Subj: In Memory
Date: 6/18/2001 8:18:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: Joanelk
To: Anilmitra

May the universe unfold to welcome you into its embrace.
May your intellect be the fuel of the cosmos.
And may we grow stronger by knowing you remain in our hearts & memories.

Blessed be the day that shows you into your future.
May you never know hunger or pain again,
But may you continue to receive our gratitude for having loved such a
wonderful person, and knowing that he loved us in turn.
Rejoice, for your reunion has come
Today you become one with the infinite
Thank you for having shared your light of being with us all...

Author - Renee Taylor of age twenty, upon hearing the news of her
Grandfather, Milton Naiditch's death, June 4, 2001.

Sharon read this poem at the burial service...

These thoughts, these concepts of "beyond life" remind me of your own survey.