Anil Mitra

945 Mad River Road

Arcata, CA 95521

July 28, 2000

Sally Austin

A & B Property Management

822 G Street Suite 7                                                            cc. Marseille Spetz, Susan Twomey

Dear Sally:

Enclosed, you will find the August rent for $300 on 945 Mad River Road.

I had mentioned in a phone message that I had been thinking of giving notice that I would be moving out of 945 Mad River Road. I emphasized that the recent changes with regard to management of the property are not the reason for this but, rather, I am contemplating changes in my life -looking for a new job and perhaps moving away from Humboldt County- and moving out is part of that change. I have been very comfortable living out here on Mad River Road and I am thinking that I should move closer to town, temporarily, as a preliminary to a more permanent move.

I have an upcoming vacation September 5 to October 4 and have been thinking of a schedule for moving that would be convenient for myself and the owners and management. I am going to make some proposals below but unless these are acceptable to you, please consider that this letter gives notice that I will vacate my current living site by August 31, midnight.

First, I propose that you allow a brief negotiation period  next week -I will be leaving town Thursday, August 3- so that, as an alternative to 30 days notice, and to allow discussion, a somewhat reduced notice of, say 20 days be acceptable to you. I have offers from friends of two places to rent starting September 1. I can also use a few days to see if the applicable parts of the following alternative are acceptable to them.

Second, I request that we have an agreement on the schedule for increasing the rent.

My third suggestion is that you could use the major part of the month of September for repairs. Since I would be out of town most of that time this would be convenient for me and for repair personnel. I would come back to town for brief periods and it would be acceptable if there were no running water. I would pay reduced rent for September -say $200- as I would not have full service and otherwise you might face having to do repairs without any tenants; therefore, this would be convenient for all of us.

Finally, after I come back on October 4, I would continue to stay at 945 Mad River Road and pay rent until I move. The latest date at which I would vacate would be October 31. I might vacate at some earlier date to be negotiated, likely October 15 or so and, in that case, rent -$300 per month or an agreed upon increased figure- would be pro-rated. Additionally, if services are reduced, the pro-rated rent would be further reduced.

That concludes my set of proposals for vacating my current living premises that, hopefully, would be convenient for management and myself.

I want to emphasize again that, although the changes in property management may affect the timing somewhat, my intent to leave is the inevitable result of plans for my life that have been in place for a number of years. I hope to continue to maintain cordial relations with the owners of the property and also, and especially, with Marseille Spetz.


Anil Mitra