Subj:	Reply to your email
Date:	99-06-04 06:07:12 EDT
From:	Anilmitra
CC:	Anilmitra

Hi Jaysi

It is always nice to hear from you, even a short email with no capitals. I almost missed the message among the other
longer politically oriented emails and jokes.

Hope you are well - health, work, friends, house.

Well, something has bitten me and I know that I am definitely going to look for work probably in the Bay Area soon.
I wonder what I will find. Anyway that means that I will visit SF in the reasonably near future. June and July are
bad allergy months for me so I'm not in an immediate hurry. Meanwhile you are welcome to visit. I did a major house
cleaning recently and it seems livable.

My project is going reasonably well. I think I will start a web site.

My mom died on March 17. It was time, she had been suffering. I went to England and had and excellent connection with
my dad and brother.

She died, after a life in two continents, in the suburb of London where she was born. Recently I have become acutely
aware, whenever I see something beautiful, how much my mom modeled what it is to enjoy and appreciate the world.
