a while,” “I don’t care if I never have sex,” [Jan 2000,] saying you want to spend a long time with me, having sex and saying you love it and hooking up with John just 5 days later… Oh! John’s different… maybe, but that does not change your behavior with me and if I made you insecure you could have said that… but, I bet the moment he does not satisfy you’re thinking I’m out of here except that you’re scared to be alone

C.       [To Marta, July 2001] You push me away. And its not just when I want to eat you. Its also when I want to touch your breasts and when I want to touch your pussy with my fingers. And you are even ambivalent about me eating you. Sometimes you like it - perhaps even while it is a problem. I have told you this over and over and over. And you don't seem to hear. The pushing away is not only just for sex. You are ambivalent about everything. I know now that sometimes when you get angry or just leave… you were asking for something; I wish I could have realized that – even intellectually; all the time you were asking me to touch you it did not sound like that; and since January you have been saying that we were as good as broken up, it was over, but at the same time you were in fact hoping… but, despite tears, it did not seem like you were hoping – you would say “I am done crying”; I now realize you really did not mean it was over until you announced in May [the 16th] “its over”; and even then I think you were open; I now realize all this – too late I suppose; but even now, I might understand it intellectually but it would be hard to understand in my heart what you are asking for when it sounds like something else.

D.       Non-sexual things I experience as pushing. Flirting, putting me down in public including behind my back – others have asked me “what was that about”; putting me down in private just because you somehow feel “less” or something; especially in relation to my project; and that puzzles me that you should feel that way because I truly think you are smart; and whatever you have said, while you were thinking you were stupid or something, I was thinking you were smart; for example the thing about choice; although I don’t agree with your view your arguments for it were excellent – in fact the standard arguments that people have come up with; I think you must have a self-image problem; this sometimes borders on paranoia; I truly think counseling / medication would help. Sabotaging attempts to communicate, resolve. “Running” away; running away is sabotage even if its not intended to be; and running away, leaving, is said to be harder to deal with than directly abusive behavior. I said somewhere that you never really demanded sex, you asked nicely; you may have been feeling you were demanding. However, when things went wrong you associated anger with sex; getting pissed off. Many times. I can’t remember exactly when this started but it was probably April 2000. Not being expressive about sexual needs in the moment – and then complaining. Not having a relationship routine – some routine does not mean all routine and with some routine the gain is much better than the small loss in spontaneity; not contributing to housework and similar stuff; not helping with housework and related things are not pushing – I did not mind them in themselves – I truly enjoyed doing stuff for you / for the relationship; but your doing them would have made for something and counterbalanced the pushing. Most of the things mentioned in this paper; not planning or committing; saying you don’t plan when you do; the change in your behavior when I moved into your house; part of that might be I entered your space “the lionesses den” the place where you go when you need renewal; the place where you are “yourself”; but it may have felt to you this is my temple that Anil has entered and that could be true despite your being comfortable with my presence; also not being hospitable to my friends was not exactly a pushing but it was not a bonding; being or acting like you are unaware of your own actions and contributions; “abandoning” me for other people – the only ones I care for are Ellen and Berry, some others I experience as “gross” – its true I feel that and am apologetic about that feeling because they have seemed good to/for you; I’m truly sorry you did not get what you wanted in our relationship; I hope you don’t get hurt in your new circumstances; I still love you so much that if someone hurts you I’ll get pissed; a pissed Anil – cold anger which you have not seen not hot which you have seen is not something you have not seen someone wants; I don’t mean temper tantrum I mean pissed; its not something I have often and I do not have it now; oh shit, oh shit, oh shit – I hurt, I miss you despite all the bullshit, all the pain, and want you back even though its stupid, I miss shape of head, I miss your pussy, tummy, pubes, arms, lovely legs, asshole with bird’s beak, hearing “I love you, Anil”, I miss your being pissed – no I don’t – yes I do – no I don’t – but I do want you; that’s what all this anger thing, fault thing, blame thing, rationalizing thing is all fucking about, I want, I want, I want; and if we were to ever get back I will experience all this stuff as pushing – unless you truly loved me and showed that: love would cure; you’d have to have a number of good showers though. Talking somewhat elliptically because I do not want to be explicit.

