April 18, 2001



Dear Jaysi,

Your letter came four weeks ago. Really quite a wonderful letter in that you have covered some of the inner ground that you had been looking for - meditation, recovery of loss, distinction between shoulds and acceptance of what is… Beyond your words I felt something positive from your writing - acceptance, radiance…The new poems seem to reflect this change.

There is the story of the tiger cub - it's in the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna - brought up by goats. As it grew it would graze and bleat like goats and wonder why it felt awkward doing so. Life goes on… but one day the cub was introduced to meat which it ate with a feeling of revulsion… but mixed with the revulsion was a strange feeling of power as, instead of the bleat, a roar arose in its throat and it felt good as it realized what it was…

But did I tell you that regardless of your accomplishments, I respect and admire your initiative and courage in your Indian journey. The concept. Family pressures. That India can be difficult in so many ways… And I'm glad that despite the difficulties, you are liking India. I thought: modesty in clothing does not hide beauty of person, voice or movement. The qualities to life and experience in India - not that its all positive - are something I miss at times.

We are hearing apparently conflicting things about India. India - possibly an emerging economic superpower. India - bulging at the seams. The largest democracy. Politically unstable. A friend of mine - Punjabi father, Bengali mother long since separated lives in Austin, Texas - recently returned from a few years in Bombay/Mumbai. He thinks India is falling apart. He is doing a master's thesis at the University of Texas, Austin - I taught there for four years - in Asian Studies on the concept held by Indians in the US on what it means to be Indian. Religious fundamentalism and social conservatism seem to be a large part of it. Some Indians in Austin list their caste in the phone book.

I would like to breathe India's air, feel it's earth. Despite the contradictions of India as a place where there is a tradition in which life and persons are respected but where reality is and may always have been more complex.

I am going to see "Fire" directed by Deepa Mehta. It is probably going to be painful.

I've had dreams about the bathrooms in India. One dream had me traveling in a train. Found myself in the bathroom - walls covered with thickslimydiseasedstuff which I brushed against as the carriage rocked. It was part of a larger dream which had us at one point doing a ritual dance in the south of India - a line of people formed a snake snaking forward pumping arms up and down chanting then we formed two circles. And at another point I was regarded as a subversive by government agents just because I tried to board the train which was when I went to the bathroom where the agents found me forced me out by causing the walls to collapse in said "We will let you out but first we must call the President of India to take your confession." Later about the snake dance I wrote, "there is a feeling of magic, of the potential infinite, of mystery." The dance began at a religious festival where I was at the periphery, began my own dance and people joined.

I have not taken a meditation course but I would like to. I think I know something of Yoga, meditation from my own reading, reflection and practice but I am everyday aware that my union with my self (acceptance) and the ultimate are imperfect.

One of my beliefs is that the essentials of all real knowledge including the esoteric are accessible to all healthy persons. The role of the teacher is to bring this out. The role of the pupil is to be diligent. The role of the teacher is to show what is real diligence. When to try and when to flow. The teacher is a pupil learning how to teach. And so on. OK I'm rambling a little here. But I believe the first sentence of this paragraph to be real.

Are you going to Calcutta? I have two favorite relatives there. I love them - they are wonderful people and would enjoy a visit from you, welcome you. They would also love to meet someone who knows me. They are daughters of my father's older brothers. Kajal is 60 something and Minu (Arati) is my age. They grew up in Kanpur, moved to Calcutta when they got married, and know Hindi well in addition to Bengali and English. Kajal's husband recently died. Minu's husband, Jayanta, has the same last name. Don't feel obliged to visit just because I'm giving you their addresses but you would be welcome and it would be a chance to meet real Bengalis and, in this case excellent people, in their own environment. I have written to them telling your name and that you might visit Calcutta.

Arati Mitra (Minu)                                                                 Kajal DeBakshi

14-8B Gariahat Road                                                             41 Lake Temple Road

Calcutta 19                                                                              Calcutta 29

33 440 6655                                                                            33 440 0521 or 33 41 0521

My parents were sure that Minu's number is correct. Again, please don't feel obliged in any way. I know it can be awkward visiting someone else's relatives. Just regard it as an opportunity that's there if you want it.

