ACTION, CHARISMA AND HISTORY Action and Charisma; Influence and Patriarchalism; ANIL MITRA PHD, COPYRIGHT © 2002 –
| TO THE READER PROLOGUE TO THE ESSAY This essay is a part [one of the paths] of the Journey in
Being [Website.] For the complete story see the
essay Journey in Being or the
related Prologue to a Journey in
Being Action, Influence
and Change is a phase of the Journey in Being … and emphasizes: Sharing Enhancement from
mutual endeavor: distributing projects, specialist-generalist, mutual
inspiration Establishment of a
research and applications enterprise: Horizons Enterprises™ Society as being Journey in Being is a journey into the nature
and story – or history – of being and into being itself The nature of being: the actuality of being or
being as it is and as we know or experience it; and the possibilities
of being The history of being: being in time – origins, life
and death of the forms of being and of the entire universe An Individual Journey Journey in Being is also my journey, the story of my
coming into the ideas and paths that make up the journey. The story of my
life is a part of the journey – but this document is not intended to be a
vehicle to tell an intimate story of my life. What is significant is how I
came to undertake the journey, especially to the extent that the origins are
significant in understanding and founding the journey Also significant is sharing, mutual inspiration and
society as being… as noted above Sources of Information for Journey in Being Journey in Being | Prologue to Journey in
Being | Journey in Being™ Website Journey Into Being Itself It is … a journey in understanding
of the possibilities or potentials of being; of knowledge and traditions of
knowledge – into all being and understanding … and in transformations
in being – experiments in realization of possibilities; of traditions of
experiment My Inspiration My development has many influences and inspirations. Most
of all perhaps are the influence of my mother who listened to my most absurd
and incomprehensible thoughts and my journeys in nature where I received so
much inspirations in ideas and experienced so much contact with The Source Horizons – The Journey continues but has come a
long way and some Mileposts are: Human Knowledge is without necessary limits. Already, we
have seen an example in the use of the idea of nothingness A study of mind with a new understanding of the concept
and nature of mind; consequently, resolution of mind / matter questions and a
foundation of a mapping of mind and treatment of classic problems such as the
binding problem and the problem of object constancy The possibility of metaphysics; relation between
metaphysics and the possibility of knowledge and logic Use of logic to make real conclusions. This sounds
paradoxical. However, a brief explanation has already been given and is
elaborated in the main text Original identity of being, knowledge and ethics Dynamics of being and its foundations in the metaphysics Foundation of
transformations of being A set of complete
but minimal experiments in the transformation Integration of ideas and experiments in the Journey-Quest Details of the foregoing items are in Journey in Being and
its Prologue Design of infrastructure for Horizons Enterprises™… see A Proposal for
Horizons Enterprises™ and Structure
and Finance Horizons Enterprises™ The Stumbling In the system of ideas that follow, those ideas that are
original build upon the ideas of others. Sometimes, as in the developments in
cosmology, my ideas have been suggested by existing theories even when the
dependence on those theories is not logical or formal Even when the ideas are original, and even though I have
devoted much study and thought and sought much inspiration, I sometimes feel
that I have accidentally stumbled upon the ideas rather than developed them
or found them as a result of a careful or systematic search. As an example, I
have been thinking about the role of concepts of nothingness for a
number of years. However, the final insight on how to view the relationship
between nothingness and the world occurred without intimation one morning
when I stopped for coffee at a bakery at the foot of the The Journey Continues… The next phases are a return to the focus on the
experiments described in the second section of the main essay; and action,
influence and change and establishment of Horizons Enterprises™ As far as knowledge and ideas are concerned, I must again
turn away from what light I have seen and toward intuition and diffuse light
to sense and seek what further truth there may be I always seek responses from readers. I am encouraged by
and appreciate kind words and praise but I have learned most by responding to
challenges that have ranged from careful criticism to total and sometimes
hurtful negation of my thought and being. You may learn something by tracing
the path described here and in Journey
