What does the cumulative tradition tell us about the Universe and our place in it? First we must ask what is that tradition? It is science and scientific humanism, the myths and religions What do they tell us? Define two limits--what they require and what they allow Science requires only a local cosmology but beyond that infinite freedom (except paradox) The myths and religion require no cosmology and allow infinite freedom The myths and religion are witness to suggestion and possibility--to the magnitude of spirit understood metaphorically. They lack all demonstration. They are products of an earlier phase However, in their modern--and other--interpretation as definite viewpoints the myths and religions are sick For instead of encouraging exploration in that infinite space of freedom they encourage an occupation of an infinitesimal space without foundation Because science (and reason) are the only demonstrative forms, secular humanism is the modern paradigm However, it is incorrect to think that it should altogether displace the mythic We think it should because we naively equate what is required by demonstration with what there is (because we have no further demonstrative paradigm) For matters of the space in between what is required by science and reason and what is allowed, and in our lack of imagination we substitute existentialism I.e., we have an imagined but not demonstrated emptiness We regard this undemonstrated emptiness as real We think of ourselves as heroes because we face this emptineness with courage and honesty--so we think Therefore, we think, we are honest, courageous heroes--and so we congratulate ourselves, feel superior Yet existentialists know not what they claim and may well be buffoons, pawns of the delusions of reason In summary, then, tradition requires a specific local cosmology but infinite freedom beyond that. Religion, art, myth and their modern counterparts require nothing; they paint pictures of possibility in the area of infinite freedom and they paint pictures of the nature and hopes of the 'spirit' Here enters the Universal metaphysics 1. It asserts infinite freedom consistent with the local cosmology 2. It shows that such freedom is maximal--the Universe could not be a place of greater freedom 3. It explores this space of freedom with regard to the variety of cosmologies and the variety of human experience 4. It shows that the variety of experience and being occupies the variety of cosmology 5. All claims are demonstrated--even the modes of demonstration 6. The modern paradigms above are characterized by poverty of imagination, poverty of reason and poverty of construction 7. The metaphysics in combination with the disciplines suggests ways of exploration of the resulting infinite adventure Summary Prior thought and experience requires little but allows infinite variety without end The universal metaphysics defines this variety, shows its unlimited magnitude, provides demonstration, shows and suggests ways of exploration 1. Science requires certain aspects of the local cosmology (particles, perhaps big-bang and bubble universes...) 2. Science allows much more as consistent with it. Logic is the only further constraint. The universe has the greatest possible variety 3. Religion and myth require nothing because they are preempirical and prererational However, religion, myth, literature, art, imagination partially fill in the space between scientific necessity and possibility 4. But this space is still infinitely more. However, since we confuse scientific necessity with the real (this is positivism) we moderns tend to not go there 5. Universal metaphysics shows that the true picture is the picture of Logic within which the picture from science (and art and religion where not violations of Logic) form a single point 6. This picture is demonstrated rather than posited 7. This suggests true religion as exploration of the infinite region of all being by being in all its aspects 8. The tools used to demonstrate the Universal metaphysics are the initial tools of the exploration in ideas and with common sense enhancements of exploration in the transformation of being 9. The initial steps of this picture are also illuminated by personal experience and imagination as well as the ideas and experience of the tradition 10. The cosmology which is part of the metaphysics illuminates but does not show the entire journey which therefore requires thought and experiment 11. The journey is an unending adventure