Propositional logic, also known
as sentential logic, is the branch of logic that
studies ways of joining and/or modifying entire propositions,
statements or sentences to form more complicated propositions,
statements or sentences, as well as the logical relationships
and properties that are derived from these methods of
combining or altering statements. In propositional logic, the
simplest statements are considered as indivisible units, and
hence, propositional logic does not study those logical
properties and relations that depend upon parts of statements
that are not themselves statements on their own, such as the
subject and predicate of a statement. The most thoroughly
researched branch of propositional logic is classical
truth-functional propositional logic, which studies logical
operators and connectives that are used to produce complex
statements whose truth-value depends entirely on the
truth-values of the simpler statements making them up, and in
which it is assumed that every statement is either true or
false and not both. However, there are other forms of
propositional logic in which other truth-values are
considered, or in which there is consideration of connectives
that are used to produce statements whose truth-values depend
not simply on the truth-values of the parts, but additional
things such as their necessity, possibility or relatedness to
one another.
Table of Contents
(Clicking on the links below will take you to those parts of
this article)
A statement can be defined as a declarative
sentence, or part of a sentence, that is capable of having a
truth-value, such as being true or false. So, for example, the
following are statements:
George W. Bush is the 43rd President of the
United States.
Paris is the capital of France.
Everyone born on Monday has purple
Sometimes, a statement can contain one or more other
statements as parts. Consider for example, the following
Either Ganymede is a moon of Jupiter or Ganymede
is a moon of Saturn.
While the above compound sentence is itself a statement,
because it is true, the two parts, "Ganymede is a moon of
Jupiter" and "Ganymede is a moon of Saturn", are themselves
statements, because the first is true and the second is
The term proposition is sometimes used synonymously
with statement. However, it is sometimes used to name
something abstract that two different statements with the same
meaning are both said to "express". In this usage, the English
sentence, "It is raining", and the French sentence "Il pleut",
would be considered to express the same proposition;
similarly, the two English sentences, "Callisto orbits
Jupiter" and "Jupiter is orbitted by Callisto" would also be
considered to express the same proposition. However, the
nature or existence of propositions as abstract meanings is
still a matter of philosophical controversy, and for the
purposes of this article, the phrases "statement" and
"proposition" are used interchangeably.
Propositional logic, also known as sentential
logic, is that branch of logic that studies ways of
combining or altering statements or propositions to form more
complicated statements or propositions. Joining two simpler
propositions with the word "and" is one common way of
combining statements. When two statements are joined together
with "and", the complex statement formed by them is true if
and only if both the component statements are true.
Because of this, an argument of the following form is
logically valid:
Paris is the capital of France and Paris has a
population of over two million. Therefore, Paris has
a population of over two million.
Propositional logic largely involves studying logical
connectives such as the words "and" and "or" and the rules
determining the truth-values of the propositions they are used
to join, as well as what these rules mean for the validity of
arguments, and such logical relationships between statements
as being consistent or inconsistent with one another, as well
as logical properties of propositions, such as being
tautologically true, being contingent, and being
self-contradictory. (These notions are defined below.)
Propositional logic also studies way of modifying
statements, such as the addition of the word "not" that is
used to change an affirmative statement into a negative
statement. Here, the fundamental logical principle involved is
that if a given affirmative statement is true, the negation of
that statement is false, and if a given affirmative statement
is false, the negation of that statement is true.
What is distinctive about propositional logic as opposed to
other (typically more complicated) branches of logic is that
propositional logic does not deal with logical
relationships and properties that involve the parts of a
statement smaller than the simple statements making it up.
Therefore, propositional logic does not study those logical
characteristics of the propositions below in virtue of which
they constitute a valid argument:
George W. Bush is a president of the United States.
George W. Bush is a son of a president of the United
States. Therefore, there is someone who is both a
president of the United States and a son of a president of
the United States.
The recognition that the above argument is valid requires
one to recognize that the subject in the first premise
is the same as the subject in the second premise.
However, in propositional logic, simple statements are
considered as indivisible wholes, and those logical
relationships and properties that involve parts of statements
such as their subjects and predicates are not taken into
Propositional logic can be thought of as primarily the
study of logical operators. A logical operator is any
word or phrase used either to modify one statement to make a
different statement, or join multiple statements together to
form a more complicated statement. In English, words such as
"and", "or", "not", "if ... then...", "because", and
"necessarily", are all operators.
A logical operator is said to be truth-functional if
the truth-values (the truth or falsity, etc.) of the
statements it is used to construct always depend
entirely on the truth or falsity of the statements from
which they are constructed. The English words "and", "or" and
"not" are (at least arguably) truth-functional, because a
compound statement joined together with the word "and" is true
if both the statements so joined are true, and false if either
or both are false, a compound statement joined together with
the word "or" is true if at least one of the joined statements
is true, and false if both joined statements are false, and
the negation of a statement is true if and only if the
statement negated is false.
Some logical operators are not truth-functional. One
example of an operator in English that is not truth-functional
is the word "necessarily". Whether a statement formed using
this operator is true or false does not depend entirely on the
truth or falisty of the statement to which the operator is
applied. For example, both of the following statements are
2 + 2 = 4. Someone is reading an article in a
philosophy encyclopedia.
However, let us now consider the corresponding statements
modified with the operator "necessarily":
Necessarily, 2 + 2 = 4. Necessarily, someone is
reading an article in a philosophy
encyclopedia. Here, the first example is
true but the second example is false. Hence, the truth or
falsity of a statement using the operator "necessarily" does
not depend entirely on the truth or falsity of the statement
Truth-functional propositional logic is that branch
of propositional logic that limits itself to the study of
truth-functional operators. Classical (or "bivalent")
truth-functional propositional logic is that branch of
truth-functional propositional logic that assumes that there
are are only two possible truth-values a statement (whether
simple or complex) can have: (1) truth, and (2) falsity, and
that every statement is either true or false but not both.
Classical truth-functional propositional logic is by far
the most widely studied branch of propositional logic, and for
this reason, most of the remainder of this article focuses
exclusively on this area of logic. In addition to classical
truth-functional propositional logic, there are other branches
of propositional logic that study logical operators, such as
"necessarily", that are not truth-functional. There are also
"non-classical" propositional logics in which such
possibilities as (i) a proposition's having a truth-value
other than truth or falsity, (ii) a proposition's having an
indeterminate truth-value or lacking a truth-value altogether,
and sometimes even (iii) a proposition's being both true
and false, are considered. (For more information on
these alternative forms of propositional logic, consult Section
VIII below.)
2. History
The serious study of logic as an independent discipline
began with the work of Aristotle (384-322 BCE). Generally,
however, Aristotle's sophisticated writings on logic dealt
with the logic of categories and quantifiers such as "all",
and "some", which are not treated in propositional logic.
However, in his metaphysical writings, Aristotle espoused two
principles of great importance in propositional logic, which
have since come to be called the Law of Excluded Middle
and the Law of Contradiction. Interpreted in
propositional logic, the first is the principle that every
statement is either true or false, the second is the principle
that no statement is both true and false. These are, of
course, cornerstones of classical propositional logic. There
is some evidence that Aristotle, or at least his successor at
the Lyceum, Theophrastus (d. 287 BCE), did recognize a need
for the development of a doctrine of "complex" or
"hypothetical" propositions, i.e., those involving
conjunctions (statements joined by "and"), disjunctions
(statements joined by "or") and conditionals (statements
joined by "if... then..."), but their investigations into this
branch of logic seem to have been very minor.
More serious attempts to study such statement operators
such as "and", "or" and "if... then..." were conducted by the
Stoic philosophers in the late 3rd century BCE. Since most of
their original works -- if indeed, many writings were even
produced -- are lost, we cannot make many definite claims
about exactly who first made investigations into what areas of
propositional logic, but we do know from the writings of
Sextus Empiricus that Diodorus Cronus and his pupil Philo had
engaged in a protracted debate about whether the truth of a
conditional statement depends entirely on it not being the
case that its antecedent (if-clause) is true while its
consequent (then-clause) is false, or whether it requires some
sort of stronger connection between the antecedent and
consequent -- a debate that continues to have relevance for
modern discussion of conditionals. The Stoic philosopher
Chrysippus (roughly 280-205 BCE) perhaps did the most in
advancing Stoic propositional logic, by marking out a number
of different ways of forming complex premises for arguments,
and for each, listing valid inference schemata. Chrysippus
suggested that the following inference schemata are to be
considered the most basic:
1. If the first, then the second; but the first;
therefore the second. 2. If the first, then the second;
but not the second; therefore, not the first. 3. Not both
the first and the second; but the first; therefore, not the
second. 4. Either the first or the second [and not both];
but the first; therefore, not the second. 5. Either the
first or the second; but not the second; therefore the
Inference rules such as the above correspond very closely
the the basic principles in a contemporary system of natural
deduction for propositional logic. For example, the first two
rules correspond to the rules of modus ponens and
modus tollens, respectively. These basic inference
schemata were expanded upon by less basic inference schemata
by Chrysippus himself and other Stoics, and are preserved in
the work of Diogenes Laertius, Sextus Empiricus and later, in
the work of Cicero.
Advances on the work of the Stoics were undertaken in small
steps in the centuries that followed. This work was done by,
for example, the second century logician Galen (roughly
129-210 CE), the sixth century philosopher Boethius (roughly
480-525 CE) and later by medieval thinkers such as Peter
Abelard (1079-1142) and William of Ockham (1288-1347), and
others. Much of their work involved producing better
formalizations of the principles of Aristotle or Chrysippus,
introducing improved terminology and furthering the discussion
of the relationships between operators. Abelard, for example,
seems to have been the first to differentiate clearly
exclusive from inclusive disjunction (discussed below),
and to suggest that inclusive disjunction is the more
important notion for the development of a relatively simple
logic of disjunctions.
The next major step forward in the development of
propositional logic came only much later with the advent of
symbolic logic in the work of logicians such as Augustus
DeMorgan (1806-1871) and, especialy, George Boole (1815-1864)
in the mid-19th century. Boole was primarily interested in
developing a mathematical-style "algebra" to replace
Aristotelian syllogistic logic, primarily by employing the
numeral "1" for the universal class, the numeral "0" for the
empty class, the multiplication notation "xy" for the
intersection of classes x and y, the addition notation "x + y"
for the union of classes x and y, etc., so that statements of
syllogistic logic could be treated in quasi-mathematical
fashion as equations; e.g., "No x is y" could be written as
"xy = 0". However, Boole noticed that if an equation such as
"x = 1" is read as "x is true", and "x = 0" is read as "x is
false", the rules given for his logic of classes can be
transformed into logic for propositions, with "x + y = 1"
reinterpreted as saying that either x or y is true, and "xy =
1" reinterpreted as meaning that x and y are both true.
Boole's work sparked rapid interest in logic among
mathematicians and later, "Boolean algebras" were used to form
the basis of the truth-functional propositional logics
utilized in computer design and programming.
In the late 19th century, Gottlob Frege (1848-1925)
presented logic as a branch of systematic inquiry more
fundamental than mathematics or algebra, and presented the
first modern axiomatic calculus for logic in his 1879 work
Begriffsschrift. While it covered more than
propositional logic, from Frege's axiomatization it is
possible to distill the first complete axiomatization of
classical truth-functional propositional logic. Frege was also
the first to systematically argue that all truth-functional
connectives could be defined in terms of negation and the
material conditional.
In the early 20th century, Bertrand Russell gave a
different complete axiomatization of propositional logic,
considered on its own, in his 1906 paper "The Theory of
Implication", and later, along with A. N. Whitehead, produced
another axiomatization using disjunction and negation as
primitives in the 1910 work Principia Mathematica.
Proof of the possibility of defining all truth functional
operators in virtue of a single binary operator was first
published by American logician H. M. Sheffer in 1913, though
C. S. Peirce (1839-1914) seems have discovered this decades
earlier. In 1917, French logician Jean Nicod discovered that
an axiomatization for propositional logic using the Sheffer
stroke involving only a single axiom schema and single
inference rule was possible.
While the notion of a "truth table" often utilized in the
discussion of truth-functional connectives, discussed below,
seems to have been at least implicit in the work of Peirce, W.
S. Jevons (1835-1882), Lewis Carroll (1832-1898), John Venn
(1834-1923), and Allan Marquand (1853-1924), and truth tables
appear explicitly in writings by Eugen Müller as early as
1909, their use gained rapid popularity in the early 1920s,
perhaps due to the combined influence of the work of Emil
Post, whose 1921 makes liberal use of them, and Ludwig
Wittgenstein's 1921 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, in
which truth tables and truth-functionality are prominently
Systematic inquiry into axiomatic systems for propositional
logic and related metatheory was conducted in the 1920s, 1930s
and 1940s by such thinkers as David Hilbert, Paul Bernays,
Alfred Tarski, Jan Łukasiewicz, Kurt Gödel, Alonzo Church and
others. It is during this period, that most of the important
metatheoretic results such as those discussed in Section
VII were discovered.
Complete natural deduction systems for classical
truth-functional propositional logic were developed and
popularized in the work of Gerhard Gentzen in the mid-1930s,
and subsequently introduced into influential textbooks such as
that of F. B. Fitch (1952) and Irving Copi (1953).
Modal propositional logics are the most widely studied form
of non-truth-functional propositional logic. While interest in
modal logic dates back to Aristotle, by contemporary
standards, the first systematic inquiry into this modal
propositional logic can be found in the work of C. I. Lewis in
1912 and 1913. Among other well-known forms of
non-truth-functional propositional logic, deontic logic began
with the work of Ernst Mally in 1926, and epistemic logic was
first treated systematically by Jaakko Hintikka in the early
1960s. The modern study of three-valued propositional logic
began in the work of Jan Łukasiewicz in 1917, and other forms
of non-classical propositional logic soon followed suit.
Relevance propositional logic is relatively more recent;
dating from the mid-1970s in the work of A. R. Anderson and N.
