A Minimal Program of Experiments in Realization This is the tentative form of this document. Its source is a currently under construction section in Journey in Being-Essential.html IntroductionThe program includes ideas but emphasizes transformation of Being This topic transforms the content of Action into a program Needs for program design include (1) Definition of actions (2) Pre and in-process determination of sequence and timelines for action (3) Ongoing review IdeasContent—All Being which includes all knowledge, i.e. Metaphysics and Method or Ways. Here method emphasizes transformation of implicit to explicit knowledge Process—development of content and method Method—content « method « Method (Ways) Transformation—IndividualObjectives—universe; individual, body and person, charisma Practice—meditation for centering, focus, reflection on means and objectives. Action—presence, accept anxiety and doubt, focus on care and goal, charisma Practice—nature presence, catalyst—risk, exertion, isolation. Action—deploy mind-body toward ground-ultimate Practice and Action—right thought and action in the present and toward the ultimate; set up of and presence to opportunity Transformation—CivilizationObjectives—work toward reflexive defining and realizing potential of this civilization; setup for individual expression; search for and communication with other civilization; population of universe Approaches. Civilization as such—definition, potential; charisma and communication; science (social, e.g. political-economic), participation, and immersion. Organic—transformations of the individual. Science and technology—cosmology, life as information, technology of space travel and population of organic and information modes Institute Transformation—ArtifactAn artifact is a construction. It may be organic—bio-physical—and symbolic. An artifact may be stand-alone or symbiotically integral with (human) being. This section details aspects of science and technology in transformation of civilization Objectives—understand sustained Being; build artifacts that will populate the Universe with soul andor assist (human) being in this population Study and Research—Develop and assimilate source material from cognitive science and related material (AI and artificial life or ALife, robotics, adaptive and self-replicating systems, ontology, physical eschatology, theology, cognitive science, computation and information theory...). Develop concepts (theory) in relation to the objective Design and Development—Systems may be symbolic including computational, mechanical, and mixed. Approaches may include design, fabrication, experiment (systematic and ad hoc or ‘tinkering’), adaptation Program1. Ways. Design ® Action ® Learning and modification of Ideas, Ways, Transformation approaches 2. Ongoing review is implicit in the ways 3. Aspects of Being will be taken up in the sequence—Individual ® Civilization ® Artifact (interactions are three-way) 4. Timeline criteria. Work on the aspects may be in parallel. However, I plan to proceed in the sequence above (aspects). Work will continue immediately with the individual (myself) and proceed to subsequent aspects when groundwork on previous states is adequate Timelines are to be firmed up in process |