Subj: Re: Lovely day Date: 99-01-23 07:21:19 EST From: Anilmitra To: Hi Its 4 am Saturday morning. Went out last night. Got home at 3 and paid bills - one chore that is incredibly boring and will not have to do tomorrow. Night before I went to sleep at 3 am - tooling around - and night before that went to sleep 8.30 am after staying up all night working on projects. Therefore am somewhat sleep deprived. Have been meaning to email...but have been working on projects. Also my mom is not doing too well - not eating well, got a deep chest infection and was in isolation, probably depressed and referred to psychiatric care. My brother and his wife want her to stay alive but I want to know what she wants. I think its important to be happy for herself, and not merely for the sake of other people. You asked about my feelings about LuAnn. I enjoyed her company but when I went to San Francisco Fall 97 I went with the understanding that she and John were an item and enjoyed their company as such...and after coming back communicated for a while but then stopped getting replies. Meanwhile, my feelings about relationships changed somewhat and not sure why but in part because overwhelmed by my projects and realizing last summer that the end was in sight but would take a monumental amount of work and finding that somewhat intimidating. On a day to day basis I find women - at work for example - attractive and enjoyable but have been having difficulty thinking of relationships beyond the immediate present. Suspect that if the right person came along that might change but that has not happened yet. Anyway did enjoy LuAnn's company but not in a romantic way. Jaysi, I just chuckled thinking of you. Not exactly sure why but something to do with liking you. Its kind of nice to think of you down there in SF, a friend [I hope thats not a presumption]...even though I have not seen you in ages its still nice to think of you that way. It would be nice if you were here but you are not but the next best thing is to think that we are alive at the same time and in the same world. I do hope we can meet some day and talk for hours until tired and its time to call it a night. Think I'll call it a night now its 4.20 am and truly hoping you do well and have lots of good things in your life. Good night friend. Hope you are taking care of your self, hope you have found a good place to live and settle in soon. Hugs [and love] Anil