Newtonian Mechanics This a beginning toward an undergraduate text for physics and engineering Anil Mitra, Copyright © August 4, 2022—July 1, 2023 Contents The original form, translated from Latin Gravity on the surface of the earth Contact forces—friction and normal reaction Independently defined units of force The constant of proportionality in Newton’s second law Simple dimensional analysis example A second example for the pi theorem—frequency of a pendulum
Newtonian Mechanics FundamentalsFundamentals are the bases of the subject. Prerequisites1. Coordinate geometry. Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems. Quadratic equations. Numerical analysis—nonlinear equations and systems of linear equations. Simple differential equations. 2. Vector algebra—vectors, magnitude of a vector, addition and subtraction of vectors, components of a vector, triangle law (the magnitude of the sum of two vectors is less than or equal to the sum of the magnitudes), multiplication of a vector by a scalar, scalar (dot) and vector (cross) products. 3. Differentiation and integration of scalar and vector functions of a single variable. 4. Units and dimensions for mechanical systems. SI system—second, meter, kilogram (will not need ampere, degrees Kelvin, mole, and candela). Transformation of units from one system to another. Simple dimensional analysis may be introduced but will not be assumed. Newton’s laws of motionThe original form, translated from Latin1. Every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it. 2. The change of motion of an object is proportional to the force impressed; and is made in the direction of the straight line in which the force is impressed. 3. To every action, there is always opposed an equal reaction; or, the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts. Preliminaries1. Space is Euclidean and there is a reference frame in which the first law, below, is true. 2. Time is homogeneous, which means that that there are elementary devices (clocks), such that the second law, below, is true. 3.
The world is made of point particles that
have constant scalar mass and variable vector position (which may be constant
in some cases). If 4.
Force is a vector interaction between
particles and sums vectorially. The sum of the forces on particle 5.
The velocity, 6.
The momentum of a particle, In modern form1. The momentum of a particle is constant if and only if the external forces on it sum to zero. 2. The rate of change of momentum of a particle is equal to the sum of the forces on it. 3. The mutual forces of two particles on one another are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction, and lie on the straight line through the particles. Comments1. Newton’s original statement of the second law was that “change in motion is proportional to the motive force impressed”. By “change in motion” he meant “rate of change of momentum”, by “motive force impressed” he meant “the sum of the applied or external forces”. Given units for time, length, and mass, the units for force can always be chosen so that the constant of proportionality is 1. We will do this and so— Some older texts define force independently, in which case the constant of proportionality is not 1, and such texts often write We will not use this form of Newton’s second law. There is another form of the law that we will not use either. It is a form in which weight is used instead of mass. With W as weight, W=mg, therefore Newton’s second law is— 2. A frame of reference for which the first law holds is called ‘inertial’. If a second frame moves at constant or zero velocity and does not rotate relative to an inertial frame, the second frame is also inertial. If the velocity of the second frame is not constant or if it rotates, it is not inertial, and the first and second laws must be modified. 3. The first law is a special case of the second law. Though it highlights the existence of inertial frames, so does the second law. Perhaps Newton included it for it was emphasized by Galileo as the law of inertia. 4. Such modifications may be introduced via ‘inertial forces’, e.g., the centrifugal force, which are of significant historical interest. But inertial forces are not interactions between particles and because their use can be unnecessarily confusing, we will talk of them mainly in passing. 5. The importance of the second law is that (i) given the forces, it determines the motion or (ii) given the motion, it determines the force. 6.