D. Belnap. Paraconsistent logic, while having its roots in the
work of Łukasiewicz and others, has blossomed into an
independent area of research only recently, mainly due to work
undertaken by N. C. A. da Costa, Graham Priest and others in
the 1970s and 1980s.
3. The Language of Propositional
The basic rules and principles of classical
truth-functional propositional logic are, among contemporary
logicians, almost entirely agreed upon, and capable of being
stated in a definitive way. This is most easily done if we
utilize a simplified logical language that deals only with
simple statements considered as indivisible units as well as
complex statements joined together by means of
truth-functional connectives. We first consider a language
called PL for "Propositional Logic". Later we shall consider
two even simpler languages, PL' and PL''. a. Syntax and Formation Rules
of PL
In any ordinary language, a statement would never consist
of a single word, but would always at the very least consist
of a noun or pronoun along with a verb. However, because
propositional logic does not consider smaller parts of
statements, and treats simple statements as indivisible
wholes, the language PL uses uppercase letters 'A', 'B', 'C',
etc., in place of complete statements. The logical signs
'&', 'v',
'→', '↔', and '¬' are used in place of the truth-functional
operators, "and", "or", "if... then...", "if and only if", and
"not", respectively. So, consider again the following example
argument, mentioned in Section
Paris is the capital of France and Paris has a
population of over two million. Therefore, Paris has
a population of over two million.
If we use the letter 'C' as our translation of the
statement "Paris is the captial of France" in PL, and the
letter 'P' as our translation of the statement "Paris has a
population of over two million", and use a horizontal line to
separate the premise(s) of an argument from the conclusion,
the above argument could be symbolized in language PL as
C & P P
In addition to statement letters like 'C' and 'P' and the
operators, the only other signs that sometimes appear in the
language PL are parentheses which are used in forming even
more complex statements. Consider the English compound
sentence, "Paris is the most important city in France if and
only if Paris is the capital of France and Paris has a
population of over two million." If we use the letter 'M' in
language PL to mean that Paris is the most important city in
France, this sentence would be translated into PL as
I ↔ (C & P)
The parentheses are used to group together the statements
'C' and 'P' and differentiate the above statement from the one
that would be written as follows:
(I ↔ C) & P
This latter statement asserts that Paris is the most
important city in France if and only if it is the capital of
France, and (separate from this), Paris has a population of
over two million. The difference between the two is subtle,
but important logically.
It is important to describe the syntax and make-up of
statements in the language PL in a precise manner, and give
some definitions that will be used later on. Before doing
this, it is worthwhile to make a distinction between the
language in which we will be discussing PL, namely, English,
from PL itself. Whenever one language is used to discuss
another, the language in which the discussion takes place is
called the metalanguage, and language under discussion
is called the object language. In this context, the
object language is the language PL, and the metalanguage is
English, or to be more precise, English supplemented with
certain special devices that are used to talk about language
PL. It is possible in English to talk about words and
sentences in other languages, and when we do, we place the
words or sentences we wish to talk about in quotation marks.
Therefore, using ordinary English, I can say that "parler" is
a French verb, and "I & C" is a statement of PL. The
following expression is part of PL, not English:
(I ↔ C) & P However, the following
expression is a part of English; in particular, it is the
English name of a PL sentence:
"(I ↔ C) & P" This point may seem
rather trivial, but it is easy to become confused if one is
not careful.
In our metalanguage, we shall also be using certain
variables that are used to stand for arbitrary expressions
built from the basic symbols of PL. In what follows, the Greek
letters 'α', 'β', and so on, are used for any object language
(PL) expression of a certain designated form. For example,
later on, we shall say that, if α is a statement of PL, then
so is ¬α . Notice that 'α' itself is not a symbol that
appears in PL; it is a symbol used in English to speak about
symbols of PL. We will also be making use of so-called "Quine
corners", written ' ' and ' ', which are a special metalinguistic device
used to speak about object language expressions constructed in
a certain way. Suppose α is the statement "(I ↔ C)" and β is
the statement "(P & C)"; then α v β is the complex statement "(I ↔ C) v (P & C)".
Let us now proceed to giving certain definitions used in
the metalanguage when speaking of the language PL.
Definition: A statement letter of PL is
defined as any uppercase letter written with or without a
numerical subscript.
Note: According to this definition, 'A',
'B', 'B2', 'C3', and 'P14'
are examples of statement letters. The numerical subscripts
are used just in case we need to deal with more than 26
simple statements: in that case, we can use 'P1'
to mean something different than 'P2', and so
Definition: A connective or operator
of PL is any of the signs '¬', '&', 'v', '→', and '↔'.
Definition: A well-formed formula (hereafter
abbrevated as wff) of PL is defined recursively as
- Any statement letter is a well-formed formula.
- If α is a well-formed formula, then so is
¬α .
- If α and β are well-formed formulas, then so is
(α & β) .
- If α and β are well-formed formulas, then so is
(α v β) .
- If α and β are well-formed formulas, then so is
(α → β) .
- If α and β are well-formed formulas, then so is
(α ↔ β) .
- Nothing that cannot be constructed by successive steps
of (1)-(6) is a well-formed formula.
Note: According to part (1) of this
definition, the statement letters 'C', 'P' and 'M' are wffs.
Because 'C' and 'P' are wffs, by part (3), "(C & P)" is
a wff. Because it is a wff, and 'M' is also a wff, by part
(6), "(M ↔ (C & P))" is a wff. It is conventional to
regard the outermost parentheses on a wff as optional, so
that "M ↔ (C & P)" is treated as an abbreviated form of
"(M ↔ (C & P))". However, whenever a shorter wff is used
in constructing a more complicated wff, the parentheses on
the shorter wff are necessary.
The notion of a well-formed formula should be understood as
corresponding to the notion of a grammatically correct or
properly constructed statement of language PL. This definition
tells us, for example, that "¬(Q v ¬R)" is grammatical
for PL because it is a well-formed formula, whereas the string
of symbols, ")¬Q¬v(↔P&", while
consisting entirely of symbols used in PL, is not grammatical
because it is not well-formed.
b. Truth Functions and Truth Tables
So far we have in effect described the grammar of
language PL. When setting up a language fully, however, it is
necessary not only to establish rules of grammar, but also
describe the meanings of the symbols used in the
language. We have already suggested that uppercase letters are
used as complete simple statements. Because truth-functional
propositional logic does not analyze the parts of simple
statements, and only considers those ways of combining them to
form more complicated statements that make the truth or
falsity of the whole dependent entirely on the truth or
falsity of the parts, in effect, it does not matter what
meaning we assign to the individual statement letters like
'P', 'Q' and 'R', etc., provided that each is taken as either
true or false (and not both).
However, more must be said about the meaning or semantics
of the logical operators '&', 'v', '→', '↔', and '¬'.
As mentioned above, these are used in place of the English
words, 'and', 'or', 'if... then...', 'if and only if', and
'not', respectively. However, the correspondence is really
only rough, because the operators of PL are considered to be
entirely truth-functional, whereas their English
counterparts are not always used truth-functionally. Consider,
for example, the following statements:
(1) If Bob Dole is president of the United
States in 2004, then the president of the United States in
2004 is a member of the Republican party. (2) If Al Gore
is president of the United States in 2004, then the
president of the United States in 2004 is a member of the
Republican party.
For those familiar with American politics, it is tempting
to regard the English sentence (1) as true, but to regard (2)
as false, since Dole is a Republican but Gore is not. But
notice that in both cases, the simple statement in the "if"
part of the "if... then..." statement is false, and the simple
statement in the "then" part of the statement is true. This
shows that the English operator "if... then..." is not fully
truth-functional. However, all the operators of language PL
are entirely truth-functional, so the sign '→', though similar
in many ways to the English "if... then..." is not in all ways
the same. More is said about this operator below.
Since our study is limited to the ways in which the
truth-values of complex statements depend on the truth-values
of the parts, for each operator, the only aspect of its
meaning relevant in this context is its associated
truth-function. The truth-function for an operator can be
represented as a table, each line of which expresses a
possible combination of truth-values for the simpler
statements to which the operator applies, along with the
resulting truth-value for the complex statement formed using
the operator.
The signs '&', 'v', '→', '↔', and '¬',
correspond, respectively, to the truth-functions of
conjunction, disjunction, material
implication, material equivalence, and
negation. We shall consider these individually.
Conjunction: The conjunction of two
statements α and β, written in PL as (α & β) , is true if both α and β are true, and is
false if either α is false or β is false or both are false. In
effect, the meaning of the operator '&' can be
displayed according to the following chart, which shows the
truth-value of the conjunction depending on the four
possibilities of the truth-values of the parts:
(α & β)
Conjunction using the operator '&' is language PL's
rough equivalent of joining statements together with 'and' in
English. In a statement of the form (α & β) , the two statements joined together, α and β,
are called the conjuncts, and the whole statement is
called a conjunction.
Instead of the sign '&', some other logical works use
the signs '∧' or '•' for conjunction.
Disjunction: The disjunction of two
statements α and β, written in PL as (α v β) , is true if either α is true or β is true, or
both α and β are true, and is false only if both α and
β are false. A chart similar to that given above for
conjunction, modified for to show the meaning of the
disjunction sign 'v' instead, would be
drawn as follows:
(α v β)
This is language PL's rough equivalent of joining
statements together with the word 'or' in English. However, it
should be noted that the sign 'v' is used for
disjunction in the inclusive sense. Sometimes when the
word 'or' is used to join together two English statements, we
only regard the whole as true if one side or the other is
true, but not both, as when the statement
"Either we can buy the toy robot, or we can buy
the toy truck; you must choose!" is spoken by a parent to a
child who wants both toys. This is called the exclusive
sense of 'or'. However, in PL, the sign 'v' is used inclusively,
and is more analogous to the English word 'or' as it appears
in a statement such as (e.g., said about someone who has just
received a perfect score on the SAT), "either she studied
hard, or she is extremely bright", which does not mean to rule
out the possibility that she both studied hard and is
bright. In a statement of the form (α v β) , the two statements joined together, α and β,
are called the disjuncts, and the whole statement is
called a disjunction.
Material Implication: This
truth-function is represented in language PL with the sign
'→'. A statement of the form (α → β) , is false if α is true and β is false, and is
true if either α is false or β is true (or both). This
truth-function generates the following chart:
(α → β)
Because the truth of a statement of the form (α → β) rules out the possibility of α being true and
β being false, there is some similarity between the operator
'→' and the English phrase, "if... then...", which is also
used to rule out the possibility of one statement being true
and another false; however, '→' is used entirely
truth-functionally, and so, for reasons discussed earlier, it
is not entirely analogous with "if... then..." in English. If
α is false, then (α → β) is regarded as true, whether or not there is
any connection between the falsity of α and the truth-value of
β. In a statement of the form, (α → β) , we call α the antecedent, and we call
β the consequent, and the whole statement (α → β) is sometimes also called a (material)
The sign '⊃' is sometimes used instead of '→' for material
Material Equivalence: This truth-function is
represented in language PL with the sign '↔'. A statement of
the form (α ↔ β) is regarded as true if α and β are either both
true or both false, and is regarded as false if they have
different truth-values. Hence, we have the following
(α ↔ β)
Since the truth of a statement of the form (α ↔ β) requires α and β to have the same truth-value,
this operator is often likened to the English phrase "...if
and only if...". Again, however, they are not in all ways
alike, because '↔' is used entirely truth-functionally.
Regardless of what α and β are, and what relation (if any)
they have to one another, if both are false, (α ↔ β) is considered to be true. However, we would
not normally regard the statement "Al Gore is the President of
the United States in 2004 if and only if Bob Dole is the
President of the United States in 2004" as true simply because
both simpler statements happen to be false. A statement of the
form (α ↔ β) is also sometimes referred to as a
(material) binconditional.
The sign '≡' is sometimes used instead of '↔' for material
Negation: The negation of statement α, simply
written ¬α in language PL, is regarded as true if α is
false, and false if α is true. Unlike the other operators we
have considered, negation is applied to a single statement.
The corresponding chart can therefore be drawn more simply as
The negation sign '¬' bears obvious similarities to the
word 'not' used in English, as well as similar phrases used to
change a statement from affirmative to negative or vice-versa.
In logical languages, the signs '~' or '–' are sometimes used
in place of '¬'.
The five charts together provide the rules needed to
determine the truth-value of a given wff in language PL when
given the truth-values of the independent statement letters
making it up. These rules are very easy to apply in the case
of a very simple wff such as "(P & Q)". Suppose that 'P'
is true, and 'Q' is false; according to the second row of the
chart given for the operator, '&', we can see that this
statement is false.
However, the charts also provide the rules necessary for
determining the truth-value of more complicated statements. We
have just seen that "(P & Q)" is false if 'P' is true and
'Q' is false. Consider a more complicated statement that
contains this statement as a part, e.g., "((P & Q) → ¬R)",
and suppose once again that 'P' is true, and 'Q' is false, and
further suppose that 'R' is also false. To determine the
truth-value of this complicated statement, we begin by
determining the truth-value of the internal parts. The
statement "(P & Q)", as we have seen, is false. The other
substatement, "¬R", is true, because 'R' is false, and '¬'
reverses the truth-value of that to which it is applied. Now
we can determine the truth-value of the whole wff, "((P &
Q) → ¬R)", by consulting the chart given above for '→'. Here,
the wff "(P & Q)" is our α, and "¬R" is our β, and since
their truth-values are F and T, respectively, we consult the
third row of the chart, and we see that the complex statement
"((P & Q) → ¬R)" is true.