Three high points to my five-week vacation. #1 Ideas, synthesis, sun, nature, physical activity. At one point I pitched my tent at the edge of a meadow next to the forest. It was an enchanted place with the light next to the shadow and the birds and small animals liked it too and conducted much activity in the trees near the edge as I minded my affairs in the meadow on the other side of the edge… Thought of the following analogy that I wrote to friend and would like to share with you:

I live 4 miles north of town in farm country. I feel at home. I grew up in a small town in West Bengal, India. Our house was the edge of the forest. Edges are enchanted places where the comfort of the known meets the mystery of the unknown. That is one reason I like philosophy - it is where the known and the unknown meet. That is part of what I mean when I use the word "philosophy." Things are not very well defined at the boundary but there it is beautiful like dawn and dusk. Not all philosophy is like that. Academic philosophy can be dry. And even when it is like that edge - especially when it is like that edge - it involves struggle.

#2 Was caught in an early winter storm. Actually two storms with a beautiful day in between sun-filled but cold, snow on the trees and slopes. Evening of that day the second storm came in through the valley leading up to the lake and enveloped the cirque (photograph) surrounding the lake on three sides. Alternated between snow and rain, gear got wet and I could not stay warm. The way out was over cliffs that might have been icy. Struggled to control fear, remain rational. Despite that the situation was intensely beautiful and powerful and I felt contact with my fate and reality. When I decided to leave, adrenaline had me breathing as if I was doing heavy exercise. My 90lb pack (more because of wet gear) seemed like 40lbs. And balance and perceptual acuity were acutely heightened. While waiting I made a list of people I love and wrote them a letter (not mailed.) Returning to town to dry out, everything seemed very, very real. I felt alive.

#3 Spent three of the last days with LuAnn, John, Clara-Sophia. Had originally thought to look for jobs but decided instead to hang out and enjoy being with them. Made lamb curry. Indian sweets from the Maharani restaurant, Berkeley. Bought spices, papad, Bhimsen Joshi tapes, K L Saigal CDs, Mohabbat and Chhoti Bahu sound tracks. Had wanted Bhimsen Joshi recordings for years. One of the items RAGA JAUNPURI: Khayal Madhyalaba Teental - 'Payal Ki Jhankar ' reminded me of you because you dance. Also acquired a "celebrating 50 years of freedom" tape with Indian and American performers and engineering. One of the songs "Aye Mere Watan Ki Logo" was originally sung patriotically by Lata Mangeshkar in 1962 I think at the time of the Chinese invasion and caused Jawaharlal Nehru to shed tears… Went with LuAnn and family to a concert at the AA Khan school. Wife and husband from Calcutta gave good performances, Swapan Choudhuri's accompaniment was just great. Mostly, though, I enjoyed being with the family and experiencing family life for a few days. Felt lonely after leaving. I think my report about LuAnn and John is positive - they're working on their issues, the house has good vibrations, the baby is drawing John out, LuAnn is hopeful…

Enjoyed your images of me. I have so many images of you. Red jacket, black hair, black jeans, sandals, bicycle on Golden Gate bridge…brown ankle between jeans and sandals in the cave at the beach with the duraflame… and so on… carry them around with me.

My life? Tough! The challenge of my work [EDA…] is not just EDA but the experiences and reflections behind it, its ambitious nature, what I want to do with it all. There's the intrinsic challenge, which is somewhat boggling, but I can't avoid since I have he instruments: body, mind for thinking and living and computer for writing, planning and producing. Then there is the logistics: work work, love (??), contacts, move where people have like interests, produce, publish. I have written and so much that organizing it is a major task before moving on. Doing a lot of different things. Continue to write but that is going to be slow until all the old stuff is put in order. Learning Visual Basic programming. Learning some engineering applications. A number of other things. I have been pressuring myself. I ask myself why at times since happiness could be very simple but I make it complicated. To a degree it’s a sacrifice. But the toughness alternates with the reward of small steps of accomplishment.

