Relative hyperlinking…to link to a file “targetFile” from any file:

1.      Locate a folder fCommon that contains the source and target files.

2.      Let fCommon be n folders up from the immediate folder containing the source file

3.      Let f1, f2, f3… fm be the sequence of folders from f1 in fCommon down to fm that contains targetFile

4.      The linking scheme in html is: to repeat “..\” n times followed by the sequence f1\f2…\fm\targetFile, thus:

..\..\ … ..\f1\f2 … \fm\targetFile

5.      Possible choices for fCommon are:

The lowest level folder that contains both source and target files

When there are a number of source and target files that form a group or “site”, a folder that contains all files

The highest level folder that contains all files in the group