in Being. However, the spirit of my journey includes the following. In
addition to wonder, I have also been sustained – especially when the
sacrifices seemed to be a burden – by the thought that I may make a
contribution to our journey. I have always thought that while the
particulars of an individual journey may be erratic or quixotic, the
universal journey is necessary and is built upon individual effort. In that
sense, at least, the distinction between failure and success is thin; the
only failure is to have not sought and followed your vision,
undertaken your mission I invite you to be part of this journey. You may contact
me at
or see my resume for address
information Journey in Being Website Anil Mitra Outline – Prologue | Latest
Revision and Copyright
Charisma and Influence, and History 1.3 The Place of Social and
Political Theory 1.4 Charisma and Patriarchalism: Two
Kinds of Influence 1.5 The Problem of Significance 2.1 Cultivating and Maintaining
Charisma 2.2 What are the Social Theatres or
Platforms of Change? 2.3 Sources of Influence –
Institutions for Change and Support 2.4 Using Institutions: The
Importance of Context 3.1 Theories of Social Structure 3.2 Social Change and Dynamics 4.3 The Origin Theory and
Possibility of its Application 4.3.3 Origin
and Possibility of Action 4.3.4 Political
and Moral Theory 4.4.1 Social
Theory, Foundations, Knowledge 4.4.2 Application
to Other Fields of Endeavor 4.5.1 General
Purposes of this section 4.5.2 Purposes
for Journey in Being 5 Theatres
and Platforms of Influence ACTION,
The emphasis is action and influence in society or societies The connotation of “action,” here, is somewhat different
than earlier in discussing mind, [see A Set of Mental Axes – in Journey in Being.] The use here is
rather like “agency” in the sense of sustained action toward a purpose,
advocating values and objectives, action and fostering action at the level of
a being in a world of beings… This division is of intrinsic interest, contributes to knowledge
and understanding of being, to transformation, value and realization in the
Journey in Being. The other divisions contribute indirectly in the sense that
the objectives are understanding, transformation and so on; and while all
engagement in the world is a contribution, the instrumental aspects of the
contribution are by-products. In this division, instrumental contribution is
one concern. However, the instrumental contribution also enhances engagement
and this points out a degree of artificiality to the distinction between
being engaged and being instrumental or between pure and applied activity Significance of History
The inclusion of historical concerns is in process. These
concerns include: What can be learned
from history? This raises the theoretical question ‘What is History?’ which
is significant in addressing the former question and is also important in Journey
in Being. The foregoing
concerns are significant in attempting change toward objectives: in what ways
and degrees is this possible and desirable e.g. what kind of objectives –
material, political, ethical and so on; and what manner of change –
incremental or otherwise…? For a history of influence, see Thinkers
and Actors, History
of Western Philosophy and History The function of this essay
There is no need, in general, to motivate social action,
the participation of the individual in society. Specifically, however, what
is the role of society and social action in Journey in Being? Society as Being
The sum of individuals is greater than any given individual… Collective conscious… Society as organism Co-action
The function of the individual is enhanced in interaction… [Sharing is not mere giving and receiving or taking…] Action, Charisma and Influence, and History
The Problem
…to bring about change, that is the issue Equilibrium and change Questions
What kind of change? I am thinking mainly of social change
and, then, of other kinds of change that affect society – how conditions of
living are felt and perceived from within a society. What kind of social
change? Political structure and responsivity, social conditions…? Far
reaching change or incremental change in the “right” direction? A complete
answer to the question about kinds of social change requires a complete
description of social structure… and that is the subject of sociological
narrative. It is relevant but not my main interest of this essay Why change? Change for the better or in order to avoid
harm, change in order to have influence, change because one is at the helm –
or because one is affected by circumstances. There are somewhat less
immediate reasons – one might want to “influence history” to “realize the
good.” …these motives are, perhaps, best worked out in the
context of the practical ones. Many idealistic experiments have failed while
others have lead to tyranny. Such negative outcomes are not universal.
