Hi Hope you are doing well. Today I put together all the pieces of "Assist." Assist is a design, originally written in 1995, for using computer software - existing and fabricated - to help in the process of discovery of "knowledge." I put it together using the master document capabilities of Microsoft Word and its automatic Table of Contents feature. Quite tricky to get the thing right. Next I begin to do the same for "Evolution and Design" written in 1986 - 87. That is about the relation between blind and conscious evolution. That will be complex. Then "Consciousness" (1996) and then a letter written to my parents (42 pages, 1996) - those will be easy. Meanwhile I write down and catalogue ideas. I've learnt Visual Basic, Excel and Access. Access is the database manager from Microsoft. Its usually used to manage personal and corporate databases. I've designed a knowledge base use. This is in a preliminary stage...the plan is to use Access in reorganizing conceptual systems and in comparing different conceptual systems. I did a simple comparison experiment which showed me something about what was important in those systems which I could have figured but did not...the computer did it. Exciting...and the hope is that the computer may be able to produce something in more complex situations. I guess that is the tip of the iceberg...building toward my "final goal"...but its not really my final goal...I'm not sure what that goal is but it is something like be fully present here and now...but also, if possible, to see how to expand that here and now into always and everywhere as much as possible and consistent with a possibly unrealistic belief that life should be pure unadulterated enjoyment. I'd write more but its my weekend and there are things to do. Enjoy your life and help others do the same. Love, Anil