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Material from Journey in Being-New World-essence.html 1


Program of research and experiment in the modes and means of transformation. 1

Transformation in ideas and understanding: experiments in conceptual development 1

Sources. 1…     General 1…     Logic. 2…     Strengthening the relation between Theory of being and science. 2…     Foundation of modern physics and biology. 3…     Extending modern physics. 3…     A quantum or genetic theory of laws. 4…     Is a quantum theoretic proof of the fundamental principle of the metaphysics of immanence possible?. 4…     Human World. 5…     Language, grammatical forms, emotion and will 5…     Social world. 5…     Application to other areas of experiment 5

Transformations of being-as-being: experiments in the individuation, merging and general transformations of being and beings, especially, individuals and identities, the universe and identity. 5

Sources. 5…     The transformations. 5…     Areas of study. 5…     The range of experiment 5…     General 6…     Animal and plant study. 6

Transformation in society—experiments in social and psychological transformation via charisma and influence. 6

Sources. 6…     Transformation. 6…     Charisma and influence. 6…     Journey. 7

Transformation in organic and material being—experiments in forms and degrees of life, mind, and intelligence. Theory, design, simulation and construction of being. 7

Sources. 7…     Transformations. 7

Narratives and narrative form.. 7

Goals. 7…     Narratives. 8…     Forms. 8…     Presentational form.. 8…     The story. 8…     Automation. 9

Appendix to program of research: further possibilities. 9

Design. 9

Publication. 9

The essay. 9…     Advertisement and support 10

Resources—source documents. 10

Work to do. 10

Resources—web technology. 10

Work to do. 10

Material design. 10

Priorities. 10…     Organization. 11…     Journey-expedition planning. 12…     Journey-generic objectives-itinerary. 14

The way ahead. 16

The first ambition is a continuation of the path so far 16

A second ambition and hope is for the experience of a time of Being over becoming, of perception over thought 17


Material from Journey in Being-New World-essence.html


In the narrative there are places that may require or benefit from further study—of foundation, of clarification and of elaboration. There are ideas for further investigation; an example is to develop the implications of the metaphysics for the study of space, time and matter. Thus, the narrative suggests topics for further study andor clarification. These topics are listed in Program of research and experiment in the modes and means of transformation

The program has four phases of transformation—Idea, Being-as-being, Society, and Organic-material. The first two are the main phases and the final two are secondary

The way ahead talks of the future of the journey

Program of research and experiment in the modes and means of transformation

The modes of transformation are Ideas and—general—Transformation, below

Transformation in ideas and understanding: experiments in conceptual development

Recall that perception is a part of conception


See Resources and Home for collections of still useful essays


These experiments are a continuation of the ideas of Foundation, Ideas, and Basis and theory of transformation—and a search for other elements of ideas and paradigms

The entire system—including the ambitions and underlying values—is subject to criticism and analysis, imaginative construction, elaboration, objection, rejection and affirmation, enhancement of depth and coherence; which may be enhanced by axiomatic treatment. Every topic, concept and assertion is similarly capable of refinement and review, elaboration and improved relations—to the whole and to the other topics. Central concepts—being, experience and sentience, void, absolute indeterminism, the normal, form, the object, identity, logic, substance—whose interest is ‘negative,’ logic, mind, faith and freedom. Of the central concepts and ideas, review and criticism of the fundamental principle of being also known as the fundamental principle of the metaphysics of immanence is of the greatest importance. The nature and existence of experience and its forms—the concept, of the universe, of difference and change—of extension and duration, of domain and complement, of the void, and of the object is of special importance

The concept of ‘the class’ of consistent concepts presents a problem. What is that class? How is it formed? What variety may it reveal? To what constraints is it subject? What do the constraints reveal for variety and for dynamics? Note that in newer versions, this problem has resolution with the object side of Logic as the Universe

Universal knowledge including the special case Atman = Brahman, through both analysis and perception


Logic and logics. Logic as the theory of proper descriptions; as the theory of the actual or, equivalently, of the possible and the necessary. Logic on the object side as the Universe and, therefore, requiring no further characterization; and as explicitly immanent. Reference as crucial to logic. Development of logics. Logic and general cosmology