I have reached some sort of equilibrium with my parents. They responded to my "letter" in their way - my father in his way and my mother in hers. To ask more would be sort of bullying. And somewhat absurd. They're physically frail. My dad still wants to jump in and give advice and judge but I can usually remind him to not do that. We've been able to express love for each other and there is a lot of love in there mixed up with everything else. They both know that they do not have too many years left and I think we all know that we want the remaining period to be filled with love.

You may have concluded from my letter to my parents that I enjoyed working at the hospital and that I cared for the patients. That conclusion would not have been inaccurate. There have been some changes in my feelings. Employee morale and staff-administration relations have become poor. That has been impacting me. Despite the fact that our  patients can be physically combative and verbally abusive I've always found staff relations to be the controlling factor in quality of work environment. More importantly, I need to change even though it is still convenient. It is a phase of my life (seven years!) that has completed its significance. I still care and this comes out everyday but I feel bad on account of our treatment, which emphasizes the instrumental and is patronizing.

So I have been wanting to write to you but it has been conflicting with the pressure to work away on my projects at my computer. So today I decided to take a break from the work and write. It feels good. While I composed this letter I sat in the sun listening to music: "Legacy" by Ali Akbar Khan and Asha Bhosle. And it is a good exercise to do this, to take a break from the work, because one day I will walk away from the whole thing to just live and be.

Jaysi. I still miss and love you. Actually, the word "still" is a little inaccurate. Have not said that to you before. And the feeling does change but it is there, it is mostly very good, and even though we are one year, 10,000 miles, and other ways apart, it feels more real to me. Hesitate for many reasons to say those words: respect for you, nor wanting to create Karmic burden, we spent less than 48 hours together, probably concern about rejection / appearing   "un-cool", what is love?… And I could water it down to "I think of you and like you" but why? After a year I still feel it. You have become special to me and as I said before it is not merely what you do or do not do for me but also how I feel and who you are or seem to be. Reflected some about what to say and whether to say and finally decided my feeling is significant at least to me and it would be sort of tragic if not said and expressed. Even if (especially if?) not acted upon. The only condition is that it is not a commitment and, as a result of restraint, I am not asking for anything. Well maybe I am asking for something - I do like you, hope for your friendship… think it would be nice to see you… but I'm not asking you to deviate from your path - whatever that may be - and am not assuming that you would. Just as my path is important to me. And no commitments does not mean not caring or denial of the common unspoken commitments among friends - among all people I wish - to keep other's best interests in mind.

Yes, I'm interested in love but have not recently found any compelling interest - someone I like enough, who likes me enough and whose hopes mesh enough with mine. And - I've said this before and perhaps it is so obvious as to not need to be said - I have no reason to want you to not be interested in relationships, love… If I care as I say I do I should want you to experience and have those things.

That started a train of thought. Isn't love lovely? All of its manifestations. I thought of you being totally in love with someone (not me) - erotic, wanting, tender, beautiful, caring, warm. Oops that made me feel lonely for a moment… but it would be a wonderful thing and I hope you have it if you don't yet.

And so to realization of &or peace with all your hopes.

Next thought. My experiences with love. Mixed of course. But in there are such wonderful events and happenings. My mother's love. Despite what I've said about issues with my parents her love was full and unconditional in so many ways. I wonder if I was spoilt. Maybe but not spoilt rotten I hope. Women's love. Breathing the same air, sharing the same space is just good at times. And then, if one has hopes, sharing and encouraging in endeavor. Friends. The other day I felt good when a male friend visited. Love of sun, blue sky, green hills. Love of       .Years and days of joy at times.

You spoke of generic loneliness in an earlier letter. I suppose that this letter, all my letters, most of my writing and activity, is reaching to connect to other spirits and bodies.

I think about titles for my work. This morning in bed "Question and Answer" occurred. Does not sound inspiring but here is what it means. Question is the life of the seeker, and philosopher who ask in what ways am I connected with     . Answer is the confident life in which      begins with me , stretches out like a vast landscape to infinity starting at my feet, is the terrain where I play.

I end with love and respect





P.S. Actually took two morinings to write. Would have preferred to write by hand but the computer is so convenient and I want to improve even the simple skills. I like hearing from you, how it is whether good or bad. Don't hesitate to share your pain and joy. How is Bhopal? The Director (satyu)? Enjoying the work? Doing the research you planned?