We have so far been considering the case in which 'P' is
true and 'Q' and 'R' are both false. There are, however, a
number of other possibilities with regard to the possible
truth-values of the statement letters, 'P', 'Q' and 'R'. There
are eight possibilities altogether, as shown by the following
Strictly speaking, each of the eight possibilities above
represents a different truth-value assignment, which
can be defined as a possible assignment of truth-values T or F
to the different statement letters making up a wff or series
of wffs. If a wff has n distinct statement letters
making up, the number of possible truth-value assignments is
2n. With the wff, "((P & Q) → ¬R)",
there are three statement letters, 'P', 'Q' and 'R', and so
there are 8 truth-value assignments.
It then becomes possible to draw a chart showing how the
truth-value of a given wff would be resolved for each possible
truth-value assignment. We begin with a chart showing all the
possible truth-value assignments for the wff, such as the one
given above. Next, we write out the wff itself on the top
right of our chart, with spaces between the signs. Then, for
each, truth-value assignment, we repeat the appropriate
truth-value, 'T', or 'F', underneath the statement letters as
they appear in the wff. Then, as the truth-values of those
wffs that are parts of the complete wff are determined, we
write their truth-values underneath the logical sign that is
used to form them. The final column filled in shows the
truth-value of the entire statement for each truth-value
assignment. Given the importance of this column, we highlight
it in some way. Here, we highlight it in yellow.
T F T F T F T F |
Charts such as the one given above are called truth
tables. In classical truth-functional propositional logic,
a truth table constructed for a given wff in effects reveals
everything logically important about that wff. The above chart
tells us that the wff "((P & Q) → ¬R)" can only be false
if 'P', 'Q' and 'R' are all true, and is true
c. Definability of the Operators and the Languages
PL' and PL''
The language PL, as we have seen, contains operators that
are roughly analogous to the English operators 'and', 'or',
'if... then...', 'if and only if', and 'not'. Each of these,
as we have also seen, can be thought of as representing a
certain truth-function. It might be objected however, that
there are other methods of combining statements together in
which the truth-value of the statement depends wholly on the
truth-values of the parts, or in other words, that there are
truth-functions besides conjunction, (inclusive) disjunction,
material implication, material equivalence and negation. For
example, we noted earlier that the sign 'v' is used analogously
to 'or' in the inclusive sense, which means that
language PL has no simple sign for 'or' in the exclusive
sense. It might be thought, however, that the langauge PL
is incomplete without the addition of an additional symbol,
say 'v',
such that (α v β) would be regarded as true if α is true and β
is false, or α is false and β is true, but would be regarded
as false if either both α and β are true or both α and β are
However, a possible response to this objection would be to
make note that while language PL does not include a
simple sign for this exclusive sense of disjunction, it
is possible, using the symbols that are included in PL, to
construct a statement that is true in exactly the same
circumstances. Consider, e.g., a statement of the form, ¬(α ↔ β) . It is easily shown, using a truth table, that
any wff of this form would have the same truth-value as a
would-be statement using the operator 'v'. See the
following chart:
Here we see that a wff of the form ¬(α ↔ β) is true if either α or β is true but not both.
This shows that PL is not lacking in any way by not containing
a sign 'v'. All the work
that one would wish to do with this sign can be done using the
signs '↔' and '¬'. Indeed, one might claim that the sign
'v' can be
defined in terms of the signs '↔', and '¬', and then
use the form (α v β) as an abbreviation of a wff of the form
¬(α ↔ β) , without actually expanding the primitive
vocabulary of language PL.
The signs '&', 'v', '→', '↔' and '¬',
were chosen as the operators to include in PL because they
correspond (roughly) the sorts of truth-functional operators
that are most often used in ordinary discourse and reasoning.
However, given the preceding discussion, it is natural to ask
whether or not some operators on this list can be defined in
terms of the others. It turns out that they can. In fact, if
for some reason we wished our logical language to have a more
limited vocabulary, it is possible to get by using only the
signs '¬' and '→', and define all other possible
truth-functions in virtue of them. Consider, e.g., the
following truth table for statements of the form ¬(α → ¬β) :
We can see from the above that a wff of the form ¬(α → ¬β) always has the same truth-value as the
corresponding statement of the form (α & β) . This shows that the sign '&' can in
effect be defined using the signs '¬' and '→'.
Next, consider the truth table for statements of the form
(¬α → β) :
Here we can see that a statement of the form (¬α → β) always has the same truth-value as the
corresponding statement of the form (α v β) . Again, this shows that the sign 'v' could in effect be
defined using the signs '→' and '¬'.
Lastly, consider the truth table for a statement of the
form ¬((α → β) → ¬(β → α)) :
From the above, we see that a statement of the form ¬((α → β) → ¬(β → α)) always has the same truth-value as the
corresponding statement of the form (α ↔ β) . In effect, therefore, we have shown that the
remaining operators of PL can all be defined in virtue of '→',
and '¬', and that, if we wished, we could do away with the
operators, '&', 'v' and '↔', and simply
make do with those equivalent expressions built up entirely
from '→' and '¬'.
Let us call the language that results from this
simplication PL'. While the definition of a statement letter
remains the same for PL' as for PL, the definition of a
well-formed formula (wff) for PL' can be greatly simplified.
In effect, it can be stated as follows:
Definition: A well-formed formula (or
wff) of PL' is defined recursively as follows:
- Any statement letter is a well-formed formula.
- If α is a well-formed formula, then so is
¬α .
- If α and β are well-formed formulas, then so is
(α → β) .
- Nothing that cannot be constructed by successive steps
of (1)-(3) is a well-formed formula.
Strictly speaking, then, the langauge PL' does not contain
any statements using the operators 'v', '&', or '↔'.
One could however, utilize conventions such that, in language
PL', an expression of the form (α & β) is to be regarded as a mere
abbreviation or short-hand for the corresponding
statement of the form ¬(α → ¬β) , and similarly that expressions of the forms
(α v β) and (α ↔ β) are to be regarded as abbreviations of
expressions of the forms (¬α → β) or ¬((α → β) → ¬(β → α)) , respectively. In effect, this means that it
is possible to translate any wff of language PL into an
equivalent wff of language PL'.
In Section
VII, it is proven that not only are the operators '¬' and
'→' sufficient for defining every truth-functional operator
included in language PL, but also that they are sufficient for
defining any imaginable truth-functional operator in classical
propositional logic.
Nevertheless, the choice of '¬' and '→' for the primitive
signs used in language PL' is to some extent arbitrary. It
would also have been possible to define all other operators of
PL (including '→') using the signs '¬' and 'v'. On this approach,
(α & β) would be defined as ¬(¬α v ¬β) , (α → β) would be defined as (¬α v β) , and (α ↔ β) would be defined as ¬(¬(¬α v β) v ¬(¬β v α)) . Similarly, we could instead have begun with
'¬' and '&' as our starting operators. On this way of
proceeding, (α v β) would be defined as ¬(¬α & ¬β) , (α → β) would be defined as ¬(α & ¬β) , and (α ↔ β) would be defined as (¬(α & ¬β) & ¬(β & ¬α) .
There are, as we have seen, multiple different ways of
reducing all truth-functional operators down to two
primitives. There are also two ways of reducing all
truth-functional operators down to a single primitive
operator, but they require using an operator that is not
included in language PL as primitive. On one approach, we
utilize an operator written '|', and explain the
truth-function corresponding to this sign by means of the
following chart:
(α | β)
Here we can see that a statement of the form (α | β) is false if both α and β are true, and true
otherwise. For this reason one might read '|' as akin to the
English expression, "Not both ... and ...". Indeed, it is
possible to represent this truth-function in language PL using
an expression of the form, ¬(α & β) . However, since it is our intention to show
that all other truth-functional operators, including '¬' and
'&' can be derived from '|', it is better not to regard
the meanings of '¬' and '&' as playing a part of the
meaning of '|', and instead attempt (however counterintuitive
it may seem) to regard '|' as conceptually prior to '¬' and
The sign '|' is called the Sheffer stroke, and is
named after H. M. Sheffer, who first publicized the result
that all truth-functional connectives could be defined in
virtue of a single operator in 1913.
We can then see that the connective '&' can be defined
in virtue of '|', because an expression of the form ((α | β) | (α | β)) generates the following truth table, and hence
is equivalent to the corresponding expression of the form (α & β) :
Similarly, we can define the operator 'v' using '|' by noting
that an expression of the form ((α | α) | (β | β)) always has the same truth-value as the
corresponding statement of the form (α v β) :
The following truth table shows that a statement of the
form (α | (β | β)) always has the same truth table as a statement
of the form (α → β) :
Although far from intuitively obvious, the following table
shows that an expression of the form (((α | α) | (β | β)) | (α | β)) always has the same truth-value as the
corresponding wff of the form (α ↔ β) :
This leaves only the sign '¬', which is perhaps the easiest
to define using '|', as clearly (α | α) , or, roughly, "not both α and α", has the
opposite truth-value from α itself:
If, therefore, we desire a language for use in studying
propositional logic that has as small a vocabulary as
possible, we might suggest using a language that employs the
sign '|' as its sole primitive operator, and defines all other
truth-functional operators in virtue of it. Let us call such a
language PL''. PL'' differs from PL and PL' only in that its
definition of a well-formed formula can be simplified even
Definition: A well-formed formula (or
wff) of PL'' is defined recursively as follows:
- Any statement letter is a well-formed formula.
- If α and β are well-formed formulas, then so is
(α | β) .
- Nothing that cannot be constructed by successive steps
of (1)-(2) is a well-formed formula.
In language PL'', strictly speaking, '|' is the only
operator. However, for reasons that should be clear from the
above, any expression from language PL that involves any of
the operators '¬', '&', 'v', '→', or '↔' could
be translated into language PL'' without the loss of any of
its important logical properties. In effect, statements using
these signs could be regarded as abbreviations or shorthand
expressions for wffs of PL'' that only use the operator
Even here, the choice of '|' as the sole primitive is to
some extent arbitrary. It would also be possible to reduce all
truth-functional operators down to a single primitive by
making use of a sign '↓', treating it as roughly equivalent to
the English expression, "neither ... nor ...", so that the
corresponding chart would be drawn as follows:
(α ↓ β)
If we were to use '↓' as our sole operator, we could again
define all the others. ¬α would be defined as (α ↓ α) ; (α v β) would be defined as ((α ↓ β) ↓ (α ↓ β)) ; (α & β) would be defined as ((α ↓ α) ↓ (β ↓ β)) ; and similarly for the other operators. The
sign '↓' is sometimes also referred to as the Sheffer
stroke, and is also called the Peirce/Sheffer
Depending on one's purposes in studying propositional
logic, sometimes it makes sense to use a rich language like PL
with more primitive operators, and sometimes it makes sense to
use a relatively sparse language such as PL' or PL'' with
fewer primitive operators. The advantage of the former
approach is that it conforms better with our ordinary
reasoning and thinking habits; the advantage of the latter is
that it simplifies the logical language, which makes certain
interesting results regarding the deductive systems making use
of the language easier to prove.
For the remainder of this article, we shall primarily be
concerned with the logical properties of statements formed in
the richer language PL. However, we shall consider a system
making use of language PL' in some detail in Section
VI, and shall also make brief mention of a system making
use of language PL''.
4. Tautologies, Logical Equivalence and
Truth-functional propositional logic concerns itself only
with those ways of combining statements to form more
complicated statements in which the truth-values of the
complicated statements depend entirely on the truth-values of
the parts. Owing to this, all those features of a complex
statement that are studied in propositional logic derive from
the way in which their truth-values are derived from those of
their parts. These features are therefore always represented
in the truth table for a given statement.
Some complex statements have the interesting feature that
they would be true regardless of the truth-values of the
simple statements making them up. A simple example would be
the wff "P v ¬P";
i.e., "P or not P". It is fairly easy to see that this
statement is true regardless of whether 'P' is true or 'P' is
false. This is also shown by its truth table:
There are, however, statements for which this is true but
it is not so obvious. Consider the wff, "R → ((P → Q) v ¬(R → Q))". This wff
also comes out as true regardless of the truth-values of 'P',
'Q' and 'R'.
Statements that have this interesting feature are called
tautologies. Let define this notion precisely.
Definition: a wff is a tautology if and only
if it is true for all possible truth-value assignments to the
statement letters making it up.
Tautologies are also sometimes called logical truths
or truths of logic because tautologies can be
recognized as true solely in virtue of the principles of
propositional logic, and without recourse to any additional
On the other side of the spectrum from tautologies are
statements that come out as false regardless of the
truth-values of the simple statements making them up. A simple
example of such a statement would be the wff "P & ¬P";
clearly such a statement cannot be true, as it contradicts
itself. This is revealed by its truth table:
To state this precisely:
Definition: a wff is a self-contradiction if
and only if it is false for all possible truth-value
assignments to the statement letters making it up.
Another, more interesting, example of a self-contradiction
is the statement "¬(P → Q) & ¬(Q → P)"; this is not as
obviously self-contradictory. However, we can see that it is
when we consider its truth table:
A statement that is neither self-contradictory nor
tautological is called a contingent statement. A
contingent statement is true for some truth-value assignments
to its statement letters and false for others. The truth table
for a contingent statement reveals which truth-value
assignments make it come out as true, and which make it come
out as false. Consider the truth table for the statement "(P →
Q) & (P → ¬Q)":
We can see that of the four possible truth-value
assignments for this statement, two make it come as true, and
two make it come out as false. Specifically, the statement is
true when 'P' is false and 'Q' is true, and when 'P' is false
and 'Q' is false, and the statement is false when 'P' is true
and 'Q' is true and when 'P' is true and 'Q' is false.
Truth tables are also useful in studying logical
relationships that hold between two or more statements. For
example, two statements are said to be consistent when
it is possible for both to be true, and are said to be
inconsistent when it is not possible for both to be
true. In propositional logic, we can make this more precise as
Definition: two wffs are consistent if and
only if there is at least one possible truth-value assignment
to the statement letters making them up that makes both wffs
Definition: two wffs are inconsistent if and
only if there is no truth-value assignment to the statement
letters making them up that makes them both true.