Is the requirement of proper reference necessary to validity in Logic and Grammar? Since various semantic paradoxes (Russell…) and set-theoretic paradoxes (Zermelo-Fraenkel-Skolem and von Neumann-Bernays-Gödel) have been resolved by non-referential artifacts, the requirement of proper reference may be unnecessary. It remains true that the requirement of reference may have deep consequences; and these consequences may reveal the artifactual approach to consistency to have an ad-hoc character

Strengthening the relation between Theory of being and science

It is pertinent to repeat the observation that there is no contradiction between science and Theory of being; indeed without our detailed knowledge of the world, Theory of being is practically empty… The point has been made that while proof of the Theory of being is logically independent of immediate knowledge, science makes a number of contributions to its development and elaboration. First, certain theories suggest the form of Theory of being and its application. E.g., that the emergence of a cosmos may be energy conserving suggests that something may come from nothing. Second, the mechanisms of evolution suggest one class of mechanisms of becoming; they further suggest the necessity of indeterminism as does quantum mechanics. Further, both evolution and quantum theory show how structure and indeterminism may be consistent

There are similarities and differences between the void as defined here and the quantum vacuum. This raises the question whether the void or the quantum vacuum is fundamental. Theory of being shows the void to be fundamental. This raises the further questions, first, whether the void may—since it lies below the vacuum—found quantum theory; and whether, at root, the quantum theory is only seemingly less general than Theory of being, e.g., if the form and constants of physical theory are sufficiently relaxed but not so relaxed that the result can no longer be labeled ‘physics,’ might Theory of being emerge. These thoughts suggest directions in which the relations between science and Theory of being may be strengthened

Foundation of modern physics and biology

Space, Time, and Manifest Being. Relativistic theory of matter and fields, quantum theory and Theory of Being

The analytic investigation of the extension of being, e.g. extension and duration or spatial and temporal extension, and coordinate possibilities

Relation between metaphysics of immanence and evolution and its theory. The mechanisms of evolution are normal mechanisms. That metaphysics of immanence talks of form does not stand it against the population thinking of the evolutionary synthesis. Significance of general cosmology for life: whereas it is reasonable to conclude from the perspective of this cosmological system that life elsewhere in it is very unlikely, it follows from the general cosmology that there must be instances and varieties of life without end in the universe-at-large; that this does not entail contradiction; that it does not invalidate the perspective of this cosmological system applied to itself. That metaphysics of immanence talks of form does not put essentialism over variations in populations—for the present theory of form allows gradations of abstraction from the particular to the general. Use of modern evolutionary theory in suggesting general and normal mechanisms of evolution in the universe for organic and inorganic being; that though the suggestive power of evolution may be necessary or near-necessary as inspiration it is not logically necessary

Extending modern physics

Search for field and particle equations not subject to the well known ‘universal’ constants. In analogy to not being categorially committed to the nature of being at outset, this approach may verify known laws as universal if they are and disverify them if not. The approach is consistent with Dirac’s dictum to follow the consequences of the mathematics. There is a sometimes—not very—subtle maneuver in the application of the dictum: a physics is built into the mathematics and the dictum then prevents the consideration of alternatives. In effect, Dirac—the theoretician—says ‘my theory is the correct one.’ The point to the observation is not to criticize or diminish but to open up to possibility and therefore to the real… The concern is the elevation of a heuristic—it's in the mathematics—to a point of logic. A counter-argument could invoke Ockham's principle (razor.) Again, this principle is a useful but relative heuristic and not an absolute or a point of logical necessity. The assumption of absolute universal constants may—sometimes—be the universalization of what are actually local constants. There is, therefore, occasion to relinquish the reign of constants

