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Design is essential to the way, always in-process, under review—a metaelement, for being self refers  ˘  Hide detail

AboutDesign for development of the way, execution and process, the site, and documents; their order and implementation w Meta-design: empirical-rational and pragmatic reason applied to design w Other design and planning documents: the manual and today.

The way – Ideas, sharing, action, reflexive process.

Essential concepts from the manual—the world w experience w meaning w knowledge w being w possibility w metaphysics w value w cosmology w encyclopedia w method w path w the world.

Site – Appeal, page template with auto-open macros (should tables be built in), pages, color, images, banners, contact form, add search to the page template – fewer, minimal w Html, JavaScript or alternate, css and use of css for display, dynamic layout, collapsible documents, keywords (long tail words), SEO, internet commerce.

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