E.        You don't hear. You interpret. You once said that is all there is - interpretation. That's not true. Even if its true its not true. How? After the interpretation, you can look again to see if its true. Or, you can ask for a clarification. Then you interpret again - that's reinterpretation! So there's your first interpretation and there's reinterpretation. But, I guess that for you what I said is not true is true because you have a tendency to immediately be sure you know what I mean and then stick to that and refuse to change sometimes getting extremely angry if I tell you that your reading of what I said is incorrect. So, there’s a backlog – a mountain – of stuff that never happened that is between you and reality. Oftentimes I agree with you just temporarily to see what point is being made. Often a complaint remains unresolved because, as is natural in talking, we go on to something else – but then because it was not resolved you believe you are correct in knowing what I meant or what “really” happened. This and a lot else is explained by “its all about me.” Even when you say “I don’t know what you think.” Its going to be confusing if you think everything I say or think is about you.

F.        The result of all this? We never got around, I think, to dealing with the truth of some key areas that were vital to our relationship. We were dealing with action, reaction. It amounts to sabotage – not necessarily conscious or intentional.

G.       You’re unfair. The point is not that life is supposed to be fair but some fairness in areas of difference is needed for any workable, good relationship. When you went away on a weekend and then came back a day early you did not contact me for a whole day. When I did the same thing for two days… and, somehow you totally discounted that the first thing I did after I did a little unpacking and showered was go over to your house and knock on the door. You said you could never trust me again; you were incredibly angry. And you wonder why something changed. Tell the truth don’t you have a destructive pattern then blame the other person… so you can go from relationship to relationship never getting anything real, fully real and continue to think “O, its not my fault except that I choose the wrong type. I choose the unavailable” – forget that you make yourself difficult to approach. I know that if someone did to me what I did to you I would not react the way you did – yes I would be upset and hurt. How do I know? Because its happened to me. Once was for a week or more and did not even tell me where she went; and the second was you! I did not lose trust over that. You were extremely upset when I skinny dipped even though there was nothing sexual etc. When have you ever considered not flirting when you know it hurt me? There are more examples but I am tired of thinking of them.

H.       You forget that you are not very expressive and expect the other person to do all the expression - especially sex… and get pissed when they didn’t do what you did even less.

