Htmlhelp Contents

1           Introducing HTML Help

2           Designing a Help System

Your help system: the big picture

Making your help system accessible

2.1           Start a Help System Design

2.2           Design Help

2.3           Design for a Web Site

Distributing topics over the Internet

Registering a Web Site with search engines

Updating and managing a Web site

3           Creating Help

3.1           Creating a project file[1]

Adding index, contents and image locations

Editing project options

Setting Help Workshop preferences for projects

3.1.1           Create HTML Help Topic Files

3.1.2           Work With Links

3.1.3           Create a Table of Contents File

3.1.4           Create an Index File

3.1.5           Assign Information Types

3.2           Customize Help

3.3           Compile and Test Help

3.4           Hook up Help to a Program

3.5           Managing Large Document Sets

Merging help files at run time

Linking between merged files

Managing merged index files

4           Using HTML Help on the Web

4.1           Creating a Help Web Site

Creating HTML files

Creating a table of contents for a Web site

Creating and index for a Web page

Inserting the HTML Help ActiveX control

Inserting the HTML Help Jave Applet

Running a compiled help file from the Web

4.2           Create a Frameset

Example: a two-framed frameset

Creating a link to close a frameset

5           HTML Help References

5.1           HTML Help ActiveX Control Reference

5.2           HTML Help API Reference

5.3           HTML Tag Reference

5.4           Script and DHTML examples

HTML Help Viewer topics

MSDN scripting references

[1] A project file is a single .chm file that contains topic [.htm] files, image [.jpg, .gif, .png] files, index [.hhk] files and table of contents [.hhc] files.