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Commutativity of conjunction

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In logic, the commutativity of conjuction demonstrates that predicates on both sides of a logical conjunction operator are interchangeable. This logical law is a part of classical logic.

For any two or more propositons H1, H2, ... Hn, it is the case that:

H1 \land H2 \land ... \land Hn

is equivalent to

Hn \land ... \land H2 \land H1

For example, if H1 is

It is raining

H2 is

Socrates is mortal

and H3 is



It is raining and Socrates is mortal and 2+3=5

is equivalent to

Socrates is mortal and 2+3=5 and it is raining

and the other orderings of the predicates.

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