1. Notes: viewhlp.chm - contains all the information users need about how to use the Help Viewer Htmlhelp.chm - HTML Help Authoring Guide Hhaxref.chm - HTML Help ActiveX control reference Api.chm - HTML Help API reference htmlhelp.chw - compiled help file version of a HTML Help sample Web site 2. How can I use Visual Basic with HTML Help? There are several Microsoft Knowledge Base articles about using Visual Basic with HTML Help. The following is a partial list of available topics with article ID numbers: How to Use HTML Help API in a Visual Basic 5.0 Application (Q183434) How to Create Context-Sensitive HTML Help in a Visual Basic Application (Q 189086) How to Create a Tri-Pane Window with HTML Help Workshop (Q 189084) To locate one of the above topics, on the Microsoft Knowledge Base search page , select the Specific article ID number option, and then type the ID number in the box. To see all of the articles related to HTML Help, search the Microsoft Knowledge Base for the phrase "html AND help." 3. What files need to be distributed with my compiled HTML Help (.chm) file? The HTML Help Installation and Update package (Hhupd.exe), your compiled help file, and if Internet Explorer is not already set up on the user's computer, Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 3.02 or later). Hhupd.exe can be found on your local drive, in the HTML Help Workshop\redist directory. You can find out more about redistributing Microsoft Internet Explorer at http:/ /www.microsoft.com/windows/ieak/en/default.asp . 4. If there's an old version of Microsoft® Internet Explorer on the user's computer, will the HTML Help ActiveX control (Hhctrl.ocx) be updated? Yes.