I.        Details: Thinking about your complaints [on the mattress on the kitchen floor] – “if you love me you’d touch me even if it did not turn you on.” This ignores your own ambivalence about sex. In the beginning, “I don’t care if I never have sex again”, later pushing away so much and not just in one way and what is that if it isn’t ambivalence. So you had a reason… but “if you loved me” or yourself you wouldn’t have done that. And, I do want to do things to you; but the conflict is not that you threw a fit or pressured but the real conflict for me, I admit this, is my own pressures of my own life and "ego" - dealing with harshness. But this all forgets that you did and do turn me on and its not a lack of that but, I feel, repeated pushing away that made me hesitant. I used a cage analogy – its not a good one. So when you say the only time I have sex is when you ask or throw a fit… that’s true but not because you did not turn me on. Ask me anytime to have sex… and I will and not just because you ask but because I assume that when you ask there will not necessarily be pushing away. And, there’s one more thing that is different now. Where, before I saw pushing away, I now know that its not truly rejection but an expression of your own “insecurities” [quotes because I’m not sure it’s the right word.] The other complaint on the mattress – I blocked your flow with a trivial aside. I understand your feeling but that was your feeling and not what I did. And I try but you are really easy to hurt. I love and want your flow. “No asides” - no that is not human; I do not want to walk on eggshells. I once said you need someone your age… but I now think its not that but you need someone more conservative especially in sex. You want to be free, but for your security you need your b/f to be conservative. ¨ When you go on the attack – a backlog. 1. Facts get changed or forgotten, examples above. 2. You insist you know what I thought and meant – what is that about? 3. You do attack. But the following is intolerable: 4. Sabotage attempts to focus on what is really happening – even focus on just feelings; I think all sabotage, much of the anger is a defense against facing yourself and how you treat others in relationships. 5. Hit and run. No I don’t want all that whatever the reason, and no I don’t accept “you asked” as an justification for being destructive. And when you do attack there is such a backlog of complaints we’ll never know what is real – see item A, above. ¨ You said you’ve done much more than I’ve done. Not true. Then you say what I did didn’t count. You forget that you reject what I did that might have counted according to you. I do believe, though, that you have done and tried much. ¨ The house is OK for 3 months, but as a place to be together its all wrong. The dungeon is dank and freezing – what a place to make love. You walked away from the “headache from the icky pill encounter” in a freezing room… not knowing that I am always up for pills and love: warm mornings / light rooms. Other things about the house… And, something changed when I moved in – your initiative went [way?] down. ¨ After months of rejection, anger, walking away, passion gets clouded by uncertainty. In my heart you are still my most beautiful sexy girl… I want to be yours forever. At the same time I am truly afraid that if we continued… we would severely mess each other up. I think we can both use counseling. What would happen at the end of that? At least the strength and vision to face reality. ¨ You say “I don’t plan”, “I don’t commit” – but you plan and commit all the time. But not for who counts most. A relationship is commitment. OK, what about day to day? Surely, I can and have been [very] flexible. But… here’s a solution. In a relationship you spend some time together – have a fraction of that time committed, say 1/5. Then 4/5 of the time you’re still free. But 1/5 you are not. That’s not a real sacrifice – even if it feels like one. And the payoff is better than the sacrifice it feels like. The relationship becomes real. And, you stand to gain real good time, fun. So, sure committing 100% of togetherness time is weird, relationships should be flexible – more flexible than work – but… zero commitments? ¨ You make things impossible… who are you going to enjoy? You said I did not keep my commitment to not drink on some occasion. The only time I committed – and that’s different than you thinking something I said for myself is a commitment to you – was at Pinewood Cove and even then there was confusion about what was the drinking evening. According to your standards everyone is immoral. I feel a need to say something about honesty. Its purposes include trust and it requires that one search ones hidden motives because it includes giving the truth and not just telling the truth. Another example of impossibility. You criticize my driving. You said I exceed the speed limit and other complaints. When we were coming back from a vacation you drove 65/55 all the time; you justified going fast on a slick, muddy road with “thrills are fun” – no problem with the speed or, really, with the “fun”. But then you are totally inconsistent, demanding a behavior that you don’t give; and regardless of whether that’s wrong, its impossible. ¨ You’ve minimized me / us. It’s not an ego thing, my ego can handle it. But it is a destructive thing; when you minimize others you minimize relationships and yourself and wanting a good relationship is inconsistent with that.

J.        So, then what? It seems that there’s such a backlog of issues, nothing could ever work. I don’t agree with that. Firstly, there is potential. Second, there is love. And, I think the solution is simple. The solution is not resolve all the issues I brought up and other ones that you may have and that could be brought up. The solution is dealing with how we relate. Obviously, since our efforts failed, outside help [counseling for us together] would help. I also think counseling for you would help [I’m doing that now, myself.]

K.       I no longer feel “betrayal”. I felt that partly because you said you were not looking for another b/f; five days before you said – [7/15] after work – you had a crush on someone we had enjoyed sex; you said with passion “I hope we can be together – for a very long time.” Probably not an exact quote. Regardless, I allowed myself to have hope. Then you said one morning you said you had been through so much you would not mind if you died. That was hard for me and somehow that was mixed into my general emotional state at the time. I was staying an extra month to help out; we had acknowledged that we were laying the basis for a good friendship. The feeling of betrayal was the loss of hope; and I mistakenly placed the responsibility for that loss on you. But I have resolved that mistake.