Whether or not two statements are consistent can be
determined by means of a combined truth table for the two
statements. For example, the two statements, "P v Q" and "¬(P ↔ ¬Q)"
are consistent:
Here, we see that there is one truth-value assignment, that
in which both 'P' and 'Q' are true, that makes both "P v Q" and "¬(P ↔ ¬Q)"
true. However, the statements "(P → Q) & P" and "¬(Q v ¬P)" are
inconsistent, because there is no truth-value assignment in
which both come out as true.
Another relationship that can hold between two statements
is that of having the same truth-value regardless of
the truth-values of the simple statements making them up.
Consider a combined truth table for the wffs "¬P → ¬Q" and
"¬(Q & ¬P)":
Here we see that these two statements necessarily have the
same truth-value.
Definition: two statements are said to be
logically equivalent if and only if all possible
truth-value assignments to the statement letters making them
up result in the same resulting truth-values for the whole
The above statements are logically equivalent. However, the
truth table given above for the statements "P v Q" and "¬(P ↔ ¬Q)"
show that they, on the other hand, are not logically
equivalent, because they differ in truth-value for two of the
four possible truth-value assignments.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, truth tables can be
utilized to determine whether or not an argument is logically
valid. In general, an argument is said to be logically valid
whenever it has a form that makes it impossible for the
conclusion to be false if the premises are true. (See the
encylopedia entry on "Validity and
Soundness".) In classical propositional logic, we can give
this a more precise characterization.
Definition: a wff β is said to be a logical
consequence of a set of wffs α1, α2,
..., αn, if and only if there is no
truth-value assignment to the statement letters making up
these wffs that makes all of α1, α2,
..., αn true but does not make β true.
An argument is logically valid if and only if its
conclusion is a logical consequence of its premises. If an
argument whose conclusion is β and whose only premise is α is
logically valid, then α is said to logically imply
For example, consider the following argument:
P → Q ¬Q → P Q
We can test the validity of this argument by constructing a
combined truth table for all three statements.
→ |
Here we see that both premises come out as true in the case
in which both 'P' and 'Q' are true, and in which 'P' is false
but 'Q' is true. However, in those cases, the conclusion is
also true. It is possible for the conclusion to be false, but
only if one of the premises is false as well. Hence, we can
see that the inference represented by this argument is
truth-preserving. Contrast this with the following
P → Q ¬Q v ¬P
Consider the truth-value assignment making both 'P' and 'Q'
true. If we were to fill in that row of the truth-value for
these statements, we would see that "P → Q" comes out as true,
but "¬Q v ¬P"
comes out as false. Even if 'P' and 'Q' are not actually both
true, it is possible for them to both be true, and so
this form of reasoning is not truth-preserving. In other
words, the argument is not logically valid, and its premise
does not logically imply its conclusion.
One of the most striking features of truth tables is that
they provide an effective procedure for determining the
logical truth, or tautologyhood of any single wff, and for
determining the logical validity of any argument written in
the language PL. The procedure for constructing such tables is
purely rote, and while the size of the tables grows
exponentially with the number of statement letters involved in
the wff(s) under consideration, the number of rows is always
finite and so it is in principle possible to finish the table
and determine a definite answer. In sum, classical
propositional logic is decidable.
5. Deduction: Rules of Inference and
a. Natural
Truth tables, as we have seen, can theoretically be used to
solve any question in classical truth-functional propositional
logic. However, this method has its drawbacks. The size of the
tables grows exponentially with the number of distinct
statement letters making up the statements involved. Moreover,
truth tables are alien to our normal reasoning patterns.
Another method for establishing the validity of an argument
exists that does not have these drawbacks: the method of
natural deduction. In natural deduction an attempt is made to
reduce the reasoning behind a valid argument to a series of
steps each of which is intuitively justified by the premises
of the argument or previous steps in the series.
Consdier the following argument stated in natural
Either cat fur or dog fur was found at the
scene of the crime. If dog fur was found at the scene of the
crime, officer Thompson had an allergy attack. If cat fur
was found at the scene of the crime, then Macavity is
responsibile for the crime. But officer Thompson didn't have
an allergy attack, and so therefore Macavity must be
responsible for the crime.
The validity of this argument can be made more obvious by
representing the chain of reasoning leading from the premises
to the conclusion:
1. Either cat fur was found at the scene of
the crime, or dog fur was found at the scene of the crime.
(Premise) 2. If dog fur was found at the scene of
the crime, then officer Thompson had an allergy attack.
(Premise) 3. If cat fur was found at the scene of the
crime, then Macavity is responsible for the crime.
(Premise) 4. Officer Thompson did not have an allergy
attack. (Premise) 5. Dog fur was not found at the
scene of the crime. (Follows from 2 and 4.) 6. Cat
fur was found at the scene of the crime. (Follows from 1
and 5.) 7. Macavity is responsible for the crime.
(Conclusion. Follows from 3 and 6.)
Above, we do not jump directly from the premises to the
conclusion, but show how intermediate inferences are used to
ultimately justify the conclusion by a step-by-step chain.
Each step in the chain represents a simple, obviously valid
form of reasoning. In this example, the form of reasoning
exemplified in line 4 is called modus tollens, which
involves deducing the negation of the antecedent of a
conditional from the conditional and the negation of its
consequent. The form of reasoning exemplified in step 5 is
called disjunctive syllogism, and involves deducing one
disjunct of a disjunction on the basis of the disjunction and
the negation of the other disjunct. Lastly, the form of
reasoning found at line 7 is called modus ponens, which
involves deducing the truth of the consequent of a conditional
given truth of both the conditional and its antecedent.
"Modus ponens" is Latin for affirming mode, and
"modus tollens" is Latin for denying mode.
A system of natural deduction consists in the
specification of a list of intuitively valid rules of
inference for the construction of derivations or
step-by-step deductions. Many equivalent systems of deduction
have been given for classical truth-functional propositional
logic. In what follows, we sketch one system, which is derived
from the popular textbook by Irving Copi (1953). The system
makes use of the language PL.
b. Rules of Inference
Here we give a list of intuitively valid rules of
inference. The rules are stated in schematic form. Any
inference in which any wff of language PL is substituted
unformly for the schematic letters in the forms below
constitutes an instance of the rule.
Modus ponens (MP):
α →
β α β
(Modus ponens is sometimes also called "modus ponendo
ponens", "detachment" or a form of
Modus tollens (MT):
α →
β ¬β ¬α
(Modus tollens is sometimes also called "modus tollendo
tollens" or a form of "→-elimination".)
Disjunctive syllogism (DS): (two forms)
α v
β ¬α β
α v
β ¬β α
(Disjunctive syllogism is sometimes also called "modus
tollendo ponens" or "v-elimination".)
Addition (DS): (two forms)
α α
v β
β α
v β
(Addition is sometimes also called "disjunction
introduction" or "v-introduction".)
Simplification (Simp): (two forms)
α & β α
α & β β
(Simplification is sometimes also called "conjunction
elimination" or "&-elimination".)
Conjunction (Conj):
α β α
& β
(Conjunction is sometimes also called "conjunction
introduction", "&-introduction" or "logical
Hypothetical syllogism (HS):
α → β β → γ α → γ
(Hypothetical syllogism is sometimes also called "chain
reasoning" or "chain deduction".)
Constructive dilemma (CD):
(α → γ) & (β → δ) α v β
γ v δ
Absorption (Abs):
α → β
→ (α & β)
c. Rules of Replacement
The nine rules of inference listed above represent ways of
inferring something new from previous steps in a deduction.
Many systems of natural deduction, including those initially
designed by Gentzen, consist entirely of rules similar to the
above. If the language of a system involves signs introduced
by definition, it must also allow the substitution of a
defined sign for the expression used to define it, or vice
versa. Still other systems, while not making use of defined
signs, allow one to make certain substitutions of expressions
of one form for expressions of another form in certain cases
in which the expressions in question are logically equivalent.
These are called rules of replacement, and
Copi's natural deduction system invokes such rules. Strictly
speaking, rules of replacement differ from inference rules,
because, in a sense, when a rule of replacement is used, one
is not inferring something new but merely stating what amounts
to the same thing using a different combination of symbols. In
some systems, rules for replacement can be derived from the
inference rules, but in Copi's system, they are taken as
Rules of replacement also differ from inference rules in
other ways. Inference rules only apply when the main operators
match the patterns given and only apply to entire statements.
Inference rules are also strictly unidirectional: one must
infer what is below the horizontal line from what is above and
not vice-versa. However, replacement rules can be applied to
portions of statements and not only to entire statements;
moreover, they can be implemented in either direction.
The rules of replacement used by Copi are the
Double negation (DN):
¬¬α is interreplaceable with α
(Double negation is also called
Commutativity (Com): (two forms)
α & β is interreplaceable with β & α
α v β is interreplaceable with β v α
Associativity (Assoc): (two forms)
(α & β) & γ is interreplaceable with α & (β & γ)
(α v β) v γ is interreplaceable with α v (β v γ)
Tautology (Taut): (two forms)
α is interreplaceable with α & α α is interreplaceable with α v α
DeMorgan's Laws (DM): (two forms)
¬(α & β) is interreplaceable with ¬α v ¬β
¬(α v β) is interreplaceable with ¬α & ¬β
Transposition (Trans):
α → β is interreplaceable with ¬β → ¬α
(Transposition is also sometimes called
Material Implication (Impl):
α → β is interreplaceable with ¬α v β
Exportation (Exp):
α → (β → γ) is interreplaceable with (α & β) → γ
Distribution (Dist): (two forms)
α & (β v γ) is interreplaceable with (α & β) v (α & γ)
α v (β & γ) is interreplaceable with (α v β) & (α v γ)
Material Equivalence (Equiv): (two forms)
α ↔ β is interreplaceable with (α → β) & (β → α)
α ↔ β is interreplaceable with (α & β) v (¬α & ¬β)
(Material equivalence is sometimes also called
"biconditional introduction/elimination" or
d. Direct Deductions
A direct deduction of a conclusion from a set of
premises consists of an ordered sequence of wffs such that
each member of the sequence is either (1) a premise, (2)
derived from previous members of the sequence by one of the
inference rules, (3) derived from a previous member of the
sequence by the replacement of a logically equivalent part
according to the rules of replacement, and such that the
conclusion is the final step of the sequence.
To be even more precise, a direct deduction is defined as
an ordered sequence of wffs, β1, β2,
..., βn, such that for each step
βi where i is between 1 and n
inclusive, either (1) βi is a premise,
(2) βi matches the form given below the
horizontal line for one of the 9 inference rules, and there
are wffs in the sequence prior to βi
matching the forms given above the horizontal line, (3) there
is a previous step in the sequence βj where
j < i and βj differs from
βi at most by matching or containing a part
that matches one of the forms given for one of the 10
replacement rules in the same place in whcih
βi contains the wff of the corresponding
form, and such that the conclusion of the argument is
Using line numbers and the abbreviations for the rules of
the system to annotate, the chain of reasoning given above in
English, when transcribed into language PL and organized as a
direct deduction, would appear as follows:
1. C v D |
Premise |
2. C → O |
Premise |
3. D → M |
Premise |
4. ¬O |
Premise |
5. ¬C |
2,4 MT |
6. D |
1,5 DS |
7. M |
2,6 MP |
There is no unique derivation for a given conclusion from a
given set of premises. Here is a distinct derivation for the
same conclusion from the same premises:
1. C v
D |
Premise |
2. C → O |
Premise |
3. D → M |
Premise |
4. ¬O |
Premise |
5. (C → O) & (D → M) |
2,3 Conj |
6. O v
M |
1,5 CD |
7. M |
4,6 DS |
Consider next the argument:
P ↔ Q (S v T) → Q ¬P
v (¬T &
R) T → U
This argument has six distinct statement letters, and hence
constructing a truth table for it would require 64 rows. The
table would have 22 columns, thereby requiring 1,408 distinct
T/F calculations. Happily, the derivation of the conclusion of
the premises using our inference and replacement rules, while
far from simple, is relatively less exhausting:
1. P ↔ Q |
Premise |
2. (S v
T) → Q |
Premise |
3. ¬P v
(¬T & R) |
Premise |
4. (P → Q) & (Q → P) |
1 Equiv |
5. Q → P |
4 Simp |
6. (S v
T) → P |
2,5 HS |
7. P → (¬T & R) |
3 Impl |
8. (S v
T) → (¬T & R) |
6,7 HS |
9. ¬(S v T) v (¬T & R) |
8 Impl |
10. (¬S & ¬T) v (¬T & R) |
9 DM |
11. [(¬S & ¬T) v ¬T] & [(¬S
& ¬T) v
R] |
10 Dist |
12. (¬S & ¬T) v ¬T |
11 Simp |
13. ¬T v (¬S &
¬T) |
12 Com |
14. (¬T v ¬S) & (¬T
v ¬T) |
13 Dist |
15. ¬T v ¬T |
14 Simp |
16. ¬T |
15 Taut |
17. ¬T v U |
16 Add |
18. T → U |
17 Impl |
e. Conditional and Indirect Proofs
Together the nine inference rules and ten rules of
replacement are sufficient for creating a deduction for any
logically valid argument, provided that the argument has at
least one premise. However, to cover the limiting case of
arguments with no premises, and simply to facillitate certain
deductions that would be recondite otherwise, it is also
customary to allow for certain methods of deduction other than
direct derivation. Specifically, it is customary to allow the
proof techniques known as conditional proof and
indirect proof.
A conditional proof is a derivation technique used to
establish a conditional wff, i.e., a wff whose main operator
is the sign '→'. This is done by constructing a sub-derivation
within a derivation in which the antecedent of the conditional
is assumed as a hypothesis. If, by using the inference rules
and rules of derivation (and possibily additional
sub-derivations), it is possible to arrive at the consequent,
it is permissible to end the sub-derivation and conclude the
truth of the conditional statement within the main derivation,
citing the sub-derivation as a conditional proof, or 'CP' for
short. This is much clearer by considering the following
example argument:
P → (Q v R) P →
¬S S ↔
→ R
While a direct derivation establishing the validity of this
argument is possible, it is easier to establish the validity
of this argument using a conditional derivation.
