Subj: Re: Hi There in San Fran Date: 99-02-14 04:03:16 EST From: Anilmitra To: Hi Thanks for the warmth. It felt good. Just back from work and its past midnight so actually Valentine's day. Actually quite a pleasant day at work after two days of hell with a number of impossible clients. Anyway, thanks for your note and hugs and love to you. I hope your day is sunny. Are you in touch with LuAnn? Are they/her doing well? Give her my love if you see her. Chuckled that you think I'm weird. I am weird but I like it more when I say it. Seriously, what the heck am I doing with my life and why? Etc. So anyway, I understand your feeling and am tempted a little to launch into explanations [the shortest one is that I think my ideals are important] but I'll leave that till [and if] we meet and then only if the occasion for explanation arises. My house is funky and I might be shy about that but I do hope you come. You're welcome. Stay a day or two or more. Stay long enought to feel good and relaxed. I care that you are making progress in your path as a healer. I am not happy with the status of healing in the country in which I live and its good that you want to do that. Suspect it will give you much reward...and be a good presence in your life. Sounds like things are a little rough for you. Jaysi, friend, I wish it weren't that way. Nothing much here either. My writing is happening a little. I had a nice talk with my mom today, very nice, she seemed much clearer, more her old self, told her she was the best mom a person ever had. Its late, my head is not very clear so I will go to sleep. Love. Hope you do well. Anil.