L.        I need to say something about your complaints about me at work. I am not saying that there are no faults. You said I’m passive-aggressive with authority. What is true is that I never have had a problem with competent authority. But authority that is not competent or just applied because it can be applied and not because it is necessary is something I have never been good at. In some ways this is a fault but in other ways it is a good thing because it can make some things better. Are some examples needed? The first one is being given contradictory “orders” by different charge nurses at the same time – especially when the supervisor is not working because then its not clear who is really in charge but even when the supervisor is working because then someone is going to get pissed; this one is a frequent complaint by Mhw’s and most just live with it; I’m sorry but I don’t; also when one nurse gives a non-essential order [one not involving health, safety or money] to a Mhw who is already doing numerous things; and then gets pissed when the already time-stressed Mhw does not jump. The thing about putting sodas in the fridge, Gazella asked me to do that and I said to her that so many times the patient does not, then, get the soda at all even when discharged, Lisa gave the opinion “the sodas should be in the frig” but I disagree and she does not make policy, and unless the patient is the kind who asks for their sodas it’s a choice between a warm soda or no soda and, besides, if the soda is warm it does not take too long to become cold; and, in any case, what Gazella could/should have done would be to say, either, “that’s OK” or “sodas must be put in the frig” nurses have the right to question Doctors and Mhw’s have the right to question nurses and Doctors; and its then up to whoever is in charge to take command and not be quiet. So many times I have heard nurses make disparaging remarks about the Mhw role, even you and Greg sitting at the nursing station where all can hear – I’m not saying this to complain but to show that you have a built in attitude of expecting Mhw’s to jump even though you mostly behave otherwise; and its probably that you only have a transference [etc.] reaction at times; it is still true that you have never approached me with a problem to discuss calmly, and rationally – rationally means expecting to hear what the other says and that they may have good points. And, you have to agree – well you do not have to agree but I think its true that you are not cool with challenges and see simple things as challenges even though you try to portray something else. True, I am somewhat challenging. Someone said something about my being someone’s favorite; someone else said something about my education; but the personality you see now was there even when I was six and my Dad was a large 220 lb angry threatening man; and you could say that that formed my personality; in way; but it was already there to some extent because it did not affect my brother the same way; and its still true that in many ways I’m one of the best team players that we have especially when safety and so on are of concern. And, as you know from personal experience, when there’s no money to be earned no coworkers or supervisors to impress you are the one who is reactionary and totally lazy and not contributing to the common work. Another example of incompetent leadership, not yours, but when nurses – especially Gazella – want us to force a patient to stay in the seclusion room unlocked. That is illegal and therefore exposes us to a number of problems beyond the obvious that someone can complain; also, if someone is hurt it exposes the facility to lawsuits because we were doing something illegal; and it does expose other people to being hurt; so I don’t plan to be part of forcing a patient to stay in the room without locking when staff and patient are subject to injure. I am just stating this as one example; there are many, many examples of bad leadership and that is very hard for me to live with. I don’t think I’ve challenged something from Amy or Cindy but then I don’t remember when I was given a conflicting order and I know that they can accept when I say I have a problem, especially Cindy. I have a time problem. When I “make an appointment with myself”, an example would be to go to a movie I am always late and that is not passive-aggressive but time unawareness. Its not even unawareness but poor perception because I’m aware and I think “Oh, I have 30 minutes left so I can do this and that and that” when I do not have the time but I think I do. If I’m relaxed I can manage the time but I allow myself to get into pressure. And no matter how much I resolve to change I creep back. I suppose a military crack down might change me and that might not be bad. Anyway the time thing affects two things – getting to work on time and rounds. Now one might imagine that the charge nurses would take people’s strengths into account when making assignments but, no, it does not seem to occur to anyone… or we have to be scrupulously fair. That someone could do rounds, meals and more back when there was only one mental health worker is irrelevant. I’m sure I could compensate by doing linen always and something else. Anyway, fire me or get off my back. Next, a rather serious complaint. You said that other Mhw’s complain, but it also seems from what people have told me that you complain about me in public and when I was not there – that is unprofessional if forgivable since you were my girl friend and therefore also subject