1. P → (Q v R) |
Premise |
2. P → ¬S |
Premise |
3. S ↔ Q |
Premise |
P |
Assumption |
Q v R |
1,4 MP |
¬S |
2,4 MP |
(S → Q) & (Q → S) |
3 Equiv |
Q → S |
7 Simp |
¬Q |
6,8 MT |
R |
5,9 DS |
11. P → R |
4-10 CP |
Here in order to establish the conditional statement "P →
R", we constructed a sub-derivation, which is the indented
portion found at lines 4-10. First, we assumed the truth of
'P', and found that with it, we could derive 'R'. Given the
premises, we therefore had shown that if 'P' were also true,
so would be 'R'. Therefore, on the basis of the sub-derivation
we were justified in concluding "P → R". This is the usual
methodology used in logic and mathematics for establishing the
truth of a conditional statement.
Another common method is that of indirect proof,
also known as proof by reductio ad absurdum. (For a
fuller discussion, see the entry on reductio ad
absurdum in the encyclopedia.) In an indirect proof ('IP'
for short), our goal is to demonstate that a certain wff is
false on the basis of the premises. Again, we make use of a
sub-derivation; here, we begin by assuming the opposite of
that which we're trying to prove, i.e., we assume that the wff
is true. If on the basis of this assumption, we can demonstate
an obvious contradiction, i.e., a statement of the form α & ¬α , we can conclude that the assumed statement
must be false, because anything that leads to a contradiction
must be false.
For example, consider the following argument:
P → Q P → (Q → ¬P) ¬P
While, again, a direct derivation of the conclusion for
this argument from the premises is possible, it is somewhat
easier to prove that "¬P" is true by showing that, given the
premises, it would be impossible for 'P' to be true by
assuming that it is and showing this to be absurd.
1. P → Q |
Premise |
2. P → (Q → ¬P) |
Premise |
P |
Assumption |
Q |
1,3 MP |
Q → ¬P |
2,3 MP |
¬P |
4,5 MP |
P & ¬P |
3,6 Conj |
8. ¬P |
3-7 IP |
Here we were attempting to show that "¬P" was true given
the premises. To do this we assumed instead that 'P' was true.
Since this assumption was impossible, we were justified in
concluding that 'P' is false, i.e., that "¬P" is true.
When making use of either conditional proof or indirect
proof, once a sub-derivation is finished, the lines making it
up cannot be used later on in the main derivation or any
additional sub-derivations that may be constructed later
This completes our characterization of a system of natural
deduction for the language PL.
The system of natural deduction just described is formally
adequate in the following sense. Earlier, we defined a
valid argument as one in which there is no possible
truth-value assignment to the statement letters making up its
premises and conclusion that makes the premises all true but
the conclusion untrue. It is provable that an argument in the
language of PL is formally valid in that sense if and only if
it is possible to construct a derivation of the conclusion of
that argument from the premises using the above rules of
inferences, rules of replacement and techniques of conditional
and indirect proof. Space limitations preclude a full proof of
this in the metalanguage, although the reasoning is very
similar to that given for the axiomatic Propositional Calculus
discussed in Sections
VI and VII
Informally, it is fairly easy to see that no argument for
which a deduction is possible in this system could be invalid
according to truth tables. Firstly, the rules of inference are
all truth-preserving. For example, in the case of
modus ponens, it is fairly easy to see from the truth
table for any set of statements of the appropriate form that
no truth-value assignment could make both α → β and α true while making β false. A similar
consideration applies for the others. Moreover, truth tables
can easily be used to verify that statements of one of the
forms mentioned in the rules of replacement are all
logically equivalent with those the rule allows one to
swap for them. Hence, the statements could never differ in
truth-value for any truth-value assignment. In case of
conditional proof, note that any truth-value assignment must
make either the conditional true, or it must make the
antecedent true and consequent false. The antecedent is what
is assumed in a conditional proof. So if the truth-value
assignment makes both it and the premises of the argument
true, because the other rules are all truth-preserving, it
would be impossible to derive the consequent unless it were
also true. A similar consideration justifies the use of
indirect proof.
This system represents a useful method for establishing the
validity of an argument that has the advantage of coinciding
more closely with the way we normally reason. (As noted
earlier, however, there are many equivalent systems of natural
deduction, all coinciding relatively closely to ordinary
reasoning patterns.) One disadvantage this method has,
however, is that, unlike truth tables, it does not provide a
means for recognizing that an argument is invalid. If an
argument is invalid, there is no deduction for it in the
system. However, the system itself does not provide a means
for recognizing when a deduction is impossible.
Another objection that might be made to the system of
deduction sketched above is that it contains more rules and
more techniques than it needs to. This leads us directly into
our next topic.
6. Axiomatic Systems and the Propositional
The system of deduction discussed in the previous section
is an example of a natural deduction system, i.e., a
system of deduction for a formal language that attempts to
coincide as closely as possible to the forms of reasoning most
people actually employ. Natural systems of deduction are
typically contrasted with axiomatic systems. Axiomatic
systems are minimalist systems; rather than including rules
corresponding to natural modes of reasoning, they utilize as
few basic principles or rules as possible. Since so few kinds
of steps are available in a deduction, relatively speaking, an
axiomatic system usually requires more steps for the deduction
of a conclusion from a given set of premises as compared to a
natural deduction system.
Typically, an axiomatic system consists in the
specification of certain wffs that are specified as "axioms".
An axiom is something that is taken as a fundamental truth of
the system that does not itself require proof. To allow for
the deduction of results from the axioms or the premises of an
argument, the system typically also includes at least one (and
often only one) rule of inference. Usually, an attempt is made
to limit the number of axioms to as few as possible, or at
least, limit the number of forms axioms can take.
Because axiomatic systems aim to be minimal, typically they
employ languages with simplified vocabularies whenever
possible. For classical truth-functional propositional logic,
this might involve using a simpler language such as PL' or
PL'' instead of the full language PL.
For most of the remainder of this section, we shall sketch
an axiomatic system for classical truth-functional
propositional logic, which we shall dub the Propositional
Calculus (or PC for short). The Propositional Calculus
makes use of language PL', described
above. That is, the only connectives it uses are '→' and
'¬', and the other operators, if used at all, would be
understood as shorthand abbreviations making use of the
definitions discussion in Section
System PC consists of three axiom schemata, which
are forms a wff fits if it is axiom, along with a single
inference rule: modus ponens. We make this more precise
by specifying certain definitions.
Definition: a wff of language PL' is an axiom
of PC if and only if it is an instance of one of the following
three forms:
α → (β → α) |
(Axiom Schema 1, or AS1) |
(α → (β → γ)) → ((α → β) → (α → γ)) |
(Axiom Schema 2, or AS2) |
(¬α → ¬β) → ((¬α → β) → α) |
(Axiom Schema 3, or AS3) |
Note that according to this definition, every wff of the
form α → (β → α) is an axiom. This includes an infinite number
of different wffs, from simple cases such as "P → (Q → P)", to
much more complicated cases such as "(¬R → ¬¬S) → [¬(¬M → N) →
(¬R → ¬¬S)]".
An ordered step-by-step deduction constitutes a derivation
in system PC if and only if each step in the deduction is
either (1) a premise of the argument, (2) an axiom, or (3)
derived from previous steps by modus ponens. Once again
we can make this more precise with the following (more
recondite) definition:
Definition: an ordered sequence of wffs
β1, β2, ..., βn is a
derivation in system PC of the wff βn
from the premises α1, α2, ...,
αm if and only if, for each wff
βi in the sequence β1,
β2, ..., βn, either (1)
βi is one of the premises α1,
α2, ..., αm, (2)
βi is an axiom of PC, or (3)
βi follows from previous members of the
series by the inference rule modus ponens (i.e., there
are previous members of the sequence, βj and
βk, such that βj takes the
form βk → βi ).
For example, consider the following argument written in the
language PL':
P (R → P) → (R → (P → S)) R → S
The following constitutes a derivation in system PC of the
conclusion from the premises:
1. P |
Premise |
2. (R → P) → (R → (P → S)) |
Premise |
3. P → (R → P) |
Instance of AS1 |
4. R → P |
1,3 MP |
5. R → (P → S) |
2,4 MP |
6. (R → (P → S)) → ((R → P) → (R → S)) |
Instance of AS2 |
7. (R → P) → (R → S) |
5,6 MP |
8. R → S |
4,7 MP |
Historically, the original axiomatic systems for logic were
designed to be akin to other axiomatic systems found in
mathematics, such as Euclid's axiomatization of geometry. The
goal of developing an axiomatic system for logic was to create
a system in which to derive truths of logic making use
only of the axioms of the system and the inference rule(s).
Those wffs that can be derived from the axioms and inference
rule alone, i.e., without making use of any additional
premises, are called theorems or theses of the
system. To make this more precise:
Definition: a wff α is said to be a theorem of
PC if and only if there is an ordered sequence of wffs,
specifically, a derivation, β1, β2, ...,
βn such that, α is βn and
each wff βi in the sequence β1,
β2, ..., βn, is such that either
(1) βi is an axiom of PC, or (2)
βi follows from previous members of the
series by modus ponens.
One very simple theorem of system PC is the wff "P → P". We
can show that it is a theorem by constructing a derivation of
"P → P" that makes use only of axioms and MP and no additional
1. P → (P → P) |
Instance of AS1 |
2. P → ((P → P) → P) |
Instance of AS1 |
3. [P → ((P → P) → P)] → [(P → (P → P)) → (P →
P)] |
Instance of AS2 |
4. (P → (P → P)) → (P → P) |
2,3 MP |
5. P → P |
1,4 MP |
It is fairly easy to see that not only is "P → P" a theorem
of PC, but so is any wff of the form α → α . Whatever α happens to be, there will be a
derivation in PC of the same form:
1. α → (α → α) |
Instance of AS1 |
2. α → ((α → α) → α) |
Instance of AS1 |
3. [α → ((α → α) → α)] → [(α → (α → α)) → (α →
α)] |
Instance of AS2 |
4. (α → (α → α)) → (α → α) |
2,3 MP |
5. α → α |
1,4 MP |
So even if we make α in the above the more complicated wff,
e.g., "¬(¬M → N)", a derivation with the same form shows that
"¬(¬M → N) → ¬(¬M → N)" is also a theorem of PC. Hence, we
call α → α a theorem schema of PC, because all of
its instances are theorems of PC. From now on, let's call it
"Theorem Schema 1", or "TS1" for short.
The following are also theorem schemata of PC:
α → ¬¬α |
(Theorem Schema 2, or TS2) |
¬α → (α → β) |
(TS3) |
α → (¬β → ¬(α → β)) |
(TS4) |
(α → β) → ((¬α → β) → β) |
(TS5) |
You may wish to verify this for yourself by attempting to
construct the appropriate proofs for each. Be warned that some
require quite lengthy derivations!
It is common to use the notation:
β to mean that β is a theorem.
Similarly, it is common to use the notation:
α1, α2, ..., αm β to mean that it is possible to
construct a derivation of β making use of α1,
α2, ..., αm as premises.
Considered in terms of number of rules it employs, the
axiomatic system PC is far less complex than the system of
natural deduction sketched in the previous section. The
natural deduction system made use of nine inference rules, ten
rules of replacement and two additional proof techniques. The
axiomatic system instead, makes use of three axiom schemata
and a single inference rule and no additional proof
techniques. Yet, the axiomatic system is not lacking in any
Indeed, for any argument using language PL' that is
logically valid according to truth tables it is possible to
construct a derivation in system PC for that argument.
Moreover, every wff of language PL' that is a logical truth,
i.e., a tautology according to truth tables, is a theorem of
PC. The reverse of these results is true as well; every
theorem of PC is a tautology, and every argument for which a
derivation in system PC exists is logically valid according to
truth tables. These and other features of the Propositional
Calculus are discussed, and some are even proven in the
section below.
While the Propositional Calculus is simpler in one way than
the natural deduction system sketched in the previous section,
in many ways it is actually more complicated to use. For any
given argument, a deduction of the conclusion from the
premises conducted in PC is likely to be far longer and less
psychologically natural than one carried out in a natural
deduction system. Such deductions are only simpler in the
sense that fewer distinct rules are employed.
System PC is only one of many possible ways of axiomatizing
propositional logic. Some systems differ from PC in only very
minor ways. For example, we could alter our definition of
"axiom" so that a wff is an axiom iff it is an instance of
(A1), an instance of (A2), or an instance of the
(A3') (¬α → ¬β) → (β → α)
Replacing axiom schema (A3) with (A3'), while altering the
way certain deductions must be constructued (making the proofs
of many important results longer), has little effect
otherwise; the resulting system would have all the same
theorems and every argument for which a deduction is possible
in the system above would also have a deduction in the revised
system, and vice versa.
We also noted above that, strictly speaking, there are an
infinite number of axioms of system PC. Instead of utilizing
an infinite number of axioms, we might alternatively have
utilized only three axioms, viz., the specific wffs:
(A1*) P → (Q → P) (A2*)
(P → (Q → R)) → ((P → Q) → (P → R)) (A3*)
(¬P → ¬Q) → ((¬P → Q) → P) Note that
(A1*) is just a unique wff; on this approach, the wff "(¬R →
¬¬S) → [¬(¬M → N) → (¬R → ¬¬S)]" would not count as an axiom,
even though it shares a common from with (A1*). To such a
system it would be necessary to add an additional inference
rule, a rule of substitution or uniform
replacement. This would allow one to infer, from a theorem
of the system, the result of uniformly replacing any given
statement letter (e.g., 'P' or 'Q') that occurs within the
theorem, with any wff, simple or complex, provided that the
same wff replaces all occurrences of the same statement letter
in the theorem. On this approach, "(¬R → ¬¬S) → [¬(¬M → N) →
(¬R → ¬¬S)]", while not an axiom, would still be a
theorem because it could be derived from the rule of
uniform replacement twice, i.e., by first replacing 'P' in
(A1*) with "(¬R → ¬¬S)", and then replacing 'Q' with "¬(¬M →
N)". The resulting system differs in only subtle ways from our
earlier system PC. System PC, strictly speaking, uses only one
inference rule, but countenances an infinite number of axioms.
