
The site now has a "domain name" http://www.horizons-2000.org
In the previous sentence I entered it as a hyperlink. Just in case our e-mail doesn't transfer the link here it is in text: http://www.horizons-2000.org

I'm going to be working on it for a while so it will be changing... and may contain something of interest to you. Since I last emailed you, I've added a link to my resume [no mention of Mental Health Workerhood there, instead I charade as Director of Research and Planning for Horizon Research Enterprises], a link to the introduction and outline [text to come next] of the "Catalog of Problems", and links to related sites that you may find interesting. Since you left SV I've read some of Thomas Nagel's papers and am quite impressed. That reading was part of my effort to come up to par in the field in a systematic way.

The main thing I've discovered about doing web sites is that it is damn easy... takes a while to learn but I think the essentials could be taught in an hour. Maybe I'm wrong - I frequently underestimate the time it takes to do things. But, now that I'm doing its tempting to do more and more... I suppose it is not yet boring.

Nuff for now
Regards to your self and Marilyn.

P.S. Marta is getting sicker. The disease is apparently like that - bouts of trouble and periods of remission. The present bout is bad and she may need to go on disability for a while. She is going down to the Bay Area for Remicaid [Remikaid?] - a new medication that has a 90% success rate and works well on cases with draining fistulas. So, while the hope is for improvement, she has been struggling... she's gutsy and we're all worried for her and we all admire her fortitude-and-her-humor-despite-it-all. I kinda have a little love feeling on top of the admiration in my mean black heart for her and would like to give her a big ol' sloppy kiss [the kind that you should be giving to the Spive] but have not done so so far. My Indian friend is thinking of coming up and I like that idea. I have a fantasy [on the back burner] that the three of us can set up shop and Marta and Jaysi will have a little lezzy thing going without totally excluding me. Marta admits to lezzy dispositions and straight ones too and I think from her politics that Jaysi may well too even if not from the nature-nurture thing. Don't tell anyone.