Doc type: '0' for local documents, '1' for remote
docs that open in a new window, '2' for
docs that open in the right frame.
Title: Text to
be displayed in the tree.
Link: URL of the
To place the document inside the tree use the function 'insDoc([parent folder], [document link])'.
When you're done with the instalation process and your site goes public,
please add a link to the script's home page:
To find out the ID of the folder to be used as the argument of clickOnNode(ID) open the tree in the browser and move your mouse over the +/- nodes to the left of the folders.
Q: How can I change the background color of the left frame (the one
with the tree)?
A: Edit the file ftie4style.css. This file
defines the CSS styles for the script. Refer to CSS documentation for more
Q: Can I have the tree without the frames?
A: Yes. Instead of
using the ftexample.html file, which uses frames, link directly with
photosturismLF.html (you may want to rename this).
When pressing a link on
the tree for the first time a new window will be open. Further activations will
use that same window.
Press here
to see what I mean.