Democracy had origins as an idea in While answers to these questions are relevant to the means
and approach to change, change and the need for it does not wait for the
answers The Place of Social and Political Theory
Detail of elements and institutions of society in Concepts and Categories and other
articles The use of theory faces difficulties due to the social
“atoms” [individuals, groups, institutions] being complex and experiments not
repeatable in isolation. Difficulty does not mean impossibility. I am
interested in social theory and its uses but that is not the motive here. In
this essay I seek to balance a tendency to understanding and to define
theatres of action. I note here my attitude that all theory has a
corresponding theatre of real action where institutions and individuals –
rather than ideas – live and die in the process of transformation …and information… information is extremely useful and
important in gaining and using influence effectively. Over and above social
theory, social geography and history are of extreme importance… as is the
geography of natural resources Charisma and Patriarchalism: Two Kinds of
I am referring to the following meanings and not to any
other. Charisma is influence or authority based in the person – and may
include intelligence, individual magnetism, energy, ruthlessness and other
characteristics. Patriarchalism and the related bureaucracy are influence or
authority based in established institutions and norms The bases of charisma and of patriarchalism
are in needs or perceived needs. Patriarchalism is based in established and
therefore routine, continuing needs – especially the economy of stable needs
and wants. Extraordinary needs are not satisfied on an established or routine
basis – if they were they would not be extraordinary; they are, therefore,
met always on an individualized, charismatic basis Clearly, the two interact in various ways. Charisma is one
factor that may affect selection or election to a institutionalized position
of influence There are however other ways of selection such as formal
or informal inheritance; buying influence; using a position as a military
official in a military government The Problem of Significance
The problem is feeling of insignificance felt by
individuals and groups – and consequent lack or impotence of action –
regarding their self-concept including lack of influence in the world,
especially society Many feel insignificant – “I am so small, have so little
influence.” In a system where power resides or seems to reside in established
seats of power, the individual may well feel insignificant –
especially in the face of actual / felt injustice Realism is an internal approach to this problem: Realize that placement in a seat of power is significantly
based in external factors. Determine to use one’s own charisma and abilities;
and remember that an effective measure of significance is measured by
individual potential – that include circumstances – rather by than comparison
with others. This by itself will not remedy the actual or seen lack of effect
in bringing about desired external change. But the objective was to change
the attitude to oneself in face of the lack of guarantees. One does not
demand individual success; the efforts of many lead to the success of the
few. This is an importance of attitude and individual effort in the face of
insignificance These issues are addressed in Metaphysics
and Power The practical concerns, next, address external aspects Practical
The following guide and emphasizes charismatic and
patriarchal aspects of influence and leadership [Practical concerns are those factors the proper
cultivation of which may lead to potency of influence. I am not, here,
interested in extensive lists or elaboration or “proof.” The interest is
concerned with where and how to act. The following is a guide] Cultivating and Maintaining Charisma
Retreat Belief [ethics, values, commitment]… action Repetition; learn from error Support Risk The following topics address patriarchal influence What are the Social Theatres or Platforms
of Change?
and Platforms of Influence Sources of Influence – Institutions for
Change and Support
Personal to global Information resources; social and natural resources geographies;
social history / world today Cultivate contact selectively Using Institutions: The Importance of
Is the society industrialized, a democracy, what are the
local customs that influence receptiveness to change? The importance of context is that it is a factor, at
least, in deciding who or what approach to influence will be effective Social
Theories of Social Structure
Structural functionalism – the individual social
structures are not individually but mutually sustaining; the sustaining
relations being the functions Theories of class and power – the former in which
importance is attached to power, wealth… In Marxism, economics is the engine
that determines other cultural structures Structuralism – the word refers to “deep structure”
which is explanatory but, casually, invisible Detail of elements and institutions of society in Concepts and Categories and other
articles Social Change and Dynamics
Social change is ever present, more specifically it refers
to change of structure… Ideologies of change: decline, progress, cyclic Patterns of change: linear, nonlinear – cyclic or
combined cyclic and linear Kinds of cause: conflict, competition, and
cooperation; tension and adaptation; diffusion of innovations; planning and
institutionalization of change; for linear change – accumulation, selection,
and differentiation; for nonlinear change – saturation and exhaustion Examples of causes: nature or environment,
demographic pressure, established and new technology, economics, ideas,
social movements, politics The History of Influence
in Politics
This section could be titled Political Theory or Political
Science The purpose of the section is to state some issues that
need address regarding the application and applicability of concepts in
politics The philosophical development should not shun the most
esoteric development, intuition, reason, or the most minute and practical
details. Note, first that my work is philosophical and uses philosophy but
its primary focus is the Journey in Being and not any particular
discipline or set of disciplines. Also, the esoteric and the mundane should
be essential to the development and, so far as possible, be part of the glue
that binds thought and action to reality[1] What is Politics?
