Home | 4detail | 4action | 4action | now |  top priority  | important4

u The way – this life and beyond –  realization4peak, limitlessness—dimensions: psyche, nature-culture-society, the universal4

Mindfulness—attitude-action—meditative-active being in the experiential-pragmatic and limitless world

Nature, culture, and society—the world as found and made—immersion in nature and culture—living and travel4

Reflection, sharing, writing, and publishing

The universal—the limitless world as we are and become it

Development projects develop-write the wayimmersion4 travelpublish-share 4

Developing the way—intrinsically-instrumentally and attitudinally-actively, in all pure and pragmatic dimensions of being

Travel (cur trips-hike list-prep-bus: humb-trin-gdocs)—Jan 1, 2022 (review) (i)  year’s isolation (ii) nature-culture journeys4

A year’s isolation ______________________________________________________________________________________

Nature, culture journeys ________________________________________________________________________________

Publish—study-reflect-write bare content > essay, minimal site > write-in-the-world > access, site, advertise-publicize-talks4

The narrative4

the way of being – contents4

into the way

the world

the way

into the world

the way of being – narrative4

into the way

the world

the way

into the world

Reading list—logic, the main theories of science, free will, add __________________________________________________

Path activities essential (experiential) and supporting (material)4

Experiential (including the ‘spiritual’ and ‘inner’), timeless4

Meditation – Shamatha—emptying, calming; Vipasana—reflecting, redirecting4 potency

Attitude (also see ‘today’) 4 potency 4

Awareness of state neutral vs judgmental state > affirm positive, redirect negative > dedicate pain4

Hold without judging, breath, relax muscles, tolerate, examine – it’s me, not others > (re)direct, two-minute meditation-stretch > kindness to, do not avoid self or other – we’re all trying > dedicate ± to the ultimate > move on

Meditative presence—aware, relaxed, reflective, and no mind


Hiking and serious exercise

Sleep deprivation, pattern alteration, extended meditation (isolated)

No drinking

Neutral engagement (background) > trans ego—disengage, give / request listening > assert boundaries, limits

Patience > Integrity and potency of identity

Work on integrity; patience with pain; healthy behavior; work on independence from affirmation by others

Material, outer, temporal (also see projects…, below). See calendar

u Now essentials, travel, health, people … (document)—min this, important (abbr, incorp, elim)

Essential4 2022 > year-life – nature-culture | work- $$-counsel | place sangha – travel base – hum trin us mex world | detail4

Min > Netflix ¯| Smart phone, battery? | Later—18 φ ca

Travel do  step back.contemplation trip 4plan RNP.trin.search prep hikeQD> USFS cash.laundry.bank> pack min> cheese.veg4

Planning (when, where, future trips)

What—long meditation, physical, TWB, hiking list-long, hiking list

When… criteria: weather…

Where… research… RNP, W Ck, Six Rivers, Trinity – Junction City campground (call JC Store) – ride to trail heads (night at or hear trail head), HWY 3…

Future trips—backpacking and biking

Preparation—when written, put essentials into main heading ‘Next trip’, above                        

Minimizing gear means saving time

Misc—dye; umbrella / hat; organize and minimize stuff sacks and plastic bags; shaver (new, try out)

Efficiency and weight—fasten side pocket; loose pants; wind vs reg pants; no rain pants; less food, fuel; sneakers vs sandals; bivvy—clothes peg, stakes, guy line, what are the attachments for; med sack; water sack? papers; cook kit; just one toothpaste

Priorities (from the previous trip > modify for next trip)

General—How, what to realize, reflect

The way, share, publish


Life problems (sibling)

My life

The way, above

$ Work, other

Place, general

Eureka, Arcata 4 Humboldt 4 Del Norte, Trinity4 CA, US 4Mexico, World 4Isolation, 6 months, 1 year+


Meditate, nature watch



X, stretch





Word of mouth


Calendarlife, annual, week-month, sunday, chores4

Life ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Annual—tax, Christmas, Robin 2/7, Veda Elise 8/1, Carissa 8/10, Beverly 8/15, Kathleen 11/8, Wendy 11/21 ________________  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Month, bi-week, week ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sunday—relax ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thu / Sat—Chores (details in today) __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Health—posture, X > H2O, one meal a day (diet research: home and packin





























u Today—home routine and chore days (also see special days)

4Wake ®  dedicate-affirm-review ® rise                           water  .       review the way-life- the day  .        times-alarms  .        music  _






Attitude        meditative presence > neutral engagement  >        awareness + - (hold without judgment) > re/direct  >
       patience > integrity of identity  _________________________________________________________________


4                   Projects and activities, above, especially the manual and bare content ________________________________________






4                   Resume projects after items ________________________ below ___________________________________________

4                   Walk   .                    stretch, weights, grip, knee bends  .                    meditate   .                    lunch  __________________


4                   Chores for the day (Sun—relax, Tue—R) ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Thu / Sat—Chores 4

                   Thu – Sat Chores   This > hair, feet > clean > cash > supplies – for cooking – what i have, pulses, grains, vegetables, nuts, tortillas, yogurt | incense | cleaners – paper food-storage | meds, toilet| stamps, envelopes, cards | maintain clothes, gear, bike ____________________________________________________________________________________________­­­_____________

4                   TTHSAT        exercise  ________________ MWF        walk-bike with nature photography  _________________________


4                   PM           PMX  .        review - this-print, rest-shr   Realize        projects  .        engage  .        media-mail  .        enjoy  .
        prep for tomorrow – teeth - meditate  _______________________________________________________                    Sleep _


u Notes




























g) > ¯ meds (0.5 tab), ¯ sugar, 3 moles, φ beer-soc drinking

People 4work on self (ask people to conduce) | rob > I call 1 day-mo | G > neutrality | S > ! | C > ! 4

Robin—next conversation—most important—writing, becoming, immersion—nature and culture

u Today—100% focus day ______________________________________________________________________ (also see special days)