Anil Mitra—Hiking—Planning and preparation

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related: knotsone page version   |   medical and emergency responseone page version


General planning and preparation   |   Plan for Town: Weaverville – Generic—single and multiple trips   |   Plan for Town: Willow Creek—single and multiple trips   |   Plan for backcountry packing: Trinity Alps—single vs multiple trips

General planning and preparation

sequence: trip plan – assign blocks of time – follow module also for travel | new/important | just before leaving | yr-all year contr-container sp-spare fn-function cp-capilene src-source wp-waterproof

Planning and preparation

Notes- needs




Long term-review this list esp red items

Trip-kind  Places-alt for trail-road access, hazard info; local storage. Goalsprojects xpt physical-psyche / open trip-living / trial trip Travel prep: vacc; info contacts.make map.guides phrase bk;’; schedules tickets permits insurance

Readinessgear language; yr endurance-flex-balance; skill: route-x-c, tent-tarp, climb, animal-plant-weather recog, knots, med rspnse

Routinize—meals, trail technique, meals, ‘transformationEfficiency—am: alarm + light, have food ready, ¯ unpack ­ pre-pack

Short term-as trip nears

Gear-med—layout, go over needs—check-treat-repair-replace-get shoes, stove, tent, mattress, liners, meds, fresh-charged batteries

Packing—get and sack gear and non-food supplies; get food; minimize items and weight Person—hair, nails, feet

Food, fuel, supplies—check supplies, lighters / dry matches—note needs, get. Notify banks of plans Perishables just before leaving

Pack (w’proof, stuff sack) Principle: min—wt, items, sacks


1 Pack for access: top ® body ® weigh-pare… 2 Pack cover 3 Heavy items close to body, ¯ = climb, ­ = downhill 4 Layout night before

Top—plans… small items, spares

Travelplans maps permits visa/passport; wallet CDL cred card-checks cash key; tickets-passes-schedules; p-words | med resp-knots-notes. Watch clock. Pen paper Cell phone-trav camera chargers; binocs sp glasses-shades Toiletmirror comb shave t brush-paste d-floss p-shave m-wash; Accessory bagknife, compass, thermometer, nail clip, lamp, lighter, ear plugs, pen, glasses ¿Needle nose pliers?

Pack body—Meds, spares, rope, repair kits…

Meds—salt / w-purifier tabs, insect repel chapstick sunscreen analgesic xanax, allergy antibiotic cortisone, anbesol, band-aids, medical tape Spare—pens, batteries camera cards lighters, watch, glasses, o rings, rubber bands, stuff sacks, wp bags, ziplocs Rope—for hanging + sp + tent stays | sp shoelaces, sp straps, sp buckles; stuff sack, spade, sling-shot Repair—tent / stove / insulating pad / pill-box: needle-reg / strong thread / razor blade Instructions—watch, stove, tent

Pack bodyClothes, straps

Feet—2 heavy & 1 light pr sox, boots or hike-run shoes,  sandals | Snow shoes / skis / trekking poles Legs—pants (cum) shorts (dark, zip pockets, 38", loops + belt: use straps?), u'wear-cp (short, long), pants: warm &OR wind &OR rain Torso—cp t-shirt long (w / collar) & short sleeves, shirt, warm top, jacket, wind &OR rain top + hood, warm / wp gloves Head—cap / hat, bandana, warm wear—chullo, umbrella, insect netting Misctowel Travel | town—duplicate only if essential— pants, shorts, shirt, t-shirt, shoes, sox, sneakers, sandals, flip-flops, dress clothes, coolness, clothes hangers, swim trunks, sleep and warm wear, rain gear and umbrella, suitcases  / travel packs, day pack

Pack body Food prep, shelter, storage

Food prep—stove-fuel-¾ qt/wk, base-windshield-clip; lighter/wp matches; cookware/holder, scrub pad-utensils-coffee filte; immers heater Shelter—biv sac, tarp-stakes-ropes, tent—lite-tent pole, ground sheet & pad (closed cell), sleeping bag-stuff sack-wp-straps StorageH2O (filter): qt bottle x 2 + flex 2 gal / 15 mi src to src, hang sack; wp food sacks etc, cooked food contr; day pack

Pack bodyFood (amt/wk)