to stress. But its still unprofessional and can be seen as encouraging other people especially mhw’s to complain perhaps more than they should. It is easy for an unhappy person to want to complain and encouragement helps. There are all sorts of reasons why people might exaggerate complaints and your job as CN is to neither exaggerate nor minimize. But, since you have 301.83 characteristics, you tend to see things black and white and to paranoid interpretations. The fact that you are usually able to keep your feelings under tabs is amazing and to your credit. I’m never saying that I don’t have faults. That’s human nature. But it’s 301.83 nature to blame the other. Your paranoia, and other 301.83 tendencies make for a minimization of your faults and exaggeration of the other’s and near impossibility of resolution. One of your great talents is appearing pretty, while making the other look like an asshole. As I said you’re lucky I love you, that I have a conscience and that I’m not manipulative and that I’ve never been under extreme duress. The closer you are the harder is resolution. I know you well, probably better than anyone in some ways. Probably, Jay and I have known you. And, in our own ways loved you. And in this way I feel a brotherhood with him but of course in no way do I condone his behavior and in no way do I wish him upon you. Good and evil can coexist and it did in him. It does in me except you will probably never see that. My evil would come out if someone harmed someone I loved – my brother, you, my daughter; or perhaps under extreme duress. I’m glad that in my relationship with you I never came close to that duress. In some ways I have taken advantage, no point elaborating I’m sure we could do that and that needs to change, I agree. In defense I could only say that I intended no harm; but that does not make it right it just makes it not viciously wrong. Why did you not encourage others to talk to me; and why did you not yourself? True, I can be resistant, but my claim is that you did not try. I have not and will never make a real complaint without talking to the person. You stated two examples of complaints. I think its relevant that the two examples, the ones sticking strongly in your mind, are, even by your admission not good ones. Its typical that you then say, “I don’t want to discuss this anymore”. Hit and run. How far can you run when you don’t even need to. Its sad that probably an abusive boyfriend can handle you. One had to do with helping a patient make a phone call – you asked me to do that. Gail, the other RN that evening, at the same time felt that another patient was an MAB risk and wanted to pay attention to that and had specifically asked me to help. I know you felt that that patient was not a risk. But I’m sure that there was a chance of an assault and besides, I was given contradictory requests by two RNs and chose what seemed to me to be the higher priority – safety. So, even though you were stressed, its an example of poor leadership. The second example was when you asked me something about some patients property. I did nothing and continued to eat. Actually, my first response before you asked me to do anything and before I knew you were involved was “why is the patient asking for property and consistently at the nursing station at 11 pm?” You did not like my saying that, but it’s a natural thing to say and everyone does it. Of course there are exceptions, that’s what makes the unit a better place that we consider people’s needs rather than rigidly applying “rules.” But I did not know that you were doing that and that patient had been difficult all shift long. Anyway by the time you asked me to do something you were already stressed and I think I was already a little confused, partly because I was not sure that you were asking me to do anything and partly because I thought that the item of property [was it a cough drop?] did not exist. That was the night you were bitching downstairs in front of everyone and Jose asked me “what was that about.” Anyway that’s what may happen when you just get pissed off, like you do with machines, like you do with people at Taco Bell, like you do when someone says something and you misinterpret and then insist on the interpretation. So anyway, no doubt you have a million other examples, but the two you chose are not examples of anything except, perhaps, examples of poor leadership. Generally, I think your CN skills are great. So, you’re stressed working with me; I was stressed working with you; why is it that throughout much of our relationship I experienced your somewhat poor sexual and other boundaries with other staff – male and female. If I were not in a relation with you it would not matter – it would seem rather cute. It is rather cute, and even more – I admire your skill with people even though it sometimes involves poor boundaries. As Gazella says of people – their strengths are their weaknesses. But, for me it was incredibly stressful at times; sometimes when you were messing with Janine I did not feel like facing any of “you” – Janine, you, Greg, and Renee. What’s the point to all this besides blowing off steam. First, you said “it’s not the home relationship that’s affecting work but the other way around.” Now that I think about it, I don’t agree. The total relationship, largely, the stress from home affected our interactions and so our work interactions and so how you felt at work. It was a cycle. Second, I admit to my faults but also to your contribution. Consider yourself lucky that I’m not manipulative.