A quantum or genetic theory of laws

One characterization of the development of physics is the introduction of dynamics. The theory of mechanics before Galileo and Newton was essentially a theory of static systems. Newtonian mechanics was dynamic but did not, e.g., include a truly internal dynamic of particles or any dynamic of their mutability, i.e., their creation and destruction in interaction with energy—some aspects of these dynamics are included in the relativistic quantum theories of fields. Newton’s mechanics did not include a dynamic of space and time—the general theory of relativity introduces space and time into the dynamic. In modern physics, the laws themselves are largely regarded as static—progress is progress toward discovery of eternal static laws of dynamic systems. However, it has been seen that laws and patterns are and must be immanent in being—and that the laws read of this cosmological system cannot be universal in extension or duration. It therefore follows that the laws that are read as static must themselves be part of ‘the’ dynamic. The metaphysics of immanence lends itself to a dynamic that includes both local objects and laws or behavior and there is a possibility that such a dynamic will represent progress beyond modern physical science toward a final theory. It certainly appears that exclusion of the laws from dynamics will be a necessary block to progress or development of physical theory

Is a quantum theoretic proof of the fundamental principle of the metaphysics of immanence possible?

This is an important research topic because it would appear that the possibility is good and a quantum theoretic proof would further allay doubt about this principle of paramount importance

The following line of approach shows why the possibility may appear good. The quantum theory of a system is always a theory of a system that has certain defining characteristics. Thus the quantum theory of a classical particle is one in which the particle remains a particle. In the quantum theory, the behavior of the particle shows certain freedoms and certain structures not seen in the classical case. An example of a freedom is that there is a likelihood that a particle with kinetic energy K will ‘tunnel’ through a barrier of potential energy P even if K is less than P; such tunneling does and cannot occur in the classical case. An example of a structure is the stability of atoms in certain discrete energy states

To see creation and annihilation of particles it is necessary to go to a quantum field theory

What would be the possibilities of a quantum theory of being as described in the equivalence of all being to the void or as described in the earlier discussions of General cosmology? Development of such a theory would have difficulties for it would be neither classical nor relativistic. How would the open ended character of the system be built in without implicitly importing the desired solution—the fundamental principle? The analysis might start by analogy with invariant formulations of known systems. Another major difficulty is as follows. What would serve as variables, what would serve as coordinates? However, since detailed solutions are not sought, the difficulty might not be as great as imagined.

Human World

Elaboration. Co-development of Theories of being and of human being; relation to Heidegger’s approach. Faith and religion—concepts and prospects. A principled approach to personality

Language, grammatical forms, emotion and will

The question of the universality of the standard subject-predicate form. Is there a fixed set of grammatical forms? The possibility of primal forms e.g. a process form that is prior to the subject-predicate form in the sense that subject-predicate form may be one among a number of crystallizations within the primal form. Do emotion and will have objects?

Social world

Study and development of dynamics of or in society and social systems

Application to other areas of experiment

Theoretical understanding, design and construction of machines with mind, life, being. Technological and logical design, simulation, and enhancement of actual organisms including those known through experience and through theory

Transformations of being-as-being: experiments in the individuation, merging and general transformations of being and beings, especially, individuals and identities, the universe and identity

For completeness, some overlap with Transformation in ideas and understanding: experiments in conceptual development


Experiments in the Transformation of Being—with further material in Journey in Being—2003

Sources on artificial intelligence and artificial life and on biology and psychology

The transformations

The primary transformations are in Ideas and, especially, transformations of Being and identity. The secondary areas of transformation are specialized experiments. These are, first, Social and psychological experiments in charisma and influence and, second, Experiments in forms and degrees of physical being—of life, mind, and intelligence

Areas of study

Areas of study will include foundation for and principles of transformation; history and methods; study of narrative accounts. There is a research project to synthesize the variety of traditional and recent approaches as well as the experimental approaches of this narrative; the approach will be experimental and theoretical; the sources of theory will be the various studies of mind and personality including those of this narrative and the framework of the Theory of being

The range of experiment

The range of experiment will include consideration of a variety of bases, ways and paths of transformation of Being and Identity


Experiments in ideas and transformation; experience—cultures, institutions, places, roles; society, charisma and influence; experiment and conceptual design for, life, mind and intelligence; nature and dynamics of identity—identity of self i.e. Atman, other and ultimate being or Brahman: seeing or recognizing and being or realizing—bridge from present to the ultimate; variety of experiments, ways and paradigms

Undertake the experiments with intensity—seek time but do the work everywhere; arching and extreme practices; mesh with secondary phases: social action and construction of being

