Welcome Netscape user! As you've noticed, the Browser Identifier script determined whether you used the Netscape, Miscrosoft, or another browser type. It also took you to a predefined site based on that information. This is a great script to use if you juice up your homepage experience for one browser and do not want the other one to get error messages. This script also has a myriad of other uses, so feel free to use your imagination when implementing the Browser Identifier.
The source...

<script language="Javascript">
// original content taken from Nic's JavaScript Page with permission
// lack of these three lines will result in copyright infringment
// made by: Nic's JavaScript Page - http://www.javascript-page.com

if(navigator.appName == "Netscape") {
var nxturl = "browsidns.html";

else if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1){
var nxturl = "browsidie.html";

else {
var nxturl = "browsidmi.html";

document.location = nxturl;


Color coding...

The URLs that you want the Netscape, IE, and Miscellanous browsers to be sent to go in these three areas (respectively).

Nic's JavaScript Page