The way of being: Anil Mitra © April 2015—May 2015 Contents Introduction to the way and its aim 10. Resources and resource development Resource development 2015 and beyond
The big picture1. The emphasis a. The main issues of realization b. The document as a manual or guide, and c. Focus: the greatest goal, straight line of vision, I am my only obstacle. 2. Items (a) and (c) imply that Individual personal issues (including mine) including relationships must be part of realization. This will affect the approach to realization (e.g. the personal is not other than the universal) even if the particular personal issues are not explicitly present. Organization writing should be as follows The main concerns Aim-civilization-limits Universal metaphysics-fact and nature of realization Approach. Then, from the main concerns: Main outline of parts and chapters. Each chapter to have a summary / main section of primary statements of significant definitions and results. Each chapter will list secondary points in a secondary / details section to include some of: critical / existential doubt, proof, explanation, ramification, pertinence to aim, and sources. 3. Cycle through levels; improving the above. The result will be a basis for writing a range of versions: full / abridged / popular / manual. 4. Write the manual. Other versions will be in process. May rewrite the short and the essential way of being 5. Eliminate this document when done. Details6. Replace word ‘journey’ 7. Increment or 1-step transform—what words to use; ® ultimate is possible in this life but (a) I don’t see any human or group from history who has done this fully (b) in any case we have not just huge finite times but infinite opportunity. 8. Combine developing resources with the appendix. Sequence1. The principle of items 1 and 2 above. Item 6, 7, 8 2. Items 1—5
The essentialsEssential logicPreface versus introduction—in this essay the preface is an overview that tells the reader what to expect; the introduction paves the way in (therefore the introduction has reader advice while the preface has reader interest) Preface—what to expect; overview result Aim—preliminary version; serves as introduction; the aim in civilization; reader interest and recommendations… The main ideas—what is essential to the aim? Flavor of the method; the eternal journey vs. Brahman; essentials to develop the way. The way—attitude (it is doubt below); developing and practicing the way (everyday and universally = life’s arrow); developing and maintaining (new) resources (to include resources that the reader may use) Main consequencesComment. To be placed at appropriate places AimThe main ideaThe final sections will include derivation of the aim Essence of the approachThe early sections will include doubt and derivation of the way
No preface (such material to be in the introduction) or very brief preface.
Outline of the introductionAim and its growth Civilization; knowledge, practice, method The aimAim serves as introduction. For an ambitious project, the aim evolves. In terms of an unfolding narrative it becomes clear toward the center. In this essay Part I sets up understanding so that in Part II it is possible to derive and set up an approach to the aim of the way of being. Therefore the aim / ‘introduction’ should come between the two main parts: between Ideas and The way. The chapter will also have material on reader interest and recommendations for reading the narrative… see The way of being-essential and The way of being-short for further material.
Part I. IdeasOutline of the ideas
1. Experience
2. Meaning
3. World
4. Being
BeingUniversePossibilityIdentity, space, and timeNatural lawThe void5. MetaphysicsOn metaphysics; the fundamental principle and its proof; Realism; extension of the metaphysics to ‘tradition’; the Universal metaphysics; Objects. 6. Cosmology… and its principles. General Cosmology and the general form of manifest being; Stable cosmologies and their probable form; Cosmologies of life, mind, civilization, and technology and their mechanics, dimensions, and levels and dominance of significance; death, memory, dispositions, pain and joy; intelligent commitment.
Part II. The wayOutline of the wayThe way and the aim; path
7. DoubtCritical and essential / existential doubt; attitude; joy and pain; ultimate principle of action. 8. Developing the wayComment. From the short version of the way of being: The three interacting PATH PHASES below are implemented as EVERYDAY PROCESS, UNIVERSAL PROCESS, and their RELATIONSHIP. An aim: seamless join (as in metaphysics-cosmology) of the immediate and the ultimate: Everyday processLIVING and PRACTICE for living in the present and ULTIMATE-IN-THE-PRESENT.
TOWARD THE UNIVERSAL: perception, knowledge, practice, and process Universal processGoing BEYOND THE IMMEDIATE in this and universal life, beginning in everyday process, and toward eternal process. The process takes aware, intelligent commitment; it occurs cumulatively in small steps and trails—and by significant transformation. DerivationThese follow from the elements and dimensions arranged according to the present phase of my process. 9. The wayEveryday process and practiceUniversal process10. Resources and resource developmentEliminate duplication between this item and the next. ResourcesResource development 2015 and beyondTemplate for the waySee the essentials of the way.
Comment. Enter to part II. Purpose of the resourcesDevelopment—the process (journey); the reader… The process behind the wayRelative to The way of being-essential.doc the topics Mind and The universal are new. 1. Knowledge2. Nature3. Civilization4. Mind5. The universalTopics for resource development 2015Comment. Should this be part of resources / resource development? Review The way of being-essential.doc and modify to be systematic and comprehensive; write it in order of study. |