Anil Mitra, Ph. D.

4510-G Valley West Blvd

Arcata, CA 95521

Phone 707 825 0658


Website – Journey in Being –





Publications and Websites


Summary of work and achievements





































Summary of work and achievements continued































Summary of work and achievements continued

1985 - The present         Horizons Enterprises™              Arcata, California

Research in Philosophy, specializing in Metaphysics

§     Developed the following theories with significant advances. Theory of being based in the concepts of power and the void. Concept of being and the void. Intersection of being, mind, logic, and ethics at the root of being

§     Formulation and solution of a complete system of problems of metaphysics including the concepts of being, power, the void, mind, symbol, ideal and external object (noumenon,) universals, truth, logic, and dynamics of being. Resolution of the mind-body problem.  Resolution and revaluation of the fundamental problem of metaphysics, ‘Why is there something rather than nothing?’ Reformulation of the concept of ‘God.’ Studies in general cosmology, nature and origin of time, meaning of origin of time, origin of being, origin of ‘our’ universe or world and relation to the one universe, foundation for quantum mechanics in the theory of being. Enhancement of the categories of intuition to include space, time, causation and humor

§     Concept of being as a Journey. Journey in Being website: Experiments in the Transformation of Being: the thesis and implementation of the idea that transformation is essential to understanding of being

§     Publications listed below and available on the above site

Project Journey in Being

§     Being conceived as a journey. Life as a journey. Journey into the possibilities of being. Journey in Being website:

Research Support Base for Journey in Being and Metaphysics

§     Research and extensive study in biology and the theory of evolution, design and its relation to evolution, history of thought and philosophy, mind and consciousness, the absolute, nature of dreams, mapping of mind, language, theory of computer implementation of mind and life and being

§     Publications listed below and available on the above site




1990 - The present         Humboldt Mental Health            Eureka, California

Psychiatric Care and Document Automation

§     Automation of documentation and treatment planning. Computer implementation using forms technology, Visual Basic programming [plan to implement database technology]

§     Research: 1. Treatment for co-occuring problems that are refractory to standardized approaches. 2. Miscellaneous topics of treatment: importance of participation and leadership, importance of family systems, importance of patient involvement for outcome, role of automation in continuity of care

§     Provision of observation, safety, physical, emotional and cognitive care of psychiatric patients; problem solving. Management and de-escalation of assaultive and potentially assaultive behavior. Charting, admissions and numerous associated tasks. Interface public

1983 - 1985                   Humboldt State University          Arcata, California

Associate Professor

§     Taught dynamics, thermodynamics, computation and numerical analysis through finite element methods, advanced energy analysis, and a seminar in optimization and controls

1984 Summer                Harvey Mudd College            Claremont, California


§     Analysis of a general purpose finite element program for strength and vibration of structures. Application in aerospace design

1978 - 1983                   University of Texas                         Austin, Texas

Assistant Professor

§     Taught dynamics, thermodynamics, computer programming and computer graphics, technical drawing, statics, mechanics of materials, advanced dynamics through three dimensional rigid body motion and Langrangean dynamics. Innovative instruction in thermodynamics. Informally recognized for teaching excellence

§     Research in applied mathematics / wave mechanics and other miscellaneous topics

1977 - 1978                   University of Delaware              Newark, Delaware

Assistant Professor / Teaching Assistant / Ph. D. Candidate

§     As Assistant Professor in summer school, taught solid mechanics. As teaching assistant, graded and tutored for dynamics and related courses

§     As Ph. D. candidate, did research in nonlinear wave mechanics, analytic approximation methods and fluid mechanic stability

1975 - 1977                   RIT                                     Rochester, New York

Assistant Professor

§     Taught air pollution, vibrations, dynamics, solid mechanics, thermodynamics. RIT is the Rochester Institute of Technology, an institution recognized for excellence in education



1972 - 1975                   University of Delaware              Newark, Delaware

Teaching Assistant / Ph. D. Candidate

§     As teaching assistant, graded and tutored in a variety of core engineering courses

§     As Ph. D. candidate, lectured on perturbation methods in fluid mechanics and did research in fluid mechanic stability