This system uses only three axioms, but makes use of an
additional rule. System PC, however, avoids this additional
inference rule by allowing everything that one could get by
substitution in (A1*) to be an axiom. For every theorem α,
therefore, if β if a wff obtained from α by uniformly
substituting wffs for statement letters in α, then β is also a
theorem of PC, because there would always be a proof of β
analogous to the proof of α only beginning from different
It is also possible to construct even more austere systems.
Indeed, it is possible to utilize only a single axiom schema
(or a single axiom plus a rule of replacement). One
possibility, suggested by C. A. Meredith (1953), would be
define an axiom as any wff matching the following form:
((((α → β) → (¬γ → ¬δ)) → γ) → ε) → ((ε → α) → (δ →
α)) The resulting system is equally powerful as system PC
and has exactly the same set of theorems. However, it is far
less psychologically intuitive and straightforward, and
deductions even for relatively simple results are often very
Historically, the first single axiom schema system made
use, instead of language PL', the even simpler language PL''
in which the only connective is the Sheffer stroke, '|', as discussed
above. In that case, it is possible to make use only of
the following axiom schema:
(α | (β | γ)) | ((δ | (δ | δ)) | ((ε | β) | ((α | ε) | (α |
The inference rule of MP is replaced with the rule that
from wffs of the form α | (β | γ) and α, one can deduce the wff γ. This system
was discovered by Jean Nicod (1917). More recently, a number
of possible single axiom systems have been found, some faring
better than others in terms of the complexity of the single
axiom and in terms of how long deductions for the same results
are required to be. (For recent research in this area, consult
McCune et. al. 2002.) Generally, however the more the system
allows, the shorter the deductions.
Besides axiomatic and natural deduction forms, deduction
systems for propositional logic can also take the form of a
sequent calculus; here, rather than specifying
definitions of axioms and inference rules, the rules are
stated directly in terms of derivability or entailment
conditions; e.g., one rule might state that if (either α β or α γ) then if γ, α β then α β. Sequent calculi, like modern natural
deduction systems, were first developed by Gerhard Gentzen.
Gentzen's work also suggests the use of tree-like deduction
systems rather than linear step-by-step deduction systems, and
such tree systems have proven more useful in automated
theorem-proving, i.e., in the creation of algorithms for the
mechanical construction of deductions (e.g., by a computer).
However, rather then exploring the details of these and other
rival systems, in the next section, we focus on proving things
about the system PC, the axiomatic system treated at length
7. Important Meta-Theoretic Results for the
Propositional Calculus
Note: this section is relatively more technical, and is
designed for audiences with some prior background in logic or
mathematics. Beginners may wish to skip to the next
In this section, we sketch informally the proofs given for
certain important features of the Propositional Calculus. Our
first topic, however, concerns the language PL' generally.
Metatheoretic result 1: Language PL' is
expressively adequate, i.e., within the context of classical
bivalent logic, there are no truth-functions that cannot be
represented in it.
We noted in Section
III(c) that the connectives '&', '↔' and 'v' can be defined using
the connectives of PL' ('→' and '¬'). More generally,
metatheoretic result 1 holds that any statement built using
truth-functional connectives, regardless of what those
connectives are, has an equivalent statement formed using only
'→' and '¬'. Here's the proof.
1. Assume that α is some wff built in some language
containing any set of truth-functional connectives, including
those not found in PL, PL' or PL''. For example, α might make
use of some three or four-place truth-functional connectives,
or connectives such as the exclusive or, or the sign '↓', or
any others you might imagine.
2. We need to show that there is a wff β formed only with
the connectives '→' and '¬' that is logically equivalent with
α. Because we have already shown that forms equivalent to
those built from '&', '↔', and 'v' can be constructed
from '→' and '¬', we are entitled to use them as well.
3. In order for it to be logically equivalent to α, the wff
β that we construct must have the same final truth-value for
every possible truth-value assignment to the statement letters
making up α, or in other words, it must have the same final
column in a truth table.
4. Let p1, p2, ...,
pn be the distinct statement letters making
up α. For some possible truth-value assignments to these
letters, α may be true, and for others α may be false. The
only hard case would be the one in which α is contingent. If α
were not contingent, it must either be a tautology, or a
self-contradiction. Since clearly tautologies and
self-contradictions can be constructed in PL', and all
tautologies are logically equivalent to one another, and all
self-contradictions are equivalent to one another, in those
cases, our job is easy. Let us suppose instead that α is
5. Let us construct a wff β in the following way.
(a) Consider in turn each truth-value assignment
to the letters p1, p2, ...,
pn. For each truth-value assignment,
construct a conjunction made up of those letters the
truth-value assignment makes true, along with the negations
of those letters the truth-value assignment makes false. For
instance, if the letters involved are 'A', 'B' and 'C', and
the truth-value assignment makes 'A' and 'C' true but 'B'
false, consider the conjunction '((A & ¬B) &
C)'. (b) From the resulting conjunctions, form a complex
disjunction formed from those conjunctions formed in step
(a) for which the corresponding truth-value assignment makes
α true. For example, if the truth-value assignment making
'A' and 'C' true but 'B' false makes α true, include it the
disjunction. Suppose, e.g., that this truth-value assignment
does make α true, as does that assignment in which 'A' and
'B' and 'C' are all made false, but no other truth-value
assignment makes α true. In that case, the resulting
disjunction would be '((A & ¬B) & C) v ((¬A & ¬B)
& ¬C)'.
6. The wff β constructed in step 5 is logically equivalent
to α. Consider that for those truth-value assignments making α
true, one of the conjunctions making up the disjunction β is
true, and hence the whole disjunction is true as well. For
those truth-value assignments making α false, none of the
conjunctions making up β is true, because each conjunction
will contain at least one conjunct that is false on that
truth-value assignment.
7. Because β is constructed using only '&', 'v' and '¬', and these
can in turn be defined using only '¬' and '→', and because β
is equivalent to α, there is a wff built up only from '¬' and
'→' that is equivalent to α, regardless of the connectives
making up α.
8. Therefore, PL' is expressively adequate.
Corollary 1.1: Language PL'' is also expressively
The corrollary follows at once from metatheoretic result 1,
along with the fact, noted in Section
III(c), that '→', and '¬' can be defined using only
Metatheoretic result 2 (a.k.a. "The Deduction
Theorem"): In the Propositional Calculus, PC, whenever
it holds that α1, ..., αn
β, it also holds that α1,
..., αn-1 αn → β
What this means is that whenver we can prove a given result
in PC using a certain number of premises, then it is possible,
using all the same premises leaving out one exception,
αn, to prove the conditional statement made
up of the removed premise, αn, as antecedent
and the conclusion of the original derivation, β, as
consequent. The importance of this result is that, in effect,
is shows that the technique of conditional proof, typically
found in natural deduction (see Section
V), is unnecessary in PC, because whenever it is possible
to prove the consequent of a conditional by taking the
antecedent as an additional premise, a derivation directly for
the conditional can be found without taking the antecedent as
a premise.
Here's the proof:
1. Assume that α1, ..., αn
β. This means that there is a derivation of β
in the Propositional Calculus from the premises α1,
..., αn. This derivation takes the form of
an ordered sequence γ1, γ2, ...,
γm, where the last member of the sequence,
γm, is β, and each member of the sequence is
either (1) a premise, i.e., it is one of α1, ...,
αn, (2) an axiom of PC, (3) derived from
previous members of the sequence by modus
2. We need to show that there is a derivation of αn → β , which, while possibly making use of the other
premises of the argument, does not make use of
αn. We'll do this by showing that for each
member, γi, of the sequence of the original
derivation: γ1, γ2, ...,
γm, one can derive αn → γi without making use of αn as
a premise.
3. Each step γi in the sequence of the
original derivation was gotten at in one of three ways, as
mentioned in (1) above. Regardless of which case we are
dealing with, we can get the result that α1, ...,
αn-1 αn → γi.
There are three cases to consider:
Case (a): Suppose γi is a premise of the
original argument. Then γi is either one of
α1, ..., αn-1 or it is
αn itself. In the latter subcase, what we
desire to get is that αn → αn can be gotten at without using
αn as a premise. Because αn → αn is an instance of TS1, we can get it without
using any premises. In the latter case, notice that
γi is one of the premises we're allowed to
use in the new derivation. We're also allowed to introduce the
instance of AS1, γi → (αn →
γi) . From these, we can get αn → γi by modus ponens.
Case (b): Suppose γi is an axiom. We need
to show that we can get αn → γi without using αn as a
premise. In fact, we can get it without using any
premises. Because γi is an axiom, we can use
it in the new derivation as well. As in the last case, we have
γi → (αn →
γi) as another axiom (an instance of AS1). From
these two axioms, we arrive at αn → γi by modus ponens.
Case (c): Suppose that γi was derived
from previous members of the sequence by modus ponens.
Specifically, there is some γj and
γk such that both j and k are
less than i, and γj takes the form
γk → γi . We can assume that we have already been able
to derive both αn → γj -- i.e., αn → (γk →
γi) -- and αn → γk in the new derivation without making use of
αn. (This may seem questionable in the case
that either γj or γk was
itself gotten at by modus ponens. But notice that this
just pushes the assumption back, and eventually one will reach
the beginning of the original derivation. The first two steps
of the sequence, viz., γ1 and γ2, cannot
have been derived by modus ponens, since this would
require there to have been two previous member of the
sequence, which is impossible.) So, in our new derivation, we
already have both αn → (γk →
γi) and αn → γk . Notice that [αn → (γk →
γi)] → [(αn →
γk) → (αn →
γi)] is an instance of AS2, and so it can be
introduced in the new derivation. By two steps of modus
ponens, we arrive at αn → γi , again without using αn as a
premise. 4. If we continue through each step of the
original derivation, showing for each such step
γi, we can get αn → γi without using αn as a
premise, eventually, we come to the last step of the original
derivation, γm, which is β itself. Applying
the procedure from step (3), we get that αn → β without making use of αn as
a premise. Therefore, the new derivation formed in this way
shows that α1, ..., αn-1 αn → β, which
is what we were attempting to show.
What's interesting about this proof for metatheoretic
result 2 is that it provides a recipe, given a derivation for
a certain result that makes use of one or more premises, for
transforming that derivation into one of a conditional
statement in which one of the premises of the original
argument has become the antecedent. This may be much clearer
with an example.
Consider the following derivation for the result that: Q →
R (P → Q) → (P → R):
1. Q → R |
Premise |
2. (Q → R) → (P → (Q → R)) |
AS1 |
3. P → (Q → R) |
1,2 MP |
4. [P → (Q → R)] → [(P → Q) → (P → R)] |
AS2 |
5. (P → Q) → (P → R) |
3,4 MP |
It is possible to transform the above derivation into one
that uses no premises that shows that (Q → R) → ((P → Q) → (P → R)) is a theorem of PC. The procedure for such a
transformation involves looking at each step of the original
derivation, and for each one, attempt to derive the same
statement, only beginning with "(Q → R) → ...", without making
use of "(Q → R)" as a premise. How this is done depends on
whether the step is a premise, an axiom, or a result of
modus ponens, and depending on which it is, applying
one of the three procedures sketched in the proof above. The
result is the following:
1. (Q → R) → (Q → R) |
TS1 |
2. (Q → R) → (P → (Q → R)) |
AS1 |
3. [(Q → R) → (P → (Q → R))] → {(Q → R) → [(Q → R) →
(P → (Q → R))]} |
AS1 |
4. (Q → R) → [(Q → R) → (P → (Q → R))] |
2,3 MP |
5. {(Q → R) → [(Q → R) → (P → (Q → R))]} → {[(Q → R)
→ (Q → R)] → [(Q → R) → (P → (Q → R))]} |
AS2 |
6. [(Q → R) → (Q → R)] → [(Q → R) → (P → (Q →
R)])] |
4,5 MP |
7. (Q → R) → (P → (Q → R)) |
1,6 MP |
8. [P → (Q → R)] → [(P → Q) → (P → R)] |
AS2 |
9. {[P → (Q → R)] → [(P → Q) → (P → R)]} →
[(Q → R) → {[P → (Q → R)] → [(P → Q) → (P →
R)]}] |
AS1 |
10. (Q → R) → {[P → (Q → R)] → [(P → Q) → (P → R)]}
8,9 MP |
11. [(Q → R) → {[P → (Q → R)] → [(P → Q) → (P
→ R)]}] → {[(Q → R) → (P → (Q → R))] → [(Q → R) →
((P → Q) → (P → R))]} |
AS2 |
12. [(Q → R) → (P → (Q → R))] → [(Q → R) → ((P → Q)
→ (P → R))] |
10,11 MP |
13. (Q → R) → ((P → Q) → (P → R)) |
MP |
The procedure for transforming one sort of derivation into
another is purely rote. Moreover, the result is quite often
not the most elegant or easy way to show that which you were
trying to show. Notice, e.g., in the above that lines (2) and
(7) are redudant, and more steps were taken than necessary.
However, the purely rote procedure is effective.
This metatheoretic result is due to Jacques Herbrand
(1930). It is interesting on its own, especially when one
reflects on it as a substitution or replacement for the
conditional proof technique. However, it is also very useful
for proving other metatheoretic results, as we shall see
Metatheoretic result 3: If α is a wff of
language PL', and the statement letters making it up are
p1, p2, ..., pn,
then if we consider any possible truth-value assignment to
these letters, and consider the set of premises, Δ,
that contains p1 if the truth-value
assignment makes p1 true, but contains
¬p1 if the truth-value assignment makes
p1 false, and similarly for p2,
..., pn, if the truth-value assignment
makes α true, then in PC, it holds that Δ α, and if it makes α false,
then Δ ¬α.
