Document status: September 18, 2003

Maintained as reference… do not retain this copy

May be used as an outline of Indian Philosophy – for inclusion in another work or for a work on Indian Philosophy if needed


This brief overview is not academic. It is important to me because it is in Indian Philosophy that I find two significant ideas. The first is the Vedantic principle of the identity of the personal with the universal. The second is the principle of the Gitâ that I take to be that of action in the face of doubt and ignorance.

Action and thought interact to produce meaning…which may be expressed in words.

Of course, the Gitâ is more than that - and I am interested other messages and other expressions of Indian Philosophy as further expression of the principles mentioned, other ideas of interest - such as Yoga, the expressions of the “Indian” mind, Buddhism…and as a sub-conscious and ongoing source of my ideas and identity.

Radhakrishnan divides the history of Indian Philosophy, as is conventional, into four periods:

The Vedic Period: 2500 - 600 BC

The Epic Period: 600 BC - 200 AD

The Sutra Period: from 200 AD

The Scholastic Period: till the 17th century AD

A fifth period is added:

The Modern Period: after the decline of Indian Philosophy in the 17th century due to the influence of Muslim and British cultures and the resulting “Anglophile” orientation among educated Indians.

Much work has gone into the reinterpretation of Indian Philosophy, both by Western and Indian scholars. The modern rendering is necessarily marked by interpretation…this is all that there can be, of course - except that we can also breath new life into old work, adapt it to our times. The outline that follows draws from Radhakrishnan.


Recent reviews have tendended to contradict the following characterization due to Radhakrishnan:

Concentration on the spiritual

Intimate relation between philosophy and life

Introspective attitude toward reality…and therefore, idealistic

Intuition the only way to knowledge of the ultimate..reason used

Acceptance of authority…militates against any attitue contradicting the basic characteristics of spirituality, inwardness, intuition, strong belief that truth is to be lived and not merely known

Overall synthetic tradition…in contrast with the analytic tradition of Western Philosophy

1 The Vedic Period: 2500 - 600 BC

The Vedic Period is characterized, successively, by religion, superstition and philosophy.

Sruti is the word for revealed, authoritative texts. There are four Veda: Rg, Yajur, Sâma, and Atharva.

Rg: 1017 hymns in ten books. Philosophically, the most important.

Yajur: sacrificial formulas

Sâma: melodies

Atharva: has a large number of magical formulas, spells and incantations for healing, long life…perhaps the beginnings of “Indian” medicine.

Each Veda has four parts:

Mantra or Samhitâ - hymns - by “poets” - that move from polytheism to monotheism to suggestions, in the later mantras of the Rg, of monism.

Brâhmana - religious documents - by priests - ritual and sacrificial

Âryanka - meditations for the forest dweller who, in the classic stages of life, has progressed beyond the ritual of the householder - by philosophers - transitional between the Brâhmana and the Upanisad

Upanisad - philosophical, abstract - by philosophers - spiritual monism… The real which is at the heart of the universe is reflected in the infinite depths of the self. Brahman - the ultimate as discovered objectively - is Âtman - the ultimate as discovered by introspection.

The traditional number of Upanisad is 108 but there are more than 200. The fourteen principle Upanisads are Isâ, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka, Mândukya, Taittriya, Aitareya, Chândogya, Brhadâranyaka, Svetâsvatra, Kausitaki, Mahânârâyana, Maitra.

The authors are not known. The doctrines are associated with the sages Aruni, Yajnavalkya, Bâlâki, Svetaketu, Sândilya.

2 The Epic Period: 600 BC - 200 AD

Smrti is the name for the traditional texts of this period. Doctrines are presented, often in mythic form, in non-systematic and non-technical literature. There are four classes of text and tradition.

2.1 The Epics

Râmâyana tells of the conflict between the Aryans and the Dravidians.

Mahâbhârata is of the dynastic struggle among the descendendants of Bharâta - the Pandavas and the Kurus. Bhagavad Gitâ is a part of Mahâbhârata. Regarded[1] as one of three most authoritative texts of Indian Philosophy.

The epics are the occasions for cosmology and ethics.

A theme is that of Brahmanism adjusting to the needs of different communities, being taken into the Aryan fold. In addition to the great work of synthesis, the Bhagavad Gitâ, there also resulted the Prâsupata, Bhâgavata, Tantra systems of thought and practice.

2.2 The Heterodox Systems





2.3 Origin of Doctrines and Philosophies

Skepticism, naturalism, materialism

Orthodox systems

Heterodox systems: Cârvâka, Buddhism, Jainism…

2.4 Dharmasâstras - treatises on ethical and social philosophy

Code of Manu

Artha-sâstra of Kautilya

3 The Sutra Period: from 200 AD

A period of orderly, systematic, aphoristic, extremely brief and enigmatic texts.

The systems of this period are:

Nyâya - logical realism - Gautama: Nyâyasutra, 300 AD

Vaisesika - realistic pluralism - Kanâda: Vaisesikasutra

Sâmkhya - evolutionary dualism - Sâmkhya: Sâmkhya-pravacanasutra, 300 AD. Also attributed to the legendary Kapila.


Purva Mimânsâ - early investigations of dharma, duty as stated in the Veda. Jaimini: mimânsâsutra

Vedânta. Also Uttara Mimânsâ, Vedânta sutra, Brahmasutra - since it deals with the doctrine of Brahman and Sârirakasutra since it deals with the embodiment of the unconditioned self. Attributed to Bâdârayana but not usually called Bâdârayanasutra. There are 555 sutras of two or three words each…the attempt is to systematize the teaching of the Upanisad - especially its spiritual monism. Since the sutras are so terse, the commentaries are important. Three significant commentaries are Samkara's non-dualism - Samkara is regarded as a thinker of the first rank; Râmânuja's qualified non-dualism; and Madhva's dualism. These commentaries are regarded more highly than the original sutras of Bâdârayana.

4 The Scholastic Period: till the 17th century AD

This is the period of commentaries upon the sutras. Much commentary upon commentary, “logic-chopping”, noisy controversy. But, the best work is of very high quality - the work of some of the greatest of Indian Philosophers: Samkara, Kumârila, Sridhara, Râmânuja, Madhva, Udayana, Bhâskara, Jayanta, Vijnâbhiksu, Raghunâtha…see the discussion of the commentaries under Vedânta, above.

5 Modern and Contemporary

After the decline of Indian Philosophy under Muslim and British influence and the Anglophile tendencies:

19th century reform - philosophical and religious renaissance of the Brâhmo Samâj and Ârya Samâj.

Since establishment of India as a nation “consciousness of the greatness of India's philosophical past.”

Contemporary Period [2]

Sri Aurobindo - Aravinda Ghose, 1872 - 1950. “The greatest mystic philosopher of present day India.” Author of The Life Divine.

Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, 1888 - 1975. Author of An Idealist View of Life, The Philosophy of the Upanisads

[1] Together with the Upanisads and Samkara's commentary on the Vedânta?

[2] Radhakrishan is writing in the 1950's. Recent developments have been discussed and characterized in a number of works. One tendency is to reject India's philosophy as primarily spiritual