Subj: Re: Lovely day Date: 99-01-12 00:33:50 EST From: (Jayshree Chander) To: Thanks for the concern and the update. sorry to hear about your mom. sounds like you are handling it well. good you are all sharing your lives in whichever way you can. sounds like you are enjoying arcata. sorry about the social life. just curious, but were you ever attracted/interested in Luanne. seemed like you guys hit it off. i have been quite overwhelmed with trying to get settled here. i finally moved into my place but now it looks like i gotta move again. it is not working out with one of my roommates. so gonna start all over again. ugh. anyway would like to come visit but truly am just overwhelmed and trying to my best to get my life organized. running a low grade temp again so best be getting home and to bed soon. take care and glad you are enjoying 1999. love jaysi