Continue to refine the Foundation and System of experiments toward the ultimate goal of ‘understanding and experience of all being’

Transformation of being; alterations of the body and influence on the whole being: Mind, body, potential

Arching from the present to the ultimate

Emphasizes the dynamics; may use all and any tools… within reason, feasibility and moral concern

Examples of the dynamics

Animal and plant study

For development; to include location, recognition, acquisition, and use, e.g., nutrition, healing, development of intuition and insight. Will include herbal knowledge. The development will seek to see the world, including life, in itself and not merely as instrument

Transformation in society—experiments in social and psychological transformation via charisma and influence

In addition to intrinsic worth, e.g. community and communion, the social world has the following significance. Society is the place where individuals of different orientations pool abilities and work for individual and communal realization of values. For the individual, society provides ‘standard’ ways of realizing individual worth and is able to provide fulcrum and leverage for individual effort and ambition


Action, Charisma and History may have some material that is not in the present narrative. Also see  Journey in Being-03  and Journey in Being-New World

Sources on understanding society, politics, economics, ethics and education


Transformation within groups and society—design versus (and) immersion

Charisma and influence

… or native and learned leadership

Influencing, building society at all levels including the being of nations—charismatic and patriarchal action and influence, group action


Journey; multi-cultural experiments; variety of institutions

Transformation in organic and material being—experiments in forms and degrees of life, mind, and intelligence. Theory, design, simulation and construction of being

The concept transformation of organic being has affinity with the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics and artificial life. Even if and when methods are different those fields may be useful and suggestive. The transformation of material being has affinity with technology. The divide between material and organic being and their transformations is not absolute

Organic being connotes animal, plant and other modes of life. The emphasis on human and animal being and their normal behavior and characteristics. Since there is no absolute divide between the general and the normal there is also concern with the ‘edge of the normal.’ Thus these transformations, which emphasis this cosmological system, mesh with the general transformations of ideas and being


Most of this material is in the present document. Some further details may be in Experiments in the Variety of Being (03,) Journey in Being and more recent versions

General sources in artificial intelligence and life, robotics, computation-networking and their realizations and simulations


Experiment and evolution; theoretical understanding, conceptual design, and technology; actual or material implementation; simulation and enhancement of actual organisms; design versus immersion

Life, mind, intelligence…

Simulation of being and variety…

As noted earlier, priority of ‘material’ transformation is lower than that of transformation in identity

A topic for further development to include location, recognition, acquisition, and use (nutrition and healing.) Will include herbal knowledge

Narratives and narrative form

Incorporate this to Design, below?


Publication, introducing the ideas, exposing the power of the system, overcoming resistance to and unfamiliarity with the ideas, transition to experimental phase


Narratives for technical—academic, those familiar with the vocabulary and history of the ideas, specialist, emphasis on demonstration and completeness—and human—real and maximal living, the spirit of being—interest. Example of human interest: journey in the human and universal spirit

Consider the following specialist versionsemphasis: technical, academic, philosophy, general, spirit… topic: metaphysics, what is science…

Special versions may be: basis for a talk or debate—informative andor persuasive, a guide, advertisement


Linear—narrative and discursive; personal versus formal or impersonal; essential; axiomatic; literary—novel or myth, biographical, poetic, dialog, artistic and dramatic forms; mixed. In a literary form a cast may be introduced; roles—a main character who is ideal in spirit though real in action, a co-adventurer and love, a critic, a reactionary, a rugged friend; a set of scenes—university, work, wilderness, foreign land, hardship and luxury—or phases of the story and their local characters

Narrative versus essay versus book versus text versus piece…

Refinements to the ideas in: logic, flow, elegance, charisma, and appeal. Page references

Presentational form

Presentational form and holism—the concepts

The story

The story may include an account of my life insofar as it is essential to the unfolding… Though the truth is adventure enough, elements of fiction may further dramatize it:

Struggles, failures and shame and attempts to overcome and use them

The essential connection between the idea and the real

The fundamental character of the metaphysics and the logic

The metaphysics is logically prior to all previous metaphysics—and its ultimate character

