
Anil Mitra, © March 2010
© Latest Revision
January 6, 2013


Hyperlinks to folders are italicized



Main Current Work


Primary Working Material

Temporary Sources

Secondary Material

Current Folder

Other Folders


Recent Material

Main Folder: 2010


November 2010—Through 2011



Special Topics


Previous Versions of Journey in Being

Related Documents

Earlier Essays




Hyperlinks to folders are italicized


This document lists especially useful materials roughly according to inverse progression

This archive lists only the main documents and essential folders. The folders contain many other documents

Two documents in the section Archive marked by an asterisk (*) contain significant imported conceptual material. The conceptual content of all other documents is original (outside influence is of course significant)

Main Current Work


Journey in Being-brief—brief final version

Journey in Being—working final version

Journey in Being-resource—latest resource for final version

Primary Working Material

Journey in Being-Essential—useful toward final; latest insights, including Logic, levels of method (within disciplines and development of disciplines and highest level process)

Journey in Being-reserve—useful for same reasons as above but not quite as ‘mature’ (was Journey in Being)

Temporary Sources

The following do not seem particularly useful. Review and eliminate

Journey in Being V.1—possibly useful for introduction on ‘journey’; possibly useful for minimal system of experiments

Journey in Being V.1.short—it seems everything useful is absorbed

Secondary Material

Journey in Being-metadocument—(1) Useful and comprehensive concept definitions (2) Use of styles to structure documents: detailed but may be useful

Journey in Being-central statements—detailed, may be useful

Current Folder

2011-2012 jib in-process—versions current as of 2012. This material dates from spring-summer 2011

Other Folders

Some other useful material is in plans for my websites, priorities, production, therapy and religion

See the Subfolders section below for details


As of January 6, 2013 I will be saving ‘in-progress’ versions of documents. The purposes are to keep a record of progress and proof of publication

The current versions folder is Versions… ( World and Being/realization/being-elements/2010/2011-2012 jib in-process/Versions)

The versions folder for the Archive is ( World and Being/realization/being-elements/2010/Versions)

Recent Material

Main Folder: 2010

This folder collects all useful material in writing Journey in Being and archive work

The essays in this folder (not the subfolders) are roughly of the period fall 2010 through early summer 2010


The following subfolders contain significant material

Archive of old versions

1.      Early versions of Journey in Being—mostly before 2010

2.      Before Journey in Being—mostly before 2002


For some ideas


Special topics and overviews: often repeated material that it is efficient to gather in a single place

Internet articles

For reading and reference


Plans for my websites



Note. Some planning documents may in the 2010 folder


The 2011 production and print versions of Journey in Being

Therapy and religion

Material dated spring 2011 or later on: religion, spirituality, meditation, yoga, step programs


Material on talks. Dated

November 2010—Through 2011

Except where noted the following are from the 2010 folder

Journey in beingmain essay in this cycle; with Robin Singh. Has glossary

JOURNEY—ultimate journey; future of what is essentially true in science and religion. Can use production\concordance2010.doc

AREX—template for journey; based on journey. AREX is a means or journey of relation to and derivation of power from the ultimate

Journey in being-short—brief version

Journey in being-detail—detailed but needs filling out of some sections, improvement of material, and editing


These materials are in the elements folder

The elements are material that may be useful in more than one place. Having separate documents provides a template, and central repository, and helps avoid errors of duplication

The Overviews below are dated 2010 or later; the special topics are mostly dated 2010 or later


The overviews may be useful as text and research resources

Introduction Module   |   Brief Introduction Module   |   Journey in being-concepts-themes-problems-introductions-essences   |   Limitless Being   |   Possibilities for Reading and Study   |   Topics for Bibliography till 1992   |   Topics, Concepts and Propositions-2006

Base for impromptu talks—further versions may be written for different audiences

Special Topics

An Individual Journey   |   Art   |   A set of global issues   |   Authors, Sources and References   |   Difficulties Concerning Understanding and Pertinence of Journey in Being   |   Dynamics, Catalysts and Catalytic States   |   Formulations of the Universal Metaphysics   |   Grammar   |   The Great Metaphysicians   |   Historical Sources of the Void and the Metaphysics   |   History of Human Experience   |   Some aspects of the Journey   |   Language   |   Logic      |   Meditation   |   My Metaphysics Compared to Modern World Views   |   Physics   |   Some Miscellaneous and Random Content   |   Thermodynamics and the Destiny of the Universe   |   Thermodynamics and the Destiny of the Universe II   |   The Laws of Energy   |   Natural Science   |   Necessary Objects   |   Nietzsche   |   On Law   |   Ontological Arguments   |   Philosophy   |   The Value of Philosophy   |   Plato   |   Prayer   |   The Problems of Metaphysics   |   Prologue   |   Proof   |   Religion   |   Religion X   |   A Future for Religion   |   The Sacred and the Spiritual   |   Science   |   Spanish   |   System of human knowledge   |   Travel-Sources   |   Worldviews   |   Variety of Being   |   Yoga


Previous Versions of Journey in Being

The following link to Older versions of Journey in being. The newer versions are more than new writings or editions: they progressively expand the scope and understanding of the metaphysics across the panorama of metaphysics itself, the theory of Objects (ontology,) general cosmology, applied metaphysics, and the human endeavor especially in science, religion, and secular humanism

Journey in Being-2003—the first version of Journey in Being

The next four documents are a part of Journey in Being-2003

Metaphysics (2003-2004)

Action, Charisma and History (2003-2004)

Computers, Beings and Minds (2003-2004)

Experiments in the Variety of Being (2003-2004)

Journey in Being-2003-new ideas

Journey in Being preliminary-2004

Journey in Being - whereof one cannot speak - 2004

Journey in Being - 2005 - toward 2006 version

Journey in Being-New World - 2006 version

Journey in Being-New World-essence - 2007

This version has wilderness planning

Journey in Being-2008

Journey in being-PowerPoint presentation-2008

Related Documents

The documents may serve for source material and archive

Words, Language, Metaphysics - 2004

*History of Thought and Action-the concept of this document has some originality-2005

*History of Western Philosophy-has some significant original ideas-1988, 2007

These two historical works are my only essays on the site that import raw conceptual material from external sources. Other documents may contain sections with material from other works but such material is limited, supporting; and citations are made


Earlier Essays

The following link to material written before Journey in Being. They are sources of ideas and show some of the origins of Journey in Being. It is unlikely that I shall return to rewrite or do more than minor edition of essays written before Journey in being

The documents may serve for source material and archive

Magic and Religion-1994

Being mind absolute-1999

Dreams and vision - 1978 - 2008

Evolution and Design-1987

Kinds of knowledge - 2001

Life Design

Life, Unity and Meaning

Metaphysics and the Problems of Consciousness - 1996

Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness -1999


Photographs—folder of edited photographs ready for slide show and movie making. Photographs selected for Journey in Being

Anil Mitra—most extensive collection. May scan more photographs to this location (wilderness.) May import wilderness, academic institutions, and other material from photographs. All this to be done later if I have time (or money to have the scanning done by someone else)