1970 - 1972                   University of Delaware              Newark, Delaware

Research Fellow

§     Research on waves and stability in fluid mechanics. Analytic and numerical approximations



Objective: Teaching and Research in Engineering

I seek a teaching / research position in engineering / applied mathematics. I would teach core and advanced courses, be involved in innovative course and curriculum development, research, and the professional development of students. I have ten years of research experience in engineering

I have ten years of experience in teaching engineering – eight and one half years at a faculty rank and 3 years tutoring and grading. My excellent analytic and practical skills; my extensive background in engineering and its foundations; my record of excellence in teaching; the breadth of experience – see; my inherent empathy and especially as developed in psychiatric care will make for excellent teaching, research and professional involvement. I have programming and web development skills – see my website, link above; I am able to use these skills to develop interactive tutorials and maintain an online presence to students



Courses Taught
























Courses Taught continued


Mechanics and Design

Graphics and technical drawing, statics, solid mechanics: strength of materials, elasticity, plasticity, failure theories, dynamics: lagrangian mechanics and generalized coordinates, space mechanics, kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms and machines, introductory vector and scalar dynamics, mechanical vibrations

Computation and Numerical Methods

Numerical Analysis: theory, error estimates, stability, algorithms, coding, applications for the full spectrum of standard topics

Finite Differences and Finite Elements: theory, coding for general two-dimensional time dependent case, applications in thermo-mechanics

Programming with Fortran

Computer Graphics

Applied Mathematics

Perturbation Methods. Optimal Control Theory.



Energy and Fluids

Heat transfer

Thermodynamics: systems and states, first and second laws, statistical mechanics, mixtures, chemical reactions and combustion.

Applied Thermodynamics: availability theory, its use as an economic tool; principles of power and propulsion. Power Systems: thermo-mechanical theory and design aspects for fossil fuels, propulsion

Power Systems: thermo-mechanical theory and design aspects for fossil fuels. Fuel cells. Nuclear fission and fusion

Air Pollution: sources and control

Renewable Energy Systems: principles and design aspects for photovoltaics, wave, wind and hydropower


Fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and mechanical engineering measurements and experiments



Research, expertise and skills

Fluids and Waves

Theoretical and computational methods.  Stability of fluid systems, wave theories and mechanics.  Wave interactions with structures, sea floor and wind

Applied Mathematics and Computation

Expertise in development and use of perturbation and regularization methods.  Applied mathematics in stability, fluid and wave mechanics, and numerical methods.  Residual/Galerkin and energy/variational methods for finite elements. Programming with Fortran. Software: Numerical analysis of engineering/mathematical modeling problems and software implementation.  Use and development of large-scale finite element program (STARS) for structural/vibration analysis.  Interactive graphics

I am currently using a PC, Windows 2000, Microsoft Office XP, and Visual Basic for applications, especially in document automation and Website development. I use Visual Basic for an applications development environment and Fortran with IMSL for applications programming in engineering, mathematics and related technical areas. I am developing a facility with C++ programming

Mechanics and Design

Kinematics, dynamics and vibrations of machines and mechanical systems.  Strength/failure.  Lubrication. See previous item for programming.  Elements and organization of design. The idea and deployment of design and planning at all scales is an area of interest and research. Limited exposure to CAD and computer graphics


Thermodynamics, heat transfer, resource analysis and combustion kinetics.  Propulsion. Fossil fuel and nuclear power generation; pollution aspects.  Renewable energy power: hydropower, photovoltaic, wind and wave systems.  Economic optimization


Design and writing of papers and reports.  Graphics and technical drawing


Objective: Teaching Science and Mathematics

I seek a teaching position in science and mathematics. I would teach core and advanced courses, be involved in innovative course and curriculum development, research, and the professional development of students

I have ten years of teaching experience. My excellent analytic and practical skills; my excellent background in science and mathematics – extensive masters and doctorate level course work in mathematics and physics, research in applied mathematics, theoretical physics, numerical analysis, computation and the theory of evolution; my record of excellence in teaching; a breadth of experience – see; my inherent empathy and especially as developed in psychiatric care will make for excellent teaching, research and professional involvement. I have programming and web development skills – see my website, link above; I am able to use these skills to develop interactive tutorials and maintain an online presence to students