Although there are limits to even a god, the individual is infinitely more powerful than normally thought; the true meaning to god must be one that allows god to be realized in the individual

That all these assertions are shown in cold logic

The sub-stories the journey to the metaphysics, the logic implications for human belief and possibility and the potential for science

The experimental phase of the exploration of possibility

Connection with religion—if it is about truth it must intersect life and the empirical; otherwise there is no religion or need for one

Acceptance of the ideas


Consider use of a relational database for outlines, concepts, and text. Use queries for transformations of concepts and emphases and to extract special versions such as emphasis on a special topic, technical and non-technical versions

Appendix to program of research: further possibilities

The following topics mentioned in the narrative are not noted in or complement the program of research. Many of the following are section titles from the text

Cosmology of objects

Logic, reference and the problem of the infinite

Grammatical forms; emotion and will

Space, time and being

The concept of ‘the class’ of consistent concepts. Note that this class, which presents various problems, now has a resolution in the notion of Logic as immanent in being

Dynamics of and in social systems

Research topics: transformations of being-as-being

Research topics: social world

Research topics: transformations in organic and material being

Narratives and narrative form


In Design it is recognized that the practical elements of day-to-day living, social and individual, affect and contain an expression of ideals and ambitions

Design draws significantly from the part Journey, especially the chapter System of experiments and the present part Map, especially the previous section Program of research and experiment…


The essay

Improve this document

My writing will be like the stars at night

Details on forms of experience—adventure, poetry and fullness; anthropology and other sources. For data, variety, connection of to fullness of being

Versions and summaries

Abstract—outline of essentials; Metaphysics; Transformation; Talks; Truth—but not an ‘if you do x then you will get salvation y’

Later versions… after placement and significant work on ‘transformation’

Modularize with a view to flexibility in publishing

Other general purpose versions: Theory of Being—Metaphysics; Human World; Principles of Thought and Action; On Ideas—Philosophy and Metaphysics; On Ideas—A System of Human Knowledge; Transformation of Being—Ideas, Experiments, and Travels…

The website


Advertisement and support

Academic; individuals—established, young; influence—government, local-world, diplomacy-policy; leaders; friends; IIT and IIT graduates; cinema-literature-drama

Editing and automated manuscript services. Seek attention; risk severe criticism. Publishers, shows-talk opportunism. Funds—network for grants

Resources—source documents

Review the essays and folders of the document system (website) for material

Understanding and related sources

See Possibilities for reading and study and Principles of design

Work to do

Refine and use the collection of references

Resources—web technology

See Website design technology

Work to do

Study, implement web technologies including scripting. Collect and use references

Material design

Priorities and Organization, below, are the basis of a brief document for personal and social action in the context of the Journey. A more extensive design would include significant sections from Transformation (division) and Map (part)

Current priorities—omitted in this document—may be marked by shading


Place and placement. Change for priority over status quo

Inspiration of place. Priority projects: Essay-Journey-Experiments—my truth—adventure—act on suffering and possibility—purity of spirit—D+

Co-requisites. Presentation, especially of Journey and self. Market study
Network for placement, objectives and resources—talk: universities, other forums—persuasion: ask for shared commitment. Social action—engaging individuals, groups and networks

Professional development: engineering, programming, applications; defense contract…

And: $-material concerns, life-relations, entire being; review

Psychic resources

Health. Mind-ends —> no mind-the moment, boundaries-focus, discipline and presence | Social network> Carissa, family, friends, HUUF| Body> mend, diet, exercise=aerobic—run-bike, flexibility, strength…

Retreats: readiness-list—weekend

Jib-site-streamline. Jib as database-Wikipedia-Web technologies-Multiple browsers

Work. Alternate work. Do more talk less


Goal. Where I want to go… How—plan. Network the right people


Research. General, law, funds, medicine-psychiatry, psychiatric-care, difficult patients

Database design. Patient and admit table separate… staff table…

Treatment planning: type all; read password, override deleted fields, keep to three pages—or change format; new data / format; import while upgrade

Forms: all Sempervirens-PES individual-group forms; form design as an add-in—linear versus two-dimensional / tabular (MS Word table)