Although the laws are stated for particles,
the extension for bodies is simple. It will be derived later. For now, we note
that the second law generalizes to bodies with the vector 7. The importance of the third law is that (i) without it the important laws of conservation of energy, momentum, and angular momentum would not hold (ii) the second law for particles would not generalize to bodies—it generalizes because the internal forces cancel out (iii) it is critical to force analysis and so to problem solving in physics and engineering. In doing force analyses, it is important to remember that if the action is the force of a first body on a second, the reaction is the force of the second on the first (and so, since action and reaction are on different bodies, they do not cancel in summing the forces on any of the bodies). About forcesGravityNewton’s law of gravitation is that the force between any two particles is an attractive force that is proportional to the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the particles. This can be written— where The shell theorem of NewtonNewton proved that a thin uniform shell has a gravitational field that (i) inside the shell is zero (ii) outside the shell is as if the mass of the shell were concentrated at its center. It follows that for a uniform sphere (i) inside the sphere, the field is proportional to distance from the center (not too hard to show) (ii) outside sphere, the field is as if its mass is at its center. Since interplanetary distances are large, it is intuitive that to concentrate mass at the center of the sun and the planets is a good approximation. The shell theorem shows this to be precise. If the bodies are not perfectly spherical, concentration of the mass at some point in (usually) the interior, is a good approximation. Gravity on the surface of the earthFor heights small compared to the radius of the earth, gravity is approximately constant. While gravity at the surface of the earth varies, a standard value is—
ElectromagnetismBeside gravity, most forces at or above the atomic level are electromagnetic in origin. These include forces of compression in a substance and the reaction between at the surface between two substances. Electromagnetism is beyond the scope of introductory mechanics. The special case of electrostatic force—the force between to stationary point charges follows a law similar to gravity— where Spring forceSprings are common in engineering and elementary physics. Though the molecular basis is complex, spring forces can be written simply— Where Many actual situations are approximated by the ‘spring equation’ above in which force is proportional to extension. A slightly more complex equation covers more cases— The
term Contact forces—friction and normal reactionThe
interaction force at a surface between two solids is conveniently decomposed
into two components—a normal reaction The
law of ‘dry static friction’, written, Units and dimensionsUnitsIt is usual in mathematics for symbol to designate a ‘pure quantity’—a number or vector and so on—without an associated unit. Thus— However, a number cannot specify a physical quantity for we would need to know “10 of what”. The ‘what’ is usually a ‘unit’. Thus, a length, distance, or position can be specified—
specifies a length or distance of Fundamental unitsIn a
situation where distance is the only variable of interest we need just one
unit—a unit of length. If we were interested in area, we do not need to
introduce another unit for the units of area are expressible in terms of
length, e.g., To describe motion, we specify position as a function of time. We therefore need two units—time and distance. Examples— The
dot between m and s above is optional but will avoid confusion be necessary
when the unit symbols are not single letters. Also note that we could also
write In dynamics, a third fundamental unit is needed. Mass is most common, and a mass of ten kilograms would be written, For dynamical quantities and equations, three fundamental units are sufficient. Units
for force can be derived from Newton’s second law—thus a force to accelerate The ‘ Which suggests defining a unit of force— In
terms of which the force We defined the unit of force in terms of units of mass, length, and time. We could (i) also introduce an independently defined unit of force, but this is redundant and results in an unnecessary complication (ii) introduce an independently defined unit of force rather than mass, but it is easier to specify a standard mass than a standard force—so practice in science and this text, will use mass, length, and time as fundamental. Independently defined units of forceHowever, since independently defined units of force are often used, especially in older texts and practice, we will discuss them, even though their use in this text is minimal. The
kilogram force, DimensionsThe
concept of a dimension is that it refers to the kind of units of a physical
quantity, but not its magnitude. If The
dimensions of other quantities in dynamics can be derived. Thus, since
velocity, and,
similarly, for acceleration, momentum, force, and energy Base unitsWe have decided on time, length, and mass as fundamental in dynamics, which is consistent with the International System or SI, in which the base units are the second, metre, and kilogram as base units. For completeness here is a system of base SI units for physics—
Derived units
DimensionsFor a
Similarly, for In dynamics, time and length are independently defined ‘dimensions’. A third independent unit is either force or mass. From Newton’s second law, given either force or mass, the unit for the other follows. The basic units for dynamics in the SI system are the second, meter, and kilogram. The table below shows independent units for dynamics and other areas of physics.
Unit conversionsEnglish Engineering units (not used in England or in this course) foot-pound-second—
Derived units can be force or mass (needlessly confusing, but in an attempt at some consistency)—
Unit conversion—an exampleThe constant of proportionality in Newton’s second lawThough
we will not use the constant Dimensional analysisDimensional analysis is based on the fact that added and equal physical quantities must have the same dimensions (units); however, different physical quantities may be multiplied and divided—but this does not change the point about equal physical quantities since both sides of equations must be multiplied by the same factor. Simple dimensional analysis exampleTo
what height, We
will write dimensions of a physical object as
taking dimensions, with We get
Which results in Or, Little
physics goes into dimensional analysis. It does not give us the value of the
constant k, which we know from simple physics, is The Buckingham pi theoremGiven
a physical equation Thus becomes
Example for the pi theoremLet’s
look at the height example. There are three parameters Which has rank 2 and therefore there is one dimensionless parameter, and a solution of the form, goes
through as before (we may take A second example for the pi theorem—frequency of a pendulumThe
pendulum has mass The rank is 3 and there is one dimensionless parameter On
solving we get, with |