Subj: Re: Lovely day Date: 99-02-13 17:01:42 EST From: (Jayshree Chander) To: Hi Anil. How are you? Nothing new here. Still looking for a place to live. Still sending out CVs. Still feeling overwhelmed with my life. Not really enjoying it so much. Not feeling the groove. Not feeling funky. Just trying to catch up. And now they have to throw the dumb tax thing at us again. Feeling heartbroken again. Not sure why. Just am. Feel like I haven't done half the things I missed while I was in India. The going out dancing at clubs, the skinny dipping in the trinity alps, the laughing like a hyena with good friends who I call my own. Don't feel safe or secure or nothing. Do feel like I am making progress on my path of becoming a healer. But who cares about that. Sometimes I feel your love. Sometimes I just think you are weird. Sometimes I don't understand the things you say. It might be nice to see you. Maybe after I get settled into a place I could come up to Arcata for a day or two. It would be really nice to get away from here. Wishing you licorice and lavender on this day for lovers and lunatics. A warm hug to you. Love Jaysi