Planning. Prioritize: parallel-sequence—max being-achievement over next 10-15 years-D+. Stop to live in the moment, to focus… stop secondary activities and mere diversion

Minimize: define needs—categories—>items—eliminate all else

This document: retain essentials. Design: Transformation and Map


Social: 1. Network, 2. Expand Time and Space, below, to include social elements



Everyday: routine-reflect and review-fundamentals-journey | exercise-diet-fluids


Sat-Sun: plan-prepare for weekend É retreat. Chores: laundry-vacuum-clean, throw out stale items, cook; bills; hair. Town: food-fluids, coffee-evaporate milk, supplies, new clothes, vitamins… health diet: fiber, ¯ yeast, carbohydrates and fats

Weekend. Out—3+ day weekend-retreat-place-jobs + Everyday ­

First day: + supplies

Subsequent days: + …

Month +.


Year +.

Long term priorities: 1. Fundamental… priority projects 2. Resign from county—find placement for priorities. 3. House, people, travel, Bengali, live places—Ireland…


Out-world: backpacking items, food…

House: Layout—modules


Journey-expedition planning

To use this and the next appendix as separate documents, replace italic headings by bold, not italic

Planning  | preparation

Planning Where-when-what Weekend-day-night Wild Concept-inspiration Journey, 40 Places Type Extended-short, objectives | single, shake-down, multiple, expedition | special, extreme conditions. Travel people, places, fun, camp | placement. Calendar, contacts, itinerary, journal Travel, vehicle, work arrangements Base—rent etc.

Psychic Concept, objectives. Meditation (1) | meditation(2). Trial trip… Safety. Attitude, terrain-weather, leaders, runners, radio, evacuate. Plan. Secure site, safe rescue. ABC-CPR: check airway-breathing-cardiac function / cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. Wound manage. Medical, outdoor, mountain conditions & sickness… Solo safety, risk as positive, notify contacts (Outlook), rescue authorities

Physical, metabolic Trial journey, trip, skills. Condition aerobic, strength, flexibility. Metabolism routine, reserves, elim metabolic drains—caffeine

Gear, supplies, food, fluids Check needs-practice gear use | fit pack | seam-seal tent, tarp, bivouac sack, rain gear | fasteners, zippers | stove operation, maintenance Experiment minimize weight-items-containers-duplication-time-operations = daily sequence | consolidate sacks, liners | foods, amounts, variety indiv pkts | base foods-variations | quick cook-steep pre-prepare overnight | elim coffee-sugar-vitamins | mate-tea | condensed milk on short trips

Home Readiness trip types—river, hike, camp | day, overnight, extended | solo, group | good, extreme conditions | trip packs, sacks-duffels, boxes + legend | Secure, insurance, inform contacts

Bills pay or prepare to pay bills, insurance, rent, utilities, cell phone

Pack Advance supplies 1-2-4… week + reserve @ base e.g. truck-home | gear basic-extreme + reserve. Note reserves and spares are not sharply distinct but reserves tend to be at remote locations, whole rather than parts, for multiple trips, and planned. On route perishables

Travel Docs-visas, permits wilderness… | Tickets, reservations | Addresses (US consul)

Truck-trip needs Readiness | service, safety | vehicle docs, driver license | spares, tools | travel boxes, duffels | clothes & shoes—dress-casual-walking, rain gear, tent, toilet, sleeping | laundry-trash bags | folding chair-table-cot | stove-fuel, food-fluids, ice box, evaporated or plain milk container | maps, travel guides | light, reading, glasses, writing, computer, printer | cash, phone, bank cards | misc: cell, music, camera, rifle, bike | secure vehicle

Base—storage between home, destination—rent etc.

