Subj: Hi Date: 98-05-13 16:49:45 EDT From: Anilmitra To: Carissa2 CC: Anilmitra Hi Carissa Summer's almost here - wonder how you are doing. I'm going to send you a birthday card but do not know your address. Please send me an address where I can send you a card and a present. I thought I might send you a CD. Tell me what you would like. Otherwise I'll send you money and mail it to Keith's address. Keith told me that Beverly had filed for custody. How is that going. I hope that whatever happens or has happened it is good for you. I want you to know that I love you and miss you. Sometimes I get caught up in silly distractions related things and forget what is important - to me at least. Also want you to know that whatever you do and whoever you are I'm "proud" you are my daughter. Hope everything is going well. Love to you and Danica. And Keith. And Beverly and her husband. Anil