Breakfast—granola 4c (1c=3fist), vitamins, milk 1c PDR @ 2/3 c : 1c H2O, evap milk, coffee 4tbsp=8oz, sugar 7oz Trail 2c ea—nuts, dried fruit, snacks; food bars… Supper—rice 3c (inst-online) / beans 2c, ramen, salt 1-2oz, spices, fresh / dried veg-meat, tortilla-bread, oil, soup, cheese, desert, tea, drink mixes H2O: 3 USqt/day+ 1 qt/5 mi; more if hot-dry, uphill Expt—alt foods: variety, dry-quick prep, fresh

Return—base, home

Clean, launder, repair / replace, new items; replenish supplies. Write notes, mod to goals, this sheet; edit photos; review; upload



Plan for Town: Weaverville – Generic—single and multiple trips

(shaded text may require entries)

Upon arrival

Unpack. When to mail stuff home. Places to live. Storage. Paper—ads. Local hikes.

Get permits-USFS-paper-fluids-food: stay-hike—fresh items, dessert, sugar, oil, soap, mouthwash, aftershave, aroma, cond milk, coffee, fluids, moistureizer, hair. Prep feet

Look for rides to pack locations and home—businesses / motel help / publications / Rigzin Ling volunteers, taxis

Priorities—also see projects for backcountry packing

Essence. What to do.

Hikes with, without wt—simulate b’packing—Weaverville Basin; consider Boulder Lakes, Lake Eleanor, and Swift Creek Falls; and see plan for backcountry packing

Practice skills, e.g. tarp pitching, cross country hiking

Meditate. XT meditation | think about my life, the way, and the big changes

The Way of Being

The Way of  Being—see plan for backcountry packing

Activities—some also in wallet


Jake Jackson Museum 780 Main 530 623 5211

JC—Chagdud Gonpa—call? 530 623 2714

Joss House 530 623 5284

Movies—Trinity Theatre 530 623 5135. Other entertainment from paper and ads

OldTown Station 419 Main “Gift Shop”

Oslon Stoneware 516 Main 530 623 4718

The Course 60 Oakridge Dr. “The Course Challenge” 530 623 3933

Trinity Highways???

Restaurants, grocery stores, motels, and coffee shops

Asian Cuisine Asian Fusion 401 Main—530 623 5370

Café on main 530 623 1951

Corner Mart—530 623 3690, MTW 6 – 9, ThFS 6 – 10, Sun 8 – 9

Holiday grocery store, South end of town

Mama Llama Eatery and Café—530 623 6363

Nugget—530 623 6749, 6 AM – 9 PM

Raliberto’s 530 623 3111

Trinity County Brewing Company 530 623 4114

Susie’s Bakery—530 623 5223, 4 AM – Noon, closed Sunday, Monday

Tangle Blue Saloon 160 Nugget Ln (E. End of town) 530 623 4436

Trinideli—530 623 5856 | With Tangle Blue—530 623 4436

Trinity Alps Golf Course Restaurant and Lounge 530 623 6209

Up North Confectionary, 480 Main, 530 777 8140

Weaverville Hotel and Emporium, 481 Main, 530 777 2222

Weaverville and vicinity

Weaverville basin trails

Weaver Basin Trail Committee; Trinity County Resource Conservation District Office; PO Box 1450; Weaverville, CA 96093;

Places to camp close

Bigfoot Campground
39810 Hwy 299 W; Junction City, CA 96048; Phone (800) 422-5219
Business website

Boise Creek Campground
2mi west of Willow Creek; Six Rivers National Forest; 1330 Bayshore Way; Eureka, CA 95501; (707) 442-1721

Junction City Campground Creek Campground
1mi west of JC Store, BLM, 530 224 2100, First come first served, Self pay – drop box - $10 a Night


Plan for Town: Willow Creek—single and multiple trips

(shaded text may require entries)

Upon arrival—as for generic

Unpack. When to mail stuff home. Places to live. Storage. Paper—ads. Local hikes.

Get permits-USFS-paper-fluids-food: stay-hike—fresh items, dessert, sugar, oil, soap, mouthwash, aftershave, aroma, cond milk, coffee, fluids, moistureizer, hair. Prep feet

Look for rides to pack locations and home—businesses / motel help / publications / Rigzin Ling volunteers, taxis

Priorities—as for generic—also see projects for backcountry packing

Essence. What to do.

