Subj:       I am leaving town

Date:       97-09-25 18:09:10 EDT

From:      Anil5462


CC:          Anil5462






Got your Email a week ago. Thanks. I wonder if you will get this soon.


Got an Email from LuAnne last night. She sent you a  long Email a while ago. Wants to know how you are. Wants to hear from you. Misses you. I told her of your current focus. She, too, has a focus: Sophia-Clara, her daughter. She says Hi. Her address is


My present and immediate focus is last minute preparations before I leave for the mountains. A hope is being in nature, being with myself, being intimate and comfortable, loving it.


I think loving oneself includes enjoying others because they are enjoyable and being with them is always a choice. I'm not implying that I absolutely know this as an important truth or that it is or is not realized in my life. It's just a thought.


I'm not sure, Jaysi, why you became special to me. We met and you were nice to me. But you did become special and I wish you fulfilment in your endeavor to know and love yourself. Hope that your relatives come to understand this. If you are like me it's somewhat painful but you have to continue on.


All the best.


Love, Anil