Special needs

On return

Review | stop. Goals

Mesh vacation with life | general planning

Unpack food-store | gear-basic-extreme-reserve

Specific needs identified before | during trip

Wilderness gear-supplies

Navigation Maps, compass | watch | glasses & spare, UV-sunglasses | binoculars | flotation

Pack Pouch—small items | straps, ropes | liners—13/30 gal | Ziploc—quart, gallon | sacks—food, s'bag, clothes, 1st aid, misc | liners | clasps | spares | water containers—rigid, large-flexible | rigid qt & pt containers—water, sugar, next days b/f-coffee-milk… | small containers—salt, spices, vegetable oil… | day pack

Tent or tarp, ground cloth. Ropes, stakes, spares | ensolite-air mattress. Sleeping bag, inner layer

Clothes Light shirts, shorts, pants | base thermal layers | bandana, towel | cap | intermediate thermal layer—top, bottom | outer layer—jacket, pants | wind pants, jacket | rain gear—Gortex or other: pants, jacket with hood, gloves, gaiters; poncho | warm gear for extremities—gloves, wool head and face cover, inner layer Footwear Boots, sox | sneakers | sandals | spare laces | crampons

First aid Emergency 1 page flow sheet, log—for groups | water purification | insect repellent | aspirin, ibuprofen, codeine, benadryl, salt-tabs, hydrocortisone, antibiotics, betadyne, inhalants, allergy tabs | tape, absorbent pads, gauze, acewrap, bandaids

Toilet T'brush-paste, comb, towel, soap

Repair kit Needles, blades, rubber bands, safety pins, buttons, stick-on patches

Misc Knife, flashlight, spare batteries & bulbs, lantern, earplugs, thermometer

Camera Pack, film, lens, filters, shades, flash, stand, batteries, accessories, spares


… Per week or as stated

Rope to hang food

Fluids 1 to 1½ gal a day—in normal hiking

Breakfast, drinks Cereal ~ 4 cup equivalent | milk—2 packets | coffee—0.75 lb | teas / kool-aid | sugar—16 fl oz | vitamins

Lunch, trail Tortillas | Beans Light Nuts, fruits—3 cup, 2 cup | Cheese, crackers

Dinner Rice ~ 3 cup | ramen ~ 3 pkt | beans ~ 2 cup | dried vegetables, misc ~ 1-2 cup | soups—4 servings | oil, clarified butter ~ 2 oz | fresh vegetables—onion, peppers, garlic, ginger, 2 lime | salt, spices | dessert—occasional

Stove Base, repair kit, windscreen, funnel, lighters, matches | Fuel ~ 0.75 qt / week

Cookware, plates, bowls, cups, spoons

For development

Extreme conditions Wet, rain, heat (tropical, desert,) cold (ice, snow,) mountain, polar, river, ocean (oceanic extremes of storm, ice,) animal, human threat, war. Extended journeys, expeditions. Natural shelter, clothing, food, living. Activities Bicycle, canoe, sailing, para-sailing, kayak, ski, snowshoe, sled other touring, packing, climbing, diving, running, swimming

Wilderness safety, emergency response and medicine. Difference from non wilderness response emphasizes preparation and adequate caution, improvisation, evaluating and securing the scene, setting up roles in advance—leader-runner-emergency responder, evacuation, communication with outside responders, and that trauma and non-traumatic conditions include an environmental component—extremes of heat and cold, altitude sicknesses, avalanche / animal / other threat  Safety emphasizes preparation—adequate gear, supplies both general, medications, treatment and communication; knowing routes and hazards; knowing emergency and first aid response, knowing wilderness medicine, knowing how to evacuate; setting up leadership, treatment, runner roles and communication…  and attitude—toward precaution, risk, and life. Solo travel emphasizes preparation, precaution and attitude. In emergencies assess bivouac vs. hike out and self-treatment needs. Emergency response—evaluate scene and secure if necessary, noting number of victims. Preliminary triage—identify rescue-a-b-c-shock needs; see all victims first except for physically inaccessible victims, triage intervention, limited time survival interventions andor interventions assignable to non triage responders including simple 1-step rescue, choking, control profuse bleeding, cover sucking chest wounds. Basic life support—required in less than six minutes—a—open airway; breathing—clear airway, cover sucking chest wounds, deflate gastric distention; carotid pulse check—if present resuscitate, if not do CPR. Secondary triage—victims that must be abandoned; serious vs. less serious conditions requiring treatment or evacuation within minutes to hours vs. days. Communicate with emergency medical system by radio or runner. First aid or emergency evacuation—for serious conditions such as abdominal injuries, controlled profuse bleeding, critical burns, shock and emergency evacuation by party or rescue evacuation where treatment is ineffective, e.g. a deteriorating victim or, partial evacuation to lower altitude for high altitude pulmonary or cerebral edema. Routine response—the lowest active priority—no major injury, i.e., various medical and environmental conditions, initiate search and rescue, routine bivouac and survival, and evacuation of non-victims