Hikes with, without wt—simulate b’packing—Weaverville Basin; consider Boulder Lakes, Lake Eleanor, and Swift Creek Falls; and see plan for backcountry packing

Practice skills, e.g. tarp pitching, cross country hiking

Meditate. XT meditation | think about my life, the way, and the big changes

The Way of Being

The Way of  Being—see plan for backcountry packing



Willow Creek China Flat museum—530 629-2653

Restaurants, grocery stores, motels, and coffee shops

Espresso and more—530 629-4193

Ray’s food place—530 629-2457

River Song Natural foods—530 629-3148

Gonzales Mexican Restaurant—530 629-3151

Bigfoot Steakhouwe—530 739-2614

Earlybird home of the Bigfoot burger 1.5 mi east of W Creek—530 629-4431

Bigfoot Motel—530 629-2142

Coho Cottages—$$$—530 629-4000

Forks lounge—530 629-2679

Osprey coffee shop

Willow Creek and vicinity

Local trails

Find—especially climbs

Places to camp close

Boise Creek Campground
2mi west of Willow Creek
Six Rivers National Forest; 1330 Bayshore Way; Eureka, CA 95501
(707) 442-1721

Plan for backcountry packing: Trinity Alps—single vs multiple trips

(shaded text may require entries)


Make Alt trip plans before leaving and / or in Weavervile Leave Eureka Date Weaverville:  Night at Red Hill Motel | call / go to USFS re trail conditions and permit | Morning bus to trail Trail plan: 7 days + on Canyon Creek Trail. Details follow, beginning in places Return: F.Now | All planning in one place


Reflect on plan / rhythm / places…

Conditioning hike with weights…

Days before leaving: Home: pack and be ready


Living there | Have fun | Weaverville Basin Trail System


Example: days (1) Hike in, (2) explore Beyul, (3) Beyul-meditate / yoga, (4) rest and The Way of  Being


Rides / taxi to Canyon Creek Trailhead.

Hike in road to Canyon Creek—Canyon Creek Trail to (a) Canyon Creek and L Lakes—ridge and N. Fork Basin and / or (b) Boulder Creek Lakes

Spend time at trailheads—and practice hikes…

Way out—(a) Bear Creek Trail to Stuart Fork to Mirror Lake (Smith / Morris Lake xc side hike) (b) CC Road—Grasshopper Flat day hike (turn off » 10 mi from 299) (c) CC Road—East Fork trail overnight (» 10.5 mi from 299)

Explore alternate trails

Rides from Weaverville to Stuart Fork, Long Canyon, or Hobo Gulch

Weaver Bally Road and Trails

East Weaver Creek Road ® East Weaver Trail ® Trail to East Weaver Lake

Redwood National Park?


Experiential—pure being, extended meditation and presence, immersion—Beyul-vision, mega-hike. // The Way of Beingoutline, review. Booklet. Realization now. How to explain, share, get an editor. // My life—what to do? The solution—establish and order my priorities; ground—twb.$ (relations).health.discipline. Cut through the Gordian Knot of The Way and its revisioning. Eliminate negative and even neutralizing influence. “¯φ ­ People” // Photography? // Physical-mental—awareness, trail finding, x-c, direction awareness, trail and compass, trail sense; terrain-weather-animal-plant recog / ways; yoga-meditation; beyul; being the universe; expt with phone camera – tarp. // Issue of disciplineending Quora, Netflix // Dietminimize sugar.


Debrief > unpack > plan next > record ideas > review gear-supply-physical needs > acquire-restock > repack || Ten – zero – finance – place

Notes on Canyon Creek Road

1 mi camp (W = water, L = left on way in)

9.5 mi, long trail to CC

2 mi Power House Rd (W, L)

10 mi Grasshopperflat Road

3.1 mi steep access (W, L)

10 mi+ 2nd last one lane bridge

4.1 mi flat spot (L)

10.5 mi, trail to East Fork Lake

4.3 mi flat spot (L)

11 mi end of county road ® last dwelling on left

4.5 mi flat, road to (W, L)

11 mi+ Dedrick plaque

6.1 mi flat, road to (W, L)

11 mi+ Last one lane road

8.0 mi flat, road to (W, L)

12 mi Ripstein Campground (Forest Service)

8.8 mi CC bridge, flat (W, R)

13 mi+ Canyon, Boulder, and Bear Ck (to Alpine Lake and Stuart Fork trails) trailheads