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Regardless – I care and love for you


The condition will progress – “old”

My own disappointment

Not giving you what you want

The pressures of my own life

Alienating behaviors

Resistance and withdrawal – I understand this differently now

Different rules

A day

Today my strength and sense of being returned and centered. I know I love, want and care for you and only you… It is warm and the trail is steep and uphill. I climbed 2500 feet –not much by standards –but good enough for me… and I feel energy. I could go on but I stay at the Middle Fork of Rattlesnake Creek to appreciate the place. I feel present. The light, the warmth, the blue sky, the cool breezes, the crystal pools… my mood needs no explanation. Yesterday I saw no sense to life.

I can try to stay in the Arcata area, try to get work. There are phases of the project to work on. At the rate I’m going I probably will not get out of the area before next summer… unless I see no way out, and to experiment. But I need progress, exercise and diversion. I must avoid too much alcohol to conserve resources. I think we need a combination of structure and spontaneity. We need planning to meet mutual needs. Planning need not be concrete, and can flex to the situation. If the future does meet the plan the plan can meet the future.

Long term: how to formulate our issues.

Economic status is important… for the freedoms that we want.

Chaos2: chaos about whether is an issue.

The year

To f/u, find god/devil, nothingness…