Objective: Teaching Physics

I seek a teaching position physics. I would teach core and advanced courses, be involved in innovative course and curriculum development, research, and the professional development of students

Experience in physics

Undergraduate: three years of course work through “modern physics” with, consistently, the top grade among a class of the brightest students in India. Informally, I may state that my grade in physics in the intensely competitive entrance to the Indian Institute of Technology was second in all of India. As an undergraduate I developed an interest in physics beyond the curriculum and read a number of texts including the Feynman Lectures on Physics, Goldstein’s Classical Mechanics, Leonard Schiff’s Quantum Mechanics, and works in graduate level electromagnetic theory, relativity and mathematical physics

Graduate: most of the standard Ph.D. level courses at the University of Delaware and courses in electrodynamics, relativity including the theory of gravitation and relativistic fluid mechanics, plasma dynamics, and hydromagnetic stability at the Indian Institute of Technology

Other: seminars by George Sudarshan and Steven Weinberg at the University of Texas, Austin. I continue to maintain an interest in current physics including cosmology, the foundations of quantum mechanics, string theory, the implications of physics for the philosophy of mind. I continue to maintain basic skills intact

Other experience

I have ten years of teaching experience. My excellent analytic and practical skills; my excellent background in science and mathematics – extensive masters and doctorate level course work in mathematics and physics, research in applied mathematics, theoretical physics, numerical analysis and computation; my record of excellence in teaching; the breadth of experience – see; my empathy will make for excellent teaching, research and professional involvement. I have programming and web development skills; I am able to use the skills to develop interactive tutorials; maintain online presence for students

Objective: Engineering Research

I seek a research position in engineering / applied mathematics / computation and numerical analysis research

I have ten years of experience in research in the topics listed above. I have excellent practical and analytical skills in the topics mentioned above. I am open to learning and development. Publications are listed below



Objective: Engineering Consultation

I seek a consulting position in engineering

I have consulted in finite element methods and vibrations. I have ten years experience in research in engineering, applied mathematics, computation and numerical analysis. I have ten years of experience in teaching. I have programming and web experience and maintain a website, My excellent analytic, practical, communication, writing and people skills. I am committed to learning, development and professional involvement. I am loyal by nature but expect reciprocation



Journey in Being

§    Journey in Being

§    Journey in Knowledge

§    Kinds of Being

§    Social Action

Form an enterprise group – Horizons Enterprises for experiment, research, design and consulting – as part of Social Action and to develop, share and apply all dimensions above at local and international levels

I seek a situation in which to continue work in the concept and potential of being. This work is based in the following concepts. A theory of being based in power and the void. Knowledge and action are necessary for one another. See Foundation for a Journey in Being on the Journey in Being website, for details

The ways of experience, knowledge and transformation are as full as I have found possible. I have attempted to explore all dimensions – all being, civilization, all times and places. I give weight to the Modern World, to the East and to Native and Archaic Worlds. Foundations and a large body of work can be found at my website Journey in Being: Publications are listed below

The following are constitutive of my designed and serendipitous preparation for the phases of the Journey in Being: my excellent imaginative, analytic and practical abilities; my excellent background in the academic disciplines – philosophy, physics, biology, mathematics, artificial intelligence and computation; research in applied mathematics and mechanics, numerical analysis and computation, theoretical physics, a variety of philosophical concerns such as philosophy of mind, being, action, knowledge and the foundations and problems of metaphysics, aspects of social science and studies, engineering education, the nature of design including engineering design; the disciplines of the East and of Archaic cultures; experience with esoteric arts; experience and inherent empathy with people and providing care and safety in conflicted situations; approximately ten years of experience in university teaching; travels and living in nature; travels and living in a variety of cultures; and, generally, breadth of life experience – two examples are four years of participation in weekly seminars and practical exercises in physical and psychological health topics and a year of the phases of a small restaurant






1970 - 74, 77 - 78           University of Delaware              Newark, Delaware

Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

§     Grade Average 3.94

§     Specializing in fluid mechanics and stability; advanced analytic and numerical approximation methods; computation; applied and pure mathematics; theoretical physics

1969 - 1970                   IIT                                 Kharagpur, West Bengal

Masters Level Diploma in Applied Mathematics specializing in Magnetohydrodynamics

§     Placed 1st in the Magnetohydrodynamics group

§     The course work for the diploma includes higher mathematics, theoretical physics including electromagnetism and Einstein’s theory of gravitation, functional analysis, partial differential equations, higher probability and statistics, fluid mechanics, magneto-fluid-dynamics, plasma stability

1964 - 1969                   IIT                                 Kharagpur, West Bengal

Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering

§     Graduated with 1st class honours

§     IIT is the Indian Institute of Technology. The Institute at Kharagpur was the original higher technical institute established in independent India of university status and is widely recognized as a leader in education not only in India but the world. The education is broad based in fundamental and advanced science and mathematics, engineering principles and design, and practical shop skills. Entrance to the Institute is intensely competitive. Students frequently score far above 99th percentile in aptitude and knowledge tests. Many graduates are world leaders – in India, Europe, the UK, Canada and the United States – in research, teaching, technology and industry



Coursework – undergraduate through Ph. D.













Coursework – undergraduate through Ph. D.



Humanities and social science

English, world history, psychology – general and industrial, economics and economics of industrial labor, management, industrial development of India, philosophy


Five years of basic and advanced undergraduate mathematics

Partial differential equations – introduction and advanced

Engineering analysis

Numerical methods, probability and statistics, real analysis, functional analysis, theory of distributions


Three years of undergraduate physics and two years of chemistry

Advanced classical dynamics, hydrodynamics, continuum mechanics, elasticity theory – introduction, advanced and special topics, advanced thermodynamics, electromagnetic theory, special and general theory of relativity, classical electrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, hydromagnetic stability, relativistic fluid mechanics, and plasma dynamics, quantum mechanics

Undergraduate engineering core

Electronics, electrical machines – two years, applied mechanics, applied mechanics, advanced strength of materials – two years, metallurgy, machines and mechanisms – two years, electrical machines – two years, hydraulic machines, heat and power – three years, instrumentation and control

Engineering practice

Production engineering, workshop theory and practice – four years, engineering drawing and descriptive geometry – two years, machine and machine elements design – two years, design project



Technical Publications

Slow Interactions of Gravity Waves and a Corrugated Sea Bed, A. Mitra and M. D. Greenberg, Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME, Vol. 51, No. 2, June 1984

Book Review, A. Mitra, Marine Geotechnology, V. 6, No. 2, 1985, of: Peter Lynwander, Gear Drive Systems: Design and Application, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1983

Reflection of Long Surface Waves by a Corrugated Bottom, A. Mitra, Report 82-7, Texas Institute for Computational Mechanics, September 1982

The Effect of Bottom Topography on Stability and Wave Propagation in a Kelvin-Helmholtz Flow, Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Delaware, June 1978

The Effect of a Wavy Bottom on Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability, A. Mitra and M. D. Greenberg, Journal of Hydronautics, Vol. 8, No. 2, April 1974

A Vortex Sheet Approach to Two Phase Flows, M. D. Greenberg, A. Mitra, and S. J. Zarroodny, Fourth Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, Montreal, May 1973

The Effect of a Wavy Bottom on Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability, A. Mitra and M. D. Greenberg, Report 168, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Delaware, April 1973

Study of MHD-Lubrication and MHD-Squeeze Film Performance, A. Mitra, DIIT Report, Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, July 1970

Study of Perturbation Methods in Nonlinear Problems, A. Mitra, B. Tech. Report, Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, May 1969


Essays in Engineering, Education and Design

Engineering Education, 1989, rev. 2004

Modern Engineering, 1985, rev. 2004

Military Science, Engineering and Peace, 1985, reformatted and abridged. 2003

Design, 1985, rev. 2004




Technical Addresses and Seminars

Slow Interactions of Gravity Waves and a Corrugated Sea Bed, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Conference, San Antonio, Texas, June 1984