Within society, consider that there is a common sphere of
activity or interest and a private sphere… Determining the boundary between the two spheres is part
of the common The process of determining the state of and path of action
in the common sphere is politics There may be institutions that are directly concerned with
or explicitly dedicated to politics – such institutions are political Institutions that
are not designated as political or not primarily political may have a
political component Institutions
designated as political may have other than political components Politics and other
social functions e.g. economics are not categorically exclusive Regardless of
formal and other designation, institutions cannot be forced to be
categorically and usually will not be actually mono-functional in social
kind; however, an institution may have its actual function as close to its
formal or designated function A group or institution may be considered in itself and we
may speak of the politics of that group; such special politics will, in
general, have areas of intersection without being fully contained in the
general politics However, the
general politics may be considered to contain not only the general communal
process of determination but also the sum of the more particular processes
regardless of the degree of isolation – which is, in general, not constant Issues
Regarding the description of political systems – what is
the purpose? Intrinsic interest
e.g. as in the case of natural science; however can interest said to be
intrinsic – what is the origin of interest and curiosity Application Meta-description:
e.g., the label democracy does not define actuality because of [1] the
problem of accuracy and deception including delusion and self-deception, [2]
axes of variation and variation within the concept of democracy, [3]
co-existence of more than one political structure despite the applied label,
and [4] the application of a label is an exercise in mutual influence that
includes influence of others, self-influence and synergy. Items [1] and [4]
are related. As another example, consider republicanism: the issue of whom
and what [corporations etc.] participate in public affairs – and who / what
should participate and to what extent. A version of republicanism, one that
is considered to be a response to the issue, is that not all agents should be
equal in politics. Regardless of values and theory, democratic and republican
[special kind] forms co-exist in many societies lacking the explicit
designations if not in all societies and social structures An implication of
the foregoing considerations is that despite the depth and appeal of ideas,
political actuality has a life of its own. However, ideas and their influence
are a part of political actuality – more at some times than at others – and a
source of novelty and influence The difficulties of
application include perception, description and computation Some issues of
power are taken up in Metaphysics
and Power What comes first, theory or practice? When is theory possible
and actual? What ways are there to justify theory given that a major
component of the scientific method is missing? A [political] state
of being might be possible, desirable, good and desired and yet not
achievable – a lesson from complexity and chaos theory Is there significance to power and choice in politics
without ethics? What? And, what is the relation between ethics and power and
choice in politics? The Origin Theory and Possibility of its Application
What is Theory?
Theory concerns the description and evaluation of
political arrangements, systems and institutions Meta-theory
Meta-theory concerns the nature of theory: The statement of
the previous section is a meta-theoretical statement The relationships
between theory or ideas and practice: ideas and actuality influenced one
another before the recognition of ideas or theory as an independent
enterprise; therefore, it is a given that there is an interaction. What is
the interaction and what should it be? Under what
circumstances should decision makers operating under some system of values
modify – drastically or otherwise – existing political systems? In referring
to decision makers, I am not thinking exclusively of situations where there
are formally designated decision makers; and if there are formally designated
decision makers then I am not referring exclusively to them. For example, a
the idea of power includes that the decisions of a powerful individual is a
significant factor in political process in any society; that individual’s
values may be entirely self-centered and he or she may consider what
arrangements further their personal goals and ambitions. In general, however,
some political arrangements may be held to be intrinsically, morally or
practically superior – according, of course, to intrinsic political values or
to moral or practical concerns. Even the in the case of the self-centered,
powerful individual value concerns are present: they may be implicit
and unconscious rather than explicit. Decision makers face two concerns: what
arrangements further their values and what arrangements are practical in that
they can be actually implemented and will function Origin and Possibility of Action
Circumstances of origin have been described above Once theory or ideas have originated, they may always be –
and often are – applied Such application does not necessarily have justification Societies originate, live and die. Among the causal
factors in this process are the interactions of each society with the world
and among societies These factors result in an overall selection that favors
growth / decline This selection acts not only upon actual social
arrangements but also upon the ideas – especially those that define and
affect social arrangement – extant in societies Political and Moral Theory
Moral and political theory do not appear to a priori
determine one another A political
arrangement does not intrinsically determine all actions of a moral agent And, a number of
political arrangements may be consistent with a moral system Justification of Theory
Given the deficit of social theory mentioned above, what
justification other than selection may be possible? The question appears to imply that justification is
necessary but that is not the case. It is necessary only in ideas or