Journey-generic objectives-itinerary


1.  Write general objectives

2.  Have rough dates: start—return and and beyond

3.  Refine goals on the fly—in process, use local / internet resources, make-recognize-use opportunities


The places, institutions and times are specific to a six week period mid-September, 2007

Objectives: 1. Nature and health, 2. People and places—exploration, fun and placement, and 3. General reflection

Nature trips; health, experiments

3 to 4 weeks with 1 or 2 pack trips


Physical activity, food | Daily: simple exercise, stretch…


Reflection—Experiments in awareness and transformation of being—Journey: risk, extreme focus and intensity, and abrupt change | Daily meditation and contemplation


Hobo—Papoose | Stuart Fork—Alpine, Sapphire | Long Canyon—Deer Creek Lake | Canyon Creek—Canyon Creek Lakes, El Lake, Mt. Hilton

Trails I haven’t done

Mavis, Fox Creek, and Virginia Lake—beautiful, relatively easy, not crowded | Long Gulch and Trail Gulch Lakes—both beautiful with cirque, 4 and 8.5 mi, respectively, hard hike, Trail Gulch is less visited and its cirque has 7617' Deadman Peak | Hidden Lake, easy, 0.9mi hike

Experiment without preview: Swift Creek, Boulder Lake, and Coffee Creek trailheads—and hikes

People, places and placement trips

2 to 3 weeks

Places—also use general guide books and internet

Possibilities: San Francisco, Seattle-Portland and neighboring cities and areas, Reno

People | fun—use guide books, local resources and internet

Take guide books

Placement: universities, research | private sector, technical | JIB—also use guide books, local resources and internet

Universities and colleges | Journey in Being

San Francisco—Berkeley, UCSF, San Francisco State, San Jose State, University of San Francisco, Dominican University of California, College of Marin | Seattle and surrounding—University of Washington, Western Washington University in Bellingham | Portland—Portland State University, Reed College | Reno—University of Nevada, Reno

Private sector, technical, government—city, county, state, federal

San Francisco—Accenture, HP, Intel, Oracle, Gap Inc, Levi Strauss | Seattle—Boeing, Microsoft, City of Seattle | Portland—Oregon State Hospital, Flight dynamics—aircraft navigation instruments, CH2MHILL, Dames & Moore, City of Portland

General reflection

Stop | there is but one commitment | fundamental—immediate life goal—content | how… Go®leave SV | J = risk, extreme focus and intensity, and abrupt change

Journey in being review

On vacation


Supplies and equipment


Stop | there is but one commitment | fundamental—immediate life goal—content | how… Go®leave SV | J = risk, extreme focus and intensity, and abrupt change

Minimize planning | time scale vs. priority matrix

Next. Loan | truck | minimize property—movies—arrange house—place, possessions and planning

Pay auto insurance—give Lela @ 443-0845 credit card number | faster internet

Health | MD | dentist

Journey objectives-itinerary

Nature trips

3 to 4 weeks 1 or 2 pack trips—start September 18; back by October 17

People, places and placement trips

2 to 3 weeks—start about October 10 to 18; back by October 31


The way ahead

There are two ambitions for the future

The first ambition is a continuation of the path so far

This will include criticism and improvements of the ideas and foundation—the Theory of Being and related developments. It would emphasize transformation, inviting others to share in the process, and ‘application’ (social; and, perhaps, a development of ideas or theory and practice in manifestation of life and intelligent beings)

Although they had thought, ‘transformation will be the final way,’ they felt something further, perhaps an admission of finitude (if only in this form,) perhaps an expression of the infinite in the finite

A second ambition and hope is for the experience of a time of Being over becoming, of perception over thought

Experience, perhaps, of the infinite in the finite, of this world