Anil Mitra

945 Mad River Road

707 822 8305

Wednesday, April 18, 2001

Suggestion for a Meeting

Susan Twomey [969 Mad River Road] and I [Anil Mitra, 945 Mad River Road] discussed our concerns about the change in management of our rented homes on Mad River Road. We do not have consistent information on the status of the change. A second concern is that we would like to know in advance the intentions concerning these homes so that we can make appropriate plans: should we plan on continued rental or would we need to find alternative housing? Additionally, we have a long standing personal relationship with Marseille Spetz and want to respect this relationship. At the same time we see that Marseille Spetz's children have valid concerns about the economics and long term viability of the property. We therefore felt that a meeting with all people concerned would be a good way to satisfy, as best as possible, all interests. We approached Marseille[1] with the idea of setting up a meeting among Celeste and Kevin, Marseille, Susan and myself. The purposes of the meeting would be:

1.       To respect all parties and interests.

As noted above we wish to respect our long standing relationship with Marseille and also with Kevin and Celeste. Regardless of the outcome it is in the mutual interest to work together, have agreement, be aware of one anothers intentions, and continue to maintain personal relationships.

2.       For Susan and myself to be aware of short and long term plans for the property - to the extent that we may be affected.

While we have appreciated the personal relationship that has formed the basis of rental we are aware of various needs for change. We need to know how we may be affected -including rent and lease- so that we can make appropriate plans. If it is consistent with our needs we would like to continue renting and to facilitate maintenance needs of the houses. We feel that a meeting would be good for all concerned.

945 Mad River Road: Repairs Needed

§         Yard maintenance including a two foot boundary between property and overgrowth.

§         Paint for the outside and inside of the house.

§         Plumbing: ongoing leaks due to old plumbing affect maintenance and power consumption by the water heater. There is a pool under the house which means that repairs must wait till I can be away from the property for a few days.

§         Drains from roof in disrepair.

§         Front storage unit in disrepair from winter storms.

§         Leaking from roof during winter storms.

§         Calking to windows in sun room is becoming stripped due to weathering.

§         Floor boards, especially around the sun room, are rotting.

§         Holes in walls permit rats and mice to enter the house. There is damage to personal property including electrical wiring to a personal computer, occasionally to clothing items. There is nesting and possible damage to in-wall electrical wiring.

§         The water heater frequently develops leaks probably due to buildup of rust, occasional power outages, consequent malfunction of the thermostat and resultant pressure buildup and escape valve release. This has rendered the downstairs bedroom unfit for living -pending heater repair or replacement- and puts tenants at risk for safety and property damage.

§         The leaking over the years has resulted in stripping of floor tiling.

§         The cost of drinking water runs about $30.00 a month. The rust and sulfur in the water stain shower curtains, towels, sinks, toilet bowl and bathtub. Guests who have unwittingly drunk the tap water have complained of  consequent gastric distress. This situation could be remedied by installing a filter. This could be cost effective over the years due to diminished costs from rust in toilet appliances and plumbing. Power outages, frequent during winter storms, result in loss of water supply for hours to days at a time.

§         The wall in the loft has a large gap in it.

§         Some people find the ladder to the loft to be unsafe. A number of tenants over the years have slipped and fallen.

§         Door to sun room has collapsed, is unusable, lets rain water leak in, and provides no protection against potential intruders. Front door gouged in, needs replacement.

§         Burners and reflectors to oven need replacement.

§         This list of repairs is very extensive and yet, lacking full inspection, is probably incomplete. It will be useful to have a thorough professional inspection of the house done.

[1] Marseille mentioned a concern of Celeste that I may have an additional renter. I have no renter and accept no money from anyone for use of my rented house. The car parked in front of my house two to three days a week belongs to my girl friend who has her own home in Eureka.