according to some system of value Justification may occur in the following way Just as in the more
primitive sciences where there is repeatability and therefore repetition
among instances, in the social sphere there is a possible extrapolation over levels
of social autonomy as described above… and over other variables such as
social arrangement measured with respect to e.g. moral and economic factors Social Theory, Foundations, Knowledge
Clearly there is a role for foundational questions We have just seen how extrapolation may be possible in the
absence of “laboratory repeatability” There are also issues of practical application Some issues are
discussed elsewhere in this section on political theory; they include the
degree of relationship between theory and practice Further, the
question of extrapolation is also practical Acknowledged
success / failure of a political system is a point
of information. However, a single instance – or a few instances – is not an
argument for / against such a system: since other factors are invariably
involved and since the actuality of a system is not identical to its
designation; however, learning from even single cases, in general, confers selectational advantage. Generally, theory of
institutions and theory of application may supplement instances Application to Other Fields of Endeavor
The approach to analysis and application outlined above
may be applied to other spheres of social action There are also various ways in which application to the
more primitive sciences is possible with profit. The present essay includes
examples of which the primary paradigm is the transcendental method Political Systems
General Purposes
of this section
To consider accurate description of such systems and the
relation of description to actuality To review the purpose to description… Is there an
intrinsic value? What is the function? Intrinsic value has an obvious
meaning: the object has value to an agent or subject with reference to the
agent but without reference to anything else. An object has a function
in relation to a third object – an object other than the agent or the primary
object The possibility and nature of application of theory: In
the stages of human society – we could call it evolution – there comes a
point of development and of awareness when it becomes possible to describe
political systems. What is this point? And when that point has arrived, is theory
applicable, what is the relation to the actual i.e. what are the relations
between theory and politics? And, are there justifications of the application
of theory? What are they? How are the justifications justified? And how is
theory applied or how do ideas and systems interact… and how may that
interaction be enhanced? The parameters that affect the possibility of description
include – as noted – the possibility of awareness and the development of
autonomy. The two factors evolve together. Additionally there is a
co-evolution with application One factor of awareness is distinction. Distinction arises
when there has come about a variety of social / political arrangements.
Dimensions of arrangement are numerous but fundamental are tradition /
individual autonomy, generalism / specialism, and small-closed / large-open … Purposes for Journey in Being
The general purposes are a part of the Journey in so far
as it is a journey in ideas Additionally, political ideas may be useful in some of the
material / practical ends of Journey in Being: Action and Influence as
described in the general section of the same name. Hence inclusion of the
following section Political Systems
Before mentioning political ideologies and systems, I want
to restate an assertion. Systems and change: anarchism, conservatism, constitutionalism,
democracy, federalism, feminism, fundamentalism, idealism, incrementalism,
liberalism, marxism, monarchism, nationalism,
realism, republicanism, revolutionism, socialism,
syndicalism, totalitarianism, utopianism, welfare state I have not included all classical forms e.g. oligarchy
which falls under republicanism and aristocracy which is a variant of
monarchism I have not included fine or even gross distinctions or
systems of classification: I may take these up later; clearly there is
potential for much further development. As noted above, the principle of
inclusion here is what is relevant to the broad canvas of the Journey and
what is applicable to its special practical concerns. I may return to the
canvas later as the inspiration and opportunity occur. Practical issues will
be taken up as the occasion arises Optimal Systems
An example of the idea of optimal systems is that, under
appropriate conditions, democratic determination of the good is
self-stabilizing and in the common interest. Another analysis is that of Karl
of a superiority of democracy in that the distribution of decision making is
a source of new ideas and solutions to problems that is absent in other forms
of government Another application of optimal analysis concerns size of
societies that act as single political entities. Size allows for
specialization and therefore strength that is more than the direct result of
size itself. This results in ability to solve arrays problems that
were otherwise insoluble, and to ensure unprecedented standards and quality
of living – in general and according to some measures. It also results in
destruction – environmental degradation – and the ability to destroy – the
military and frightful weapons of destruction; further, the process of
expansion is in some ways self-perpetuating. Optimal analysis sheds light on
the values of size e.g. upon economies of scale and the stability and values
of nations; however, computation alone – even if there were no limitations –
does not enable or empower change There is an entire literature on optimal analysis and game
theory that it is useful to mention but that is not included in the present
version of this work. The following comments are useful Optimal systems
analysis can be carried out at a number of levels of sophistication; see Brief
Comments on Herbert Simon’s Models of Thought. The problems of such
analysis include those of perception, description and computation. Therefore,
it is useful to have simple models – including simplicity in what constitutes
optimality Another area where
optimal analysis has application and that also has application to social
systems is Sociobiology[3].