Here's the proof.
1. By the definition of a wff, α is either itself a
statement letter, or ultimately built up from statement
letters by the connectives '¬' and '→'.
2. If α is itself a statement letter, then obviously either
it or its negation is a member of Δ. It is a member of Δ if
the truth-value assignment makes it true. In that case,
obviously, there is a derivation of α from Δ, since a premise
maybe introduced at any time. If the truth-value assignment
makes it false instead, then ¬α is a member of Δ, and so we have a derivation
of ¬α from Δ, since again a premise may be
introduced at any time. This covers the case in which our wff
is simply a statement letter.
3. Suppose that α is built up from some other wff β with
the sign '¬', i.e., suppose that α is ¬β . We can assume that we have already gotten the
desired result for β. (Either β is a statement letter, in
which case the result holds by step (2), or is itself
ultimately built up from statement letters, so even if
verifying this assumption requires making a similar
assumption, ultimately we will get back to statement letters.)
That is, if the truth-value assignment makes β true, then we
have a derivation of β from Δ. If it makes it false, then we
have a derivation of ¬β from Δ. Suppose that it makes β true. Since α
is the negation of β, the truth-value assignment must make α
false. Hence, we need to show that there is a derivation of
¬α from Δ. Since α is ¬β , ¬α is ¬¬β . If we append to our derivation of β from Δ
the derivation of β → ¬¬β , an instance of TS2, we can reach a derivation
of ¬¬β by modus ponens, which is what was
required. If we assume instead that the truth-value assignment
makes β false, then by our assumption, there is a derivation
of ¬β from Δ. Since α is the negation of β, this
truth-value assigment must make α true. Now, α simply is ¬β , so we already have a derivation of it from
4. Suppose instead that α is built up from other wffs β and
γ with the sign '→', i.e., suppose that α is β → γ . Again we can assume that we have already
gotten the desired result for β and γ. (Again, either they
themselves are statements letters or built up in like fashion
from statement letters.) Suppose that the truth-value
assignment we are considering makes α true. Because α is β → γ , by the semantics for the sign '→', the
truth-value assignment must make either β false or γ true.
Take the first subcase. If it makes β false, then by our
assumption, there is a derivation of ¬β from Δ. If we append to this the derivation of
the instance of TS3, ¬β → (β → γ) , by modus ponens we arrive at
derivation of β → γ , i.e., α, from Δ. If instead, the truth-value
assignment makes γ true, then by our assumption there is a
derivation of γ from Δ. If we add to this derivation the
instance of AS1, γ → (β → γ) , by modus ponens, we then again arrive
at a derivation of β → γ , i.e., α, from Δ. If instead, the truth-value
assignment makes α false, then since α is β → γ , the truth-value assignment in question must
make β true and γ false. By our assumption, then it is
possible to prove both β and ¬γ from Δ. If we concatenate these two
derivations, and add to them the derivation of the instance of
TS4, β → [¬γ → ¬(β → γ)] , then by two applications of modus
ponens, we can derive ¬(β → γ) , which is simply ¬α , which is what was desired.
From the above we see that the Propositional Calculus PC
can be used to demonstrate the appropriate results for a
complex wff if given as premises either the truth or falsity
of all its simple parts. This is of course the foundation of
truth-functional logic, that the truth or falsity of those
complex statements one can make in it be determined entirely
by the truth or falsity of the simple statements entering in
to it. Metatheoretic result 3 is again interesting on its own,
but it plays a crucial role in the proof of completeness,
which we turn to next.
Metatheoretic result 4 (Completeness): If α
is a wff of language PL' and a tautology, then α is
a theorem of the Propositional Calculus.
This feature of the Propositional Calculus is called
completeness because it shows that the Propositional
Calculus, as a deductive system aiming to capture all the
truths of logic, is a success. Every wff true solely in virtue
of the truth-functional nature of the connectives making it up
is something can prove using only the axioms of PC along with
modus ponens. Here's the proof:
1. Suppose that α is a tautology. This means that every
possible truth-value assignment to its statement letters makes
it true.
2. Let the statement letters making up α be p1,
p2, ..., pn, arranged in some
order (say alphabetically and by the number of their
subscripts). It follows from (1) and metatheoretic result 3,
that there is a derivation in PC of α using any possible
set of premises that consists, for each statement letter,
of either it or its negation.
3. By metatheoretic result 2, we can remove from each of
these sets of premises either pn or ¬pn , depending on which it contains, and make it
an antecedent of a conditional in which α is consequent, and
the result will be provable without using pn
or ¬pn as a premise. This means that for every
possible set of premises consisting of either p1 or
¬p1 and so on, up until pn-1, we
can derive both pn → α and ¬pn → α .
4. The wff (pn → α) →
((¬pn → α) → α) is an instance of TS5. Therefore, for any set
of premises from which one can derive both pn → α and ¬pn → α , by two applications of modus ponens,
one can also derive α itself.
5. Putting (3) and (4) together, we have the result that α
can be derived from every possible set of premises consisting
of either p1 or ¬p1 and so on, up until
6. We can apply the same reasoning given in steps (3)-(5)
to remove pn-1 or its negation from the
premise sets by the deduction theorem, arriving at the result
that for every set of premises consisting of either
p1 or ¬p1 and so on, up until pn-2, it
is possible to derive α. If continue to apply this reasoning,
eventually, we'll get the result that we can derive α with
either p1 or its negation as our sole premise.
Again, applying the deduction theorem, this means that both
p1 → α and ¬p1 → α can be proven in PC without using any
premises, i.e., they are theorems. Concatenating the
derivations of these theorems along that for the instance of
TS5, (p1 → α) → ((¬p1 → α) →
α) , by two applications of modus ponens,
it follows that α itself is a theorem, which is what we sought
to demonstrate. The above proof of the completeness of
system PC is easier to appreciate when visualized. Suppose,
just for the sake of illustration, that the tautology we wish
to demonstrate in system PC has three statement letters, 'P',
'Q' and 'R'. There are eight possible truth-value assignments
to these letters, and since α is a tautology, all of them make
α true. We can sketch in at least this much of α's truth
Now, given this feature of α, it follows from metatheoretic
result 3, that for every possible combination of premises that
consists of either 'P' or "¬P" (but not both), either 'Q' or
'¬Q', and 'R' or "¬R", it is possible from those premises to
construct a derivation showing α. This can be visualized as
P , Q , R |
α |
P , Q , ¬R |
α |
P , ¬Q , R |
α |
P , ¬Q , ¬R |
α |
¬P , Q , R |
α |
¬P , Q , ¬R |
α |
¬P , ¬Q , R |
α |
¬P , ¬Q , ¬R |
α |
By the deduction theorem, we can pull out the last premise
from each list of premises and make it an antecedent. However,
because from the same remaining list of premises we get both
R → α and ¬R → α , we can get α by itself from those premises
according to TS5. Again, to visualize this:
P , Q |
R → α |
... and
so P , Q α |
P , Q |
¬R → α |
P , ¬Q |
R → α |
... and
so P , ¬Q α |
P , ¬Q |
¬R → α |
¬P , Q |
R → α |
... and
so ¬P , Q α |
¬P , Q |
¬R → α |
¬P , ¬Q |
R → α |
... and
so ¬P , ¬Q α |
¬P , ¬Q |
¬R → α |
We can continue this line of reasoning until all the
premises are removed.
P , Q α |
P Q → α |
and so P
α |
and so
P → α |
and so
α |
P , ¬Q α |
P ¬Q → α |
¬P , Q α |
¬P Q → α |
and so ¬P
α |
and so
¬P → α |
¬P , ¬Q α |
¬P ¬Q → α |
At the end of this process, we see that α is a theorem.
Despite only having three axiom schemata and a single
inference rule, it is possible to prove any tautology in the
simple Propositional Calculus, PC. It is complete in the
requisite sense.
This method of proving the completeness of the
Propositional Calculus is due to Kalmár (1935).
Corollary 4.1: If a given wff β of
language PL' is a logical consequence of a set of wffs
α1, α2, ..., αn,
according to their combined truth table, then there is a
derivation of β with α1, ...,
αn as premises in the Propositional
Without going into the details of the proof of this
corollary, it follows from the fact that if β is a logical
consequence of α1, α2, ...,
αn, then the wff of the form (α1 → (α2 → ...
(αn → β)...)) is a tautology. As a tautology, it is a
theorem of PC, and so if one begins with its derivation in PC
and appends a number of steps of modus ponens using
α1, α2, ..., αn as
premises, one can derive β.
Metatheoretic result 5 (Soundness): If a wff
α is a theorem of the Propositional Calculus (PC),
then α is a tautology.
Above, we saw that all tautologies are theorems of PC. The
reverse is also true: all theorems of PC are tatuologies.
Here's the proof:
1. Suppose that α is a theorem of PC. This means that there
is an ordered sequence of steps, each of which is either (1)
an axiom of PC, or (2) derived from previous members of the
sequence by modus ponens, and such that α is the last
member of the sequence.
2. We can show that not only is α a tautology, but so are
all the members of the sequence leading to it. The first thing
to note is that every axiom of PC is a tautology. To be an
axiom of PC, a wff must match one of the axiom schemata AS1,
AS2 or AS3. All such wffs must be tautologous; this can easily
be verified by constructing truth tables for AS1, AS2 and AS3.
(This is left to the reader.)
3. The rule of modus ponens preserves tautologyhood.
If α is a tautology and α → β is also a tautology, β must be a tautology as
well. This is because if β were not a tautology, it would be
false on some truth-value assignments. However, α, as a
tautology, is true for all truth-value assignments. Because a
statement of the form α → β is false for any truth-value assignment making
α true and β false, it would then follow that some truth-value
assignment makes α → β false, which is impossible if it too is a
4. Hence, we see that the axioms with which we begin the
sequence, and every step derived from them using modus
ponens, must all be tautologies, and consequently, the
last step of the sequence, α, must also be a tautology.
This result is called the soundness of the
Propositional Calculus; it shows that in it, one cannot
demonstrate something that is not logically true.
Corollary 5.1: A wff α of language PL' is
a tautology if and only if α is a theorem of system
This follows immediately from metatheoretic results 4 and
Corollary 5.2 (Consistency): There is no wff
α of language PL' such that both α and ¬α are theorems of the Propositional Calculus
Due to metatheoretic result 5, all theorems of PC are
tautologies. It is therefore impossible for both α and ¬α to be theorems, as this would require both to
be tautologies. That would mean that both are true for all
truth-value assignments, but obviously, they must have
different truth-values for any given truth-value assignment,
and cannot both be true for any, much less all, such
This result is called consistency because it
guarantees that no theorem of system PC can be inconsistent
with any other theorem.
Corollary 5.3: If there is a derivation of the
wff β with α1, α2, ...,
αn as premises in the Propositional
Calculus, then β is a logical consequence of the set of
wffs α1, α2, ...,
αn, according to their combined truth
This is the converse of Corollary 4.1. It follows by the
reverse reasoning involved in that corollary. If there is a
derivation of β taking α1, ...,
αn as premises, then by multiple
applications of the the deduction theorem (Metatheoretic
result 2), it follows that (α1 → (α2 → ...
(αn → β)...)) is a theorem of PC. By metatheoretic result 5,
(α1 → (α2 → ...
(αn → β)...)) must be a tautology. If so, then there cannot
be a truth-value assignment making all of α1, ...,
αn true while making β false, and so β is a
logical consequence of α1, ...,
Corollary 5.4: There is a derivation of the
wff β with α1, ..., αn
as premises in the Propositional Calculus if and only if
β is a logical consequence of α1, ...,
αn, according to their combined truth
This follows at once from corollaries 4.1 and 5.3. In sum,
then, the Propositional Calculus method of demonstrating
something to follow from the axioms of logic is extenionally
equivalent to the truth table method of determining whether or
not something is a logical truth. Similarly, the truth-table
method for testing the validity of an argument is equivalent
to the test of being able to construct a derivation for it in
the Propositional Calculus. In short, the Propositional
Calculus is exactly what we wanted it to be.
Corollary 5.5 (Decidability): The Propositional
Calculus (PC) is decidable, i.e., there is a finite,
effective, rote procedure for determining whether or not a
given wff α is a theorem of PC or not.
By Corollary 5.1, a wff α is a theorem of PC if and only if
it is a tautology. Truth tables provide a rote, effective, and
finite procedure for determining whether or not a given wff is
a tautology. They therefore also provide such a procedure for
determine whether or not a given wff is a theorem of
8. Forms of Propositional Logic
So far we have focused only on classical, truth-functional
propositional logic. Its distinguishing features are (1) that
all connectives it uses are truth-functional, i.e., the
truth-values of complex statements formed with those
connectives depend entirely on the truth-values of the parts,
and (2) that it assumes bivalence: all statements are taken to
have exactly one of two truth-values -- truth or falsity --
with no statement assigned both truth-values or neither.
Classical truth-functional propositional logic is the most
widely studied and discussed form, but there are other forms
of propositional logic.
Perhaps the most well known form of non-truth-functional
propositional logic is modal propositional logic. Modal
propositional logic involves introducing operators into the
logic involving necessity and possibility, usually along with
truth-functional operators such as '→', '&', '¬', etc..
Typically, the sign ' ' is used in place of the English operator, "it
is necessary that...", and the sign ' ' is used in place of the English operator "it
is possible that...". Sometimes both these operators are taken
as primitive, but quite often one is defined in terms of the
other, since ¬ ¬α would appear to be logically equivalent with
 α . (Roughly, it means the same to say that
something is not necessarily not true as it does to say that
it is possibly true.)
