Legend—Task | Hidden tasks that are repeated as teal or black in a table of tasks | Hidden tasks / instructions that appear only in a table of tasks | Important | Immediate | MDR = Meditate-dedicate-review

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REALIZATION      Being and Civilization. Journey-immediate. Action (transformation)—6 mo-year+nature-ground-catalyze. Share, find support of aims and truthimmerse-network, travel-spiritual-cultural. Ideas—public appearance, impromptu. Later: Write, publish-print-site

Program. 1. Chart (format) (aims®prog) [//] (2) Prepare. Pare-org gear. Prelim trip, coach, for prep, attitude (Weaverville…) [//] LIVING (below). GO®

Journey-immediate. Action (transformation)—6 mo-year+nature-ground-catalyze; immerse-network…, travel-spiritual-cultural

Journey. IdeasNow: public appearance, impromptu. Later: write, publish-print-site

Website-later. Document org—simplify, use libraries and shortcuts, multiple sites—single host. Automate—see html and java

LIVING—SUPPORT & PREPARATION      Plan. Aims ® life needs. This. Minimize, eliminate redundancy, streamline. Priority hierarchy <> sequence | tasks <> program (¬Auto-dynamic). Min-max. Property-space: elim; mobile essentials®room, rest®back. Action-time: essentials; φ vid, avoid neg. Expense-income: save, work. Transportation. DL-reciprocity. Place. Criteria: location, weather; support for aims. Determine: W’ville-US-India-Assam-World… Craiglist ® store ® move. General. Canada-UK visa info. Work. Engineering fundamentals, programming

This. Minimize, eliminate redundancy, streamline. Priority hierarchy <> SEQUENCE | tasks <> program (¬Auto-dynamic)

Min-max. Property elim; mobile essentials®RM, rest®back Time φ vid, avoid neg Finance save, job=jib; analyze needs to move

Transportation. DL-reciprocity. SolutionsENDURA,… | bike-tour-motor-trailer, tires, gear

Place. Determine: W’ville-US-India-Assam-World… Craiglist ® store ® move. General. Canada-UK visa info

Health. Appointments with MD, DDS (Gordon Lewis); research insurance, Mexico

Diet. Cleanse—(1) Eat less, eat raw-organic vegetables and cooked rice (2) Fluids-lemon or lime juice with maple syrup and or plain water (3) No coffee. Research and implement healthy diet—organic vegetables, grains, pulses; cook coconut oil (then olive, peanut, sesame… raw on salads), animal foods—cod liver oil, organic eggs from free-range birds, cold-water fish, organic chicken, grass-fed red meat. Consider a steroid supplement. Spices—web (hing, turmeric)