Lectures in Optimal Control Theory, Department of Environmental Resources Engineering, Humboldt State University, California, Fall 1983

Reflection of Waves by a Corrugated Bed, Department of Environmental Resources Engineering, Humboldt State University, California, October 1982

Some Wave Force Computations, Division of Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio, Texas, April 1982

On Teaching Thermodynamics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Western New England College, Massachusetts, August 1981

Proposal to Use the WKB Method in Wave Force Computation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wayne State University, Michigan, January 1980

The Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Delaware, Delaware, September 1973

A Vortex Sheet Approach to Two-Phase Flows, Fourth Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, Montreal, May 1973



Publications in Design, Philosophy and the Nature of Being and Action














Publications in Design, Philosophy and the Nature of Being and Action































Publications in Design, Philosophy and the Nature of Being and Action



Journey in Being

Journey in Being, 2003, rev. 2004

Prologue to Journey in Being, 2003, rev. 2004

Foundation, supplement, and phases of Journey in Being

Foundation, 2004

Foundation: supplement, 2004

Journey in Being: Supplement, 2004

Metaphysics, 2003, rev. 2004

Experiments in the Transformation of Being, 2003, rev. 2004

Experiments in the Variety of Being, 2003, rev. 2004

Action, Influence, Charisma, and History, 2003, rev. 2004


History of Thought

History of thought and action, 2002, rev. 2004.[1998 Ed. ‘Thinkers and Actors’]

History of Western Philosophy, 1998, 2nd Ed. 2002, rev. 2004

Dreams and Theory of Dreams

Dreams and 2004

[Dream theory incorporated in Journey in Being, 2003, rev. 2004]

Notes on Being

Evolution, Design and the Absolute, 1995, 2nd Ed. 2001, rev. 2003

Being and the Elements of Being, Frames version, 2nd Ed., 2000

Being and the Elements of Being, 1st  Ed. 1998, 2000

Being, Mind and the Absolute, 1999, rev. 2004

Computers, Beings and Minds, 2001, New Version, 2003

Consciousness and Mind

Problems in the Philosophy of Consciousness, 1999, rev. 2004

Review of John Searle’s ‘Mystery of Consciousness,’ 1997 and ‘The Rediscovery of the Mind,’ 1992; and David Chalmers ‘The Conscious Mind,’ 1996, 1993, rev. 2003

Synopsis: Susan Greenfield, ‘The Human Mind: A Guided Tour,’ 1997, with additions and narrative, 1999, rev. 2003

Rough, Older, Notes on Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Metaphysics and the Problems of Consciousness, 1996, 1998, rev. 2003

Psychotherapies: Systems, Principles and Selection, 1992, rev. 2003

Brain, Mind and Psychiatric Systems, 1993, rev. 2003

Magic and Religion: Important for the conception of religion and for the concept of a field of concepts and being

Magic and Religion, 1991, rev. 2003


Evolution and Design and related studies

Evolution and Design, 1987, 2nd Ed. 1999, rev. 2004

Design of a Life, 1986, rev. 2003

Synopsis: Ernest Becker’s ‘Birth and Death of Meaning,’ 1986, rev. 2003

Bibliographies for Evolution and Design and Related Work, 1970 – 2004rk, 1970 – 2004

Engineering from a Technical and Philosophical Point of View

Engineering Education, 1989, rev. 2004

Modern Engineering, 1985, rev. 2004

Military Science, Engineering and Peace, 1985, reformatted and abridged. 2003

Design, 1985, rev. 2004



Websites Maintained

A Journey in Being. About the growth of an individual or group into all being. A Journey through nature, mind, being and the accumulated knowledge and experience of all cultures and civilizations

Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Mind. The author’s publications in these fields and related links. Basic discoveries regarding ontology, the fundamental problem of metaphysics, and a novel approach to resolution of mind-body issues




Dr. Ronald C. Chaney, Professor of Engineering, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA 95521. (707) 826-4992. Email:

Dr. Michael D. Greenberg, Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19711. (302) 831-8159. Email:

Dr. Swadesh M. Mahajan, Research Scientist, Center for Fusion Studies, Department of Physics, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712. (512) 471-4376. Email: