Journey objectives and itinerary
Vacation September—October 2008



Retreat | health-finance | get a grip—overcome my fear-inertia | get placed

Transformation for my life, death and journey in being


Refine goals on the fly… lookup inspirational sources, maps… may change everything


Health, strength, into nature

Project 1.   Hike, food, sleep; adjust / minimize for maximum openness and health.
Everyday. Meditation, alertness, aerobic, flexibility, responses, balance, kinesthetic precision

Fundamentals-life and death

Journey in being—ideas-experiments

Project 2.   Experiments. Ideas from manuscripts

Project 3.   Ideas. Logic as perception—i.e. part of perception. Since symbol is at least potential perception, Logic is perception. What is desired, however, is (a) direct or at least more direct perception and (b) a simpler / perceptual proof of the existence of the Void andor fundamental principle. Approach. Just as the absolute Objects are an abstract and therefore empirical shell of perception, so Logic is the irreducible shell of Laws (perhaps reason) outside which Law cannot have reference—i.e., be empirical

Optional projects

Project 4.   America / world / phase 3—action

Project 5.   Reflect on phase 4. Theory, design, simulation, construction of a variety of being—physical, psychological, social, technological

Placement—work, fundamental

People and places—enjoyment and placement


About two weeks—start ~ September 9-18

Health, strength, lovely places, into nature, ideas and experiments, reflect on objectives above


Known. Hobo—Papoose; Stuart Fork—Alpine, Sapphire; Long Canyon—Deer Creek Lake; Canyon Creek—Canyon Creek Lakes, El Lake, Mt. Hilton

Have copies of description. Mavis, Fox Creek, and Virginia Lakes—beautiful, relatively easy, not crowded; Long Gulch and Trail Gulch Lakes—both beautiful with cirque, 4 and 8.5 mi, respectively, hard hike, Trail Gulch is less visited and its cirque has 7617' Deadman Peak; Hidden Lake, easy, 0.9mi hike

Also. Swift Creek, Boulder Lake, Coffee Creek trailheads—and hikes

And. Mountain Lakes Wilderness, Rt. 40 out of Medford—Como, Harriet Lakes

And. Other wilderness


~One week—start ~ September 28-October 1

Exploring, and fun

Explore, enjoy, friends


Mail United check ~ Oct 1… due October 16; may do this online

Look into local placement



Preparation for placement, placement and people

Detailed preparation for San Francisco, Portland-Seattle and neighboring cities and areas, Reno… and other possibilities

Contacts—friends and placement. Work sources: employers—government, private, university, think tanks, research labs and institutes, self—and employment agencies

Preparation—possibilities for other trips

Placement, places and people

~Two weeks—start October 4-6—possibilities

People and places

San Francisco, Portland-Seattle and neighboring cities and areas, Reno… and other possibilities


Universities—research, ideas… Private sector—technical

Universities and colleges

San Francisco—Berkeley, UCSF, San Francisco State, San Jose State, University of San Francisco, Dominican University of California, College of Marin. Seattle and surrounding—University of Washington, Western Washington University in Bellingham. Portland—Portland State University, Reed College. Reno—University of Nevada, Reno

Private sector, technical, government—city, county, state, federal

San Francisco—Accenture, HP, Intel, Oracle, Gap Inc, Levi Strauss. Seattle—Boeing, Microsoft, City of Seattle. Portland—Oregon State Hospital, Flight dynamics—aircraft navigation instruments, CH2MHILL, Dames & Moore, City of Portland

Remaining time and trips

~One week—start October 12-15






October 24

After vacation—general reflection

Merge with immediate priorities:

There is only one commitment

Continue exploring and implementing the changes that I sense

Prepare to resign from Humboldt County / alt non-PERS work so that PERS income will be pocket money

Minimize life, planning and possessions