To see that modal propositional logic is not
truth-functional, just consider the following pair of
(P v ¬P)
The first states that it is necessary that P. Let us
suppose in fact that 'P' is true, but might have been false.
Since P is not necessarily true, the statement " P" is false. However, the statement "P
v ¬P" is a
tautology and so it could not be false. Hence, the statement
" (P v ¬P)" is true. Notice
that both 'P' and "P v ¬P" are true, but
different truth-values result when the operator ' ' is added. So, in modal propositional logic,
the truth-value of a statement does not depend entirely on the
truth-values of the parts.
The study of modal propositional logic involves identifying
under what conditions statements involving the operators ' ' and ' ' should be regarded as true. Different notions
or conceptions of necessity lead to different answers to that
question. It also involves discovering what inference rules or
systems of deduction would be appropriate given the addition
of these operators. Here, there is more controversy than with
classical truth-functional logic. For example, in the context
of discussions of axiomatic systems for modal propositional
logic, very different systems result depending on whether
instances of the following schemata are regarded as axiomatic
truths, or even truths at all:
α →  α
α →  α
If a statement is necessary, is it necessarily necessary?
If a statement is possible, is it necessarily possible? A
positive answer to the first question is a key assumption in a
logical system known as S4 modal logic. Positive answers to
both these questions are key assumptions in a logical system
known as S5 modal logic. Other systems of modal logic that
avoid such assumptions have also been developed. (For an
excellent introduction survey, see Hughes and Cresswell
Deontic propositional logic and epistemic
propositional logic are two other forms of
non-truth-functional propositional logic. The former involves
introduction of operators similar to the English operators "it
is morally obligatory that..." and "it is morally permissible
that...". Obviously, some things that are in fact true were
not morally obligatory, whereas some things that are true were
morally obligatory. Again, the truth-value of a statement in
deontic logic does not depend wholly on the truth-value of the
parts. Epistemic logic involves the addition of operators
similar to the English operators "it is known that..." and "it
is believed that ...". While everything that is known to be
the case is in fact the case, not everything that is the case
is known to be the case, so a statement built up with a "it is
known that..." will not depend entirely on the truth of
the proposition it modifies, even if it depends on it to some
Yet another widely studied form of non-truth-functional
propositional logic is relevance propositional logic,
which involves the addition of an operator 'Rel' used connect
two statements α and β to form an statement Rel(α, β) , which is interpreted to mean that α is
related to β in theme or subject matter. For example, if 'P'
means that Ben loves Jennifer and 'Q' means that
Jennifer is a pop star, then the statement "Rel(P, Q)"
is regarded as true; whereas if 'S' means The sun is
shining in Tokyo, then "Rel(P, S)" is false, and hence
"¬Rel(P, S)" is true. Obviously, whether or not a statement
formed using the connective 'Rel' is true does not depend
solely on the truth-value of the propositions involved.
One of the motivations for introducing non-truth-functional
propositional logics is to make up for certain oddities of
truth-functional logic. Consider the truth table for the sign
'→' used in Language PL. A statement of the form α → β is regarded as true whenever its antecedent is
false or consequent is true. So if we were to translate the
English sentence, "if the author of this article lives in
France, then the moon is made of cheese" as "E → M", then
strangely, it comes out as true given the semantics of the
sign '→' because the antecedent, 'E', is false. In modal
propositional logic it is possible to define a much stronger
sort of operator to use to translate English conditionals as
α β is defined as  (α → β)
If we transcribe the English "if the author of this article
lives in France, then the moon is made of cheese" instead as
"E M", then it does not come out as true, because
presumably, it is possible for the author of this
article to live in France without the moon being made of
cheese. Similarly, in relevance logic, one could also define a
stronger sort of connective as follows:
α ⇒ β is defined as Rel(α, β) & (α → β)
Here too, if we were to transcribe the English "if the
author of this article lives in France, then the moon is made
of cheese" as "E ⇒ M" instead of simply "E → M", it comes out
as false, because the author of this article living in France
is not related to the composition of the moon.
Besides non-truth-functional logic, other logical systems
differ from classical truth-functional logic by allowing
statements to be assigned truth-values other than truth or
falsity, or to be assigned neither truth nor falsity or
both truth and falsity. These sorts of logical systems
may still be truth-functional in the sense that the
truth-value of an complex statement may depend entirely on the
truth-values of the parts, but the rules governing such
truth-functionality would be more complicated than for
classical logic, because it must consider possibilities that
classical logic rejects.
Many-valued or multivalent logics are those
that consider more than two truth-values. They may admit
anything from three to an infinite number of possible
truth-values. The simplest sort of many-valued logic is one
that admits three truth-values, e.g., truth,
falsity and indeterminancy. It might seem, for
example, that certain statements such as statements about the
future, or paradoxical statements such as "this sentence is
not true" cannot easily be assigned either truth or
falsity, and so, it might be concluded, must have an
indeterminate truth-value. The admission of this third
truth-value requires one to expand the truth tables given in
III(a). There, we gave a truth table for statements formed
using the operator '→'; in three-valued logic, we have to
decide what the truth-value of a statement of the form α → β is when either or both of α and β has an
indeterminate truth-value. Arguably, if any component of a
statement is indeterminate in truth-value, then the whole
statement is indeterminate as well. This would lead to the
following expanded truth table:
(α → β)
However, we might wish to retain the feature of classical
logic that a statement of the form α → β is always true when its antecedent is false or
its consequent is true, and hold that it is indeterminate only
when its antecedent is indeterminate and its consequent false
or when its antecedent is true and its consequent
indeterminate, so that its truth table appears:
(α → β)
Such details will have an effect on the remainders of the
logical systems. For example, if an axiomatic or natural
deduction system is created, and a desirable feature is that
something be provable from no premises if and only if it is a
tautology in the sense of being true (and not just not false)
for all possible truth-value assignments, if we make use of
the first truth table for '→', "P → P" should not be provable,
because it is indeterminate when 'P' is, whereas if we use the
second truth table, "P → P" should be provable, since it is a
tautology according to that truth table, i.e., it is true
regardless of which of the three truth-values is assigned to
Here we get just a glimpse at the complications created by
admitting more than two truth-values. If more than three are
admitted, and possibly infinitely many, then the issues become
even more complicated.
Intuitionist propositional logic results from
rejecting the assumption that every statement is true or
false, and countenances statements that are neither.
The result is a sort of logic very much akin to a three-valued
logic, since "neither true nor false", while strictly speaking
the rejection of a truth-value, can be thought of as though it
were a third truth-value. In intuitionist logic, the so called
"law of excluded middle," i.e., the law that all statements of
the form α v ¬α are true is rejected. This is because
intuitionist logic takes truth to coincide with direct
provability, and it may be that certain statements, such as
Goldbach's conjecture in mathematics, are neither provably the
case nor provably not the case.
Paraconsistent propositional logic is even more
radical, in countenancing statements that are both true
and false. Again, depending on the nature of the
system, semantic rules have to be given that determine what
the truth-value or truth-values a complex statement has
when its component parts are both true and false. Such
decisions determine what sorts of new or restricted rules of
inference would apply to the logical system. For example,
paraconsistent logics, if not trivial, must restrict the rules
of inference allowable in classical truth-functional logic,
because in systems such as those sketched in Sections
V and VI
above, from a contradiction, i.e., a statement of the form
α & ¬α , it is possible to deduce any other statement.
Consider, e.g., the following deduction in the natural
deduction system sketched in Section
1. P & ¬ P |
Premise |
2. P |
1 Simp |
3. ¬P |
1 Simp |
4. P v
Q |
2 Add |
5. Q |
3,4 DS |
In order to avoid this result, paraconsistent logics must
restrict the notion of a valid inference. In order for an
inference to be considered valid, not only must it be
truth-preserving, i.e., that it be impossible to arrive at
something untrue when starting with true premises, it must be
falsity-avoiding, i.e., it must be impossible, starting with
true premises, to arrive at something that is false. In
paraconsistent logic, where a statement can be both true and
false, these two requirements do not coincide. The inference
rule of disjunctive syllogism, while truth-preserving, is not
falsity-avoiding. In cases in which its premises are true, its
conclusion can still be false; more specifically, provided
that at least one of its premises is both true and false, its
conclusion can be false.
Other forms of non-classical propositional logic, and
non-truth-functional propositional logic, continue to be
discovered. Obviously any deviance from classical bivalent
propositional logic raises complicated logical and
philosophical issues that cannot be fully explored here. For
more details both on non-classical logic, and on
non-truth-functional logic, see the recommended reading
section, and well as other articles forthcoming in the
9. Suggestions for Further
Anderson, A. R. and N. D. Belnap [and J. M. Dunn]. 1975
and 1992. Entailment. 2 vols. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press.
Bocheński, I. M. 1961. A History of Formal Logic.
Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
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________. 1854. An Investigation into the Laws of
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Carroll, Lewis. 1958. Symbolic Logic and the Game of
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Church, Alonzo. 1956. Introduction to Mathematical
Logic. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Copi, Irving. 1953. Introduction to Logic. New York:
________. 1974. Symbolic Logic. 4th ed. New York:
da Costa, N. C. A. 1974. "On the Theory of Inconsistent
Formal Systems," Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 25:
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New York: Ronald Press.
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arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen
Denkens. Halle: L. Nerbert. Published in English as
Conceptual Notation, ed. and trans. by Terrell Bynum.
Clarendon: Oxford, 1972.
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Philosophie des deutchen Idealismus 3: 36-51. Published in
English as "Compound Thoughts," in The Frege Reader,
edited by Michael Beaney. Oxford: Blackwell, 1997.
Gentzen, Gerhard. 1934. "Untersuchungen über das logische
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405-31. Published in English as "Investigations into Logical
Deduction," in Gentzen 1969.
________. 1969. Collected Papers. Edited by M. E.
Szabo. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing.
Haack, Susan. 1996. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Herbrand, Jacques. 1930. "Recherches sur la théorie de la
démonstration," Travaux de la Société des Sciences et de la
Lettres de Varsovie 33: 133-160.
Hilbert, David and William Ackermann. 1950. Principles
of Mathematical Logic. New York: Chelsea.
Hintikka, Jaakko. 1962. Knowledge and Belief: An
Introduction to the Logic of the Two Notions. Ithaca:
Cornell University Press.
Hughes, G. E. and M. J. Cresswell. 1996. A New
Introduction to Modal Logic. London: Routledge.
Jevons, W. S. 1880. Studies in Deductive Logic.
London: Macmillan.
Kalmár, L. 1935. "Über die Axiomatisierbarkeit des
Aussagenkalküls," Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 7:
Kleene, Stephen C. 1952. Introduction to
Metamathematics. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand.
Kneale, William and Martha Kneale. 1962. The Development
of Logic. Clarendon: Oxford.
Lewis, C. I. and C. H. Langford. 1932. Symbolic
Logic. New York: Dover.
Łukasiewicz, Jan. 1920. "O logice trojwartosciowej,"
Ruch Filozoficny 5: 170-171. Published in English as
"On Three-Valued Logic," in Łukasiewicz 1970.
________. 1970. Selected Works. Amsterdam:
Łukasiewicz, Jan and Alfred Tarski. 1930. "Untersuchungen
über den Aussagenkalkül," Comptes Rendus des séances de la
Société des Sciences et de la Lettres de Varsovie 32:
30-50. Published in English as "Investigations into the
Sentential Calculus," in Tarski 1956.
Mally, Ernst. 1926. Grundgesetze des Sollens: Elemente
der Logik des Willens. Graz: Leuschner und Lubensky.
McCune, William, Robert Veroff, Branden Fitelson, Kenneth
Harris, Andrew Feist and Larry Wos. 2002. "Short Single Axioms
for Boolean Algebra," Journal of Automated Reasoning
29: 1-16.
Mendelson, Elliot. 1997. Introduction to Mathematical
Logic. 4th ed. London: Chapman and Hall.
Meredith, C. A. 1953. "Single Axioms for the Systems (C,
N), (C, O) and (A, N) of the Two-valued Propositional
Calculus," Journal of Computing Systems 3: 155-62.
Müller, Eugen, ed. 1909. Abriss der Algebra der
Logik, by E. Schröder. Leipzig: Teubner.
Nicod, Jean. 1917. "A Reduction in the Number of the
Primitive Propositions of Logic," Proceedings of the
Cambridge Philosophical Society 19: 32-41.
Peirce, C. S. 1885. "On the Algebra of Logic," American
Journal of Mathematics 7: 180-202.
Post, Emil. 1921. "Introduction to a General Theory of
Propositions," American Journal of Mathematics 43:
Priest, Graham, Richard Routley and Jean Norman, eds. 1990.
Paraconsistent Logic. Munich: Verlag.
Prior, Arthur. 1990. Formal Logic. 2nd. ed. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Read, Stephen, 1988. Relevant Logic. New York:
Rescher, Nicholas. 1966. The Logic of Commands.
London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
________. 1969. Many-Valued Logic. New York: McGraw
Rosser, J. B. 1953. Logic for Mathematicians. New
York: McGraw Hill.
Russell, Bertrand. 1906. "The Theory of Implication,"
American Journal of Mathematics 28: 159-202.
Schlesinger, G. N. 1985. The Range of Epistemic
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Sheffer, H. M. 1913. "A Set of Five Postulates for Boolean
Algebras with Application to Logical Constants,"
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 15:
Smullyan, Raymond. 1961. Theory of Formal Systems.
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Tarski, Alfred. 1956. Logic, Semantics and
Meta-Mathematics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Urquhart, Alasdair. 1986. "Many-valued Logic," In
Handbook of Philosophical Logic, vol. 3, edited by D.
Gabbay and F. Guenthner. Dordrecht: Reidel.
Venn, John. 1881. Symbolic Logic. London: Macmillan.
Whitehead, Alfred North and Bertrand Russell. 1910-1913.
Principia Mathematica. 3 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig. 1922. Tractatus
Logico-Philosophicus. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.