The latter exists in more than one variety. In one variant it is held that
biology determines society at least in principle. In others, biological
systems may be used as an analogy or the information from biology may be used
to inform social understanding and decision making I have included a brief discussion of optimal systems for
completeness and not, e.g., as endorsement for application or applicability
of optimization or optimal control theory or, specifically, of sociobiology.
However, the ideas concerned have potential utility – conceptually and
practically; and, I may elaborate on them in other essays or future versions
of the present essay Theatres and Platforms of Influence
Focus is on theatres of influence, platforms of
influence and agents of influence and change; these are not fully
distinct. Agents of change include stabilizing influences and “forces.” Additional details of the following are
developed in use Concepts and Categories
Theatres of influence are broad arenas of
influence such as politics, trade and so on; these correspond, mainly, to the
institutions of society Social institutions
and groups – family [or, more generally, kinship[4] groups through alliance and
descent,] and other groups; morals, [ethics,] religion; knowledge
– symbols, language and ideas, sciences, humanities and art, professions,
education, research [knowledge production]. Politics and law, government
– legislation, executive and judicial elements and other arrangements; media
and journalism; legal institutions and law enforcement; jails and prisons;
military – role of force. Economics, enterprise, trade; technology and
natural resources – industry and agriculture; service –
transportation, medicine. Theatre of the self – the individual carries
his or her own charisma and influence; the work of the individual is to enter
and understand these theatres, to approach with charisma, to act – and to
learn from action A platform of influence is an existing
environment or medium of influence that is permanently or convenes according
to set criteria such as periodicity in time or when a sufficient number of
persons request it. In a given context such as a nation, one or more natural
platform is associated with each theatre. Details are best developed
in use; examples follow Social groups – the
family is, itself, a platform of change Government –
political rallies and conventions, the branches and agencies of government Agents of influence and change are actual
mechanisms of change. Functions include design, planning, knowledge;
consultants; management… at the following levels: global, national, regional,
city, rural, community, individual Knowledge, e.g.
Universities, education – science, mathematics, humanities, professions,
trades – classroom and research. Research organizations and laboratories,
policy research institutes [think tanks]. Design and implementation of
technology including appropriate technology Professions: engineering,
law, medicine and psychiatry Manufacture,
production, services: industry, agriculture, transportation, medical
facilities including hospitals, universities Government:
legislation – lawyers and lawmakers; executive branch and agencies [e.g.
Department of Treasury provides economic controls;] judiciary and enforcing
bodies, armed forces Developing Contacts
Contacts can be developed and maintained according to the
following scheme Classes – theatres,
platforms, agents Individuals and
organizations Process –
information, persistence and contact, repetition Details of Contacts
[Under development] See Action
Links Applications
[So far] Journey in Being website Evolution
and Design and related documents have a variety of design and planning
topics including education and social planning Engineering
Education | Modern
Engineering For further details see the Site-Map
under Action, Influence, Charisma and Change then Topics Plans
Details of planning is in the following documents The Present Document Home page for Journey in Being A Proposal for
Horizons Enterprises™ Structure
and Finance Horizons Enterprises™ LATEST REVISION AND COPYRIGHT
MITRA PHD, © Thursday, Plans
As of March 2018, this document stands complete with regard
to thought and concept until the next cycle of reflection and revision Numerous technical, conceptual and stylistic improvements
are no doubt possible. Such revisions become evident upon reading the
document and therefore no list of revisions is necessary SOURCES
When I study the works of others, I often
make notes which vary in form from comments, to paraphrase to simply copying
ideas; the purpose is usually to learn – there is no other immediate purpose
and so I may forget my sources. I am immersed in a culture of ideas that I
absorb without complete awareness. I did not create the ability to have
ideas, or the notion of idea at the foundation of the tradition. I did not
create the language in which I write. Similarly there is a general system of thought
that we do not cite even though we are dependent on it. Thus I am not always
aware of my sources If anyone would like to have a source cited, please write
to me at One
may want to be original yet, given the foundation upon which one builds – the
culture of ideas, the ability to have ideas – the originality of an
individual is not much. And compared to others, my originality may be modest.
And, in my view of the equivalence of being and the void there is no
originality at all. Yet I would like to be thought of as original and it
would be a form of denial to not be aware of that. However, my claims to
originality are small; I feel I have been a discoverer rather than creator |