Hi Joan I'm fine. Am working intensely. My plan is to look for an alternative situation. There are some preliminaries - I want to have something to show r/t "EDA" and my ability to use computers The steps are: 1. Learn Visual Basic, DOS, W95 - all done...done means as much as I need given reasonable time restraint. 2. Rework ASSIST and DYNAMIC USES OF COMPUTERS - done 3. Internet What are the basic internet services -www, ftp, gopher, usenet, telnet...- and now to use? - done How to make web pages - done Networking - how to - done How to make a web site - half done Network - for job, EDA - do Publish web page with resume, EDA, Consciusness... - do 4. Document upgrade project mainly formatting for style and automation with Word 97, proofing, re-organization, getting presentation and or publication ready, minor but important content changes... - using stuff you typed: EDAP - done E&D text including Area 8 - half done E&D bibliography - three quarters done E&D outlines - defer or don't do History of Western Philosophy - defer Letters - done Reflections on Metaphysics and the Problems of Consciousness - done 5. Joan type - optional Possibilities: W. Phil, Eng Ed, E&D Area 8 Version 2 Part I, E&D Supp, JQ Complete... I'm not sure how much energy I have to devote to this...but if interested come over to my place and we'll look at what might be workable...and then I'd come to your house to set up the template for production = minimize your effort and hassle and give you a tutorial on its use on your computer which would probably require some tinkering by me first...if you are not into this then come over to my house anyway and we'll sip coffee. 6. File organization project - housekeeping, and automatina nd implementation of Assist/Dynamic Uses of Computers ideas - basics only - design and preliminary done 7. Meditate attend to physical health etc.... and review what it is that I want and need to do...includes "new situation" but also review life focus and whats important...Renew inner or psychic energy and focus...be open to "infinity" 8. Do it = new situation search and new focus...of course new focus must grow out of old but am also open to "180 degrees" or even "135 South and 225 East"... All this is intense.... Anil