M.      In the last paragraph I was emphasizing your contribution. I do not want to minimize mine and so I mentioned my contribution. But since you have so ably emphasized mine I thought that I should emphasize yours. I hope you never read this. I love you. I know that if we spent time together, at home, we could overcome our problems. Towards the end, I noticed that some things were beginning to iron out. Our rough edges were beginning to fit. From my example, you were, I think, beginning to feel that doing house work was not only not grungy but part of team work and making a better relationship. There were signs that sex might get better again. There were signs that things would work. I think you know this and I think you also know that I was at least ½ responsible. Even at work it is recognized that I am good at mediation. My second greatest critic, Jannee, said that; she also added that I can be very nurturing when I choose to be. That is an interesting way of putting it. But this stuff was beginning to come out. Its unfortunate that you and “” got together because, long term, I think we had a better chance of a good relationship for both of us. We’ll see. But, if not for you, its certainly a tragedy for me. I still feel loyal to you but I’m determined to get over the loyalty but not the love. Anyway, I hope you never read this, because the problems are not problems and would only become problems if you or someone begins to do so at work. Then I might need to speak out on my own behalf.

N.       Here I’m probably repeating – that’s because this letter was not written at once, and what I’m repeating is to pull some threads together. Your behavior changed the day I started living at 1617 L Street. Does that remind you of anyone – your mother’s behavior with men? Additionally, the situation was rigged to be difficult for us. Originally, the idea was to stay for three months – not really a trial. Then the frigid room downstairs – not an ideal room for love. I remember the night you left. I think I’ve discussed the Viagra thing elsewhere: when I said I did not take it I meant only that night. That kind of thing and there is a trillion never gets resolved when someone takes off instead of staying and dealing. Anyway, if the room were warm – I recall that even with the heater on it stayed cold, we could have been there without covers and done things like massages. And that can lead to anything. But no, frigid room and take off don’t deal with feelings. Many situations like that: problem, but don’t deal just leave, never resolve, forget your contribution, blame the other person. And, later, sabotage attempts to resolve. And its ludicrous that you keep/kept pointing to the “letter” as telling me, begging me to love you [I wish I had despite pushing] when you never even gave me the letter and I only discover when its too late. Its weird to live in a house where no one lives in the main bedroom – and pay rent. I really never minded that fact, I adore Jessie, [I also adore you in lots of ways even though I’m pissed – humor, keen mind, good with people, lovely figure, lovely little tits and why can’t you accept that they’re lovely?], and I did not really think at the time about the contribution of the situation but it did contribute. Anyway, for the situation to have been a trial, it should not have been the three month deal where I’m thinking I have to complete so much work in that period and probably it should have been in a new place. Now that you have moved out we know that would have been a good idea. Of course we could not predict that you would need to move.

O.       Having bitched, I realize: I still love you very much. I can forgive everything. There is nothing to really forgive; I can accept of what I complain; but it makes it difficult. But, reason says, though I love you and can forgive, a relationship with you, since we failed, would require counseling and reasons to trust.