a Journey in Being

Distributed topics to be collected in one or perhaps two places


1.      Style / narrative form

Two places may be in First things under Reading the narrative and in Map under Program of research and experiment in the modes and means of transformation

2.      The magnitude of the metaphysics / metaphysics of immanence / theory of being / journey… depth / variety / universe as all being

3.      Method

4.      Action. Metaphysics… as action

5.      Why ideas are taken up first

6.      Substance or essence. The two places might be the preliminary discussion in Being and a relatively exhaustive and technical discussion in Metaphysics. File—Substance

7.      The importance of conceptual issues that—appear to—have no immediate practical significance

8.      Theory of identity

Note that identity has two related meanings—the identity of objects and personal identity

9.      Planning and design of the journeyday to day essay work may be diffuse but should be cleaned up for final versions

10.  That it is essential to understand and keep in mind the meanings of the essential concepts as defined in the narrative

Even when the terms are common the concepts may be fundamentally altered / deepened / expanded

Therefore keeping the given meaning in mind is essential to understanding

It is also essential to seeing that the narrative develops and demonstrates a world view that is deeper—the depth is ultimate—infinitely more varied than in traditional interpretations of traditional views—philosophical-metaphysical, mythic-mystic, religious, literary-artistic, and scientific

11.  The nature of philosophy

12.  Science, metaphysics and the normal… the apparent conflict between science-common sense and metaphysics and its resolution in terms of the metaphysics of immanence and the concept of the normal

13.  The problems of modern academia, analytic philosophy

14.  Similar problems of modern society… combine with previous?

15.  Audience

16.  Contribution

Place only at division and higher levels; note chapter and topic contributions at division level

17.  Meaning

18.  A new picture of the world


19.  On intimations of the view in the history of thought

Epicurus on the void; Plato on the receptacle

Indian philosophy—Voidism, Vedanta

Philosophy of Judaism

Leibniz, Hume, Wittgenstein

See Introduction—search the phrase ‘Some contours of the view’

Review other documents…

20.  Theory of dreams—dream phenomena

The first interpretation of a dream—no interpretation but, rather, the effect on